Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember has 4 Gradute Programs: Mathematics, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.

Mathematics Master DegreeBiology Master DegreePhysics Master DegreeChemistry Master Degree
The vision of the Master of Mathematics Study Program is “To become an advanced mathematics study program that is able to play an active role in the development of environmentally sound and competitive science in Southeast Asia”. The formulation of the vision means that the Mathematics Masters Program at FMIPA UNEJ in the context of developing science must: (1) pay attention to environmental sustainability; (2) produce quality and competitive scientific works of lecturers and students in Southeast Asia.
In realizing this vision, the Mathematics Masters Study Program, FMIPA UNEJ formulates the following mission:
1) organize quality, productive, and democratic learning with accountable management;
2) develop the ability to think mathematically in accordance with the challenges and changes in the wider environment;
3) carry out research in the field of mathematics that is quality, environmentally friendly and recognized in Southeast Asia;
4) optimize institutional capabilities and develop partnerships with domestic and foreign institutions for community empowerment;
The academic community and education staff of the Mathematics Masters Study Program, FMIPA UNEJ must uphold the noble values ​​of the nation and attach them in the form of: having faith in God Almighty; reasonable and responsible; master the field of science being studied; self-confident; investigative; independent and critical; effective communicator; open, adaptive to changes, and work environment; reliable cooperation; ethical, environmentally conscious, both in the natural and social environment; and lifelong reflective learners.
Educational Objectives of the Master of Mathematics Study Program

No Study Program Education Goal Code Description of Study Program Educational Objectives


TP1 Able to conduct research and development in the field of mathematics/statistics so as to produce proven innovative work


TP2 Able to manage research and development that is beneficial to society and science, and gain recognition (recognition) both at the national and regional levels in Southeast Asia


TP3 able to offer a mathematical/analytical approach to problem solving in people’s lives in an inter/multi-disciplinary manner, especially in the fields of industrial agriculture, environment, energy, information technology, and finance.


TP4 able to follow the development of science continuously (become a lifelong learner) especially in the field of mathematics and its applications

Graduate Profile

No Graduate Profile Description of Graduate Profile
1 PL1:  Academics Mastering the concepts of Mathematics (including Statistics) and Mathematics learning to support his duties as a Lecturer/Lecturer of Mathematics/Statistics, especially in tertiary institutions for both undergraduate and vocational studies.
2 PL2: Researchers in Mathematics and Statistics Researchers who can contribute to solving mathematical problems and their application as well as to the development of Mathematical Sciences/Statistics.
3 PL3: Quantitative Consultant Financial/research consultants or other fields that utilize quantitative abilities, especially in the fields of Mathematics and Statistics
4 PL4:  Data/Digital-preneur Digitalpreneur who is able to develop concepts in the field of Mathematics / into business opportunities both independently and together with other people.

Formulas of Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL) Study Program

No Description of Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL)
CPL 1 Students are able to solve mathematical problems by applying mathematical statements, methods, and calculations
CPL 2 Students are able to analyze mathematical problems in one of the fields: Analysis and Geometry; Algebra, Graphs and Combinatorics; Optimization and Computing; Statistics and Data Science
CPL 3 Students are able to work and research collaboratively mathematical problems in the fields of pure mathematics, applied mathematics or computing
CPL 4 Students are able to communicate and present mathematical ideas clearly and coherently, both in writing and orally
CPL 5 Students are able to use the principles of lifelong learning to increase knowledge and current issues about mathematics
CPL 6 Students are able to demonstrate an attitude of piety to Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, tolerance, responsibility and commitment to law enforcement, ethics, norms and environmental sustainability in social life.

Biology Master Degree, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember has been established and organized the learning process since the 2010/2011 academic year. This program is a monodisciplinary Postgraduate Program which is implemented by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. PS Masters in Biology FMIPA University of Jember has been accredited based on Keputusan Dirjen Dikti SK Dikti No. 49/D/T/2010. The Biology Master’s Study Program is accredited UNGGUL based on the decision of theLembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) Number 140/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/M/XII/2023 dated 28 December 2023.


Excellence in the field of tropical biology in accordance with the development of science and applications that are environmentally sound.

The fields of tropical biology being developed are biodiversity and the environment as well as engineering tropical organisms through an inter or multidisciplinary approach to produce innovative works that are beneficial to society and science in a sustainable manner.

1. Organizing effective education and learning that focuses on biodiversity and the environment as well as engineering tropical organisms;
2. Conducting research in the field of organismal engineering by utilizing tropical resources that are beneficial for the development of science and its applications that are environmentally sound for the welfare of the community;
3. Organizing community service through the transfer of technology, knowledge, and skills as well as the application of tropical biology research results;
4. Organizing accountable and transparent governance to ensure the sustainable quality of the Biology Masters Study Program.

1). Produce biology masters graduates who are moral, independent, and able to compete in the field of organismal biology and the tropical environment and are able to compete with similar graduates outside UNEJ;
2). To produce research in the field of biosciences oriented to the biology of organisms and the basic and applied tropical living environment which is innovative based on the development of science and technology;
3). Produce works of community service as a form of embodiment of social responsibility for empowering and improving the quality of life of the community;
4). Generate collaboration with government and private institutions at national and international levels for the sustainability of program development.

Educational Objectives of the Master of Biology Study Program


Study Program Education Goal Code

Description of Study Program Educational Objectives



planning and implementing the learning process of tropical biology and its applications that are environmentally sound in a professional manner that is independent, responsible, disciplined, able to work together, and ethically



developing knowledge and technology, solving biodiversity and environmental problems and engineering tropical organisms through an inter or multidisciplinary approach to produce innovative works



develop tropical and applied biological research that is environmentally sound for the benefit of society and science, and is able to gain national and international recognition

Study Interest
Biology Master Degree provides two fields of interest which are a response to the needs of Master of Science graduates who understand and master the theory of Biology, are sensitive to changes in biodiversity and the tropical environment, are able to identify, analyze and solve problems related to biodiversity and the tropical environment by utilizing biological resources. tropical tropics through responsible and sustainable engineering of tropical organisms. The two fields of interest are:
1. Organism Biology
2. Tropical Environment

The curriculum of Biology Master Degree, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNEJ is designed so that students can complete a study load of between 37-50 credits scheduled for four semesters which includes lectures, practicum, research seminars, and thesis preparation.

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember has opened a new Master Degree, Physics Master Degree, in accordance with of Surat Keputusan KEMENRISTEK DIKTI No. 416/KTP/I/2016, 14 September 2016. Physics Master Degree, FMIPA, University of Jember was established as a vehicle to face the challenges of today’s world and as a form of response to the world of education as a whole and in society. According to the statement from the taskforce team, Physics Master Degree FMIPA was established keeping in mind the very important role of theoretical and applied physics research results in shaping the development of advanced technology and industry as a whole. Furthermore, based on the background of the establishment of Physics Master Degree, the existence of Physics Master Degree is very important in increasing the comparability and competitiveness of national industrial products so that they become superior products that are able to compete in the global market. Physics Master Degree has 5 groups of specialization fields:
– Interest in Material Physics
– Interest in Physics and Computing
– Geophysical Interests
– Interest in Biophysics, and
– Interest in Instrumentation and Electronics.

To produce Master of Physics graduates who are able to apply their knowledge in the industrial world with environmental insight and excel in the ASEAN region.

a. Develop research-based learning with an innovative Student Centered Learning (SCL) approach;
b. Develop Physics research oriented to industrial applications and environmentally friendly;
c. Organizing community service based on research results to help solve problems that exist in the industrial world.
d. Manage study programs by always emphasizing continuous quality improvement by implementing quality management

The opening of Physics Master Degree at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember has the aim that the graduates of the Master of Physics have advantages with high quality that are able to be applied and compete in the education, research and technology as well as industrial sectors, produce research products and apply them to the community. The Master of Physics Study Program has become the master study program at FMIPA after several years previously Mathematics Master Degree and Biology Master Degree had been established.

The Jember University FMIPA Chemistry Masters Study Program was established based on the decision of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 99/E/O/2024 dated January 11, 2024.

An institution that excels in chemical and applied science education that is oriented towards the development of environmentally sound biomaterials.


  • Taught by lecturers with Doctoral qualifications (domestic and foreign graduates) and Professors
  • Supported by adequate laboratory facilities to carry out research
  • Has research collaboration with other universities (UB, ITS, UNAIR, UIN Malang) and research and industrial centers (Cakao Research Center, BRIN and PT. POMI)
  • Using the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum
  • Providing assistance with research and publication costs through internal research grant schemes and DRPM

Magister-Dokumen February 19, 2024


Syarat Pendaftaran Program MagisterProsedur Pendaftaran Mahasiswa BaruWaktu Pendaftaran
  1. Memiliki IPK S1 sebagai berikut: => 2,50 untuk pendaftar lulusan program studi terakreditasi A, >2,75 untuk pendaftar lulusan program studi terakreditasi B dan >=3,00 untuk pendaftar lulusan program studi terakreditasi C.
  2. Lolos seleksi TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik) dan TKBI (Tes Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris) masing-masing dengan skor minimal 400.
  3. Menyerahkan salinan ijazah dan transkrip akademik S-1 yang telah dilegalisir.
  4. Memiliki Surat rekomendasi dari 2 orang yang mengetahui kemampuan akademik pendaftar. (Unduh Form Disini)
  5. Menyampaikan proyeksi tertulis keinginan pendaftar dalam mengikuti program S-2 yang berisi alasan, harapan, dan rencana setelah selesai kuliah S-2.
  6. Surat izin dari instansi/lembaga tempat bekerja (bagi calon yang sudah bekerja).
  7. Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter.

Universitas Jember Program Pascasarjana Magister Sains Matematika membuka Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru. Pendaftaran Secara online melalui laman sister.unej.ac.id/pascasarjana.

1. Membayar biaya pendaftaran di Bank BNI 46 sebesar Rp. 600.000,00 untuk Program Magister dengan menggunakan nomor identitas berupa nomor HP GSM (08x xxx xxx xxx xxx).
2. Mendapatkan Nomor Registrasi (Nomor Identitas Anda) dan PIN Ujian Masuk Program Pascasarjana UNEJ.
3. Mendaftar Ujian Masuk Program Pascasarjana UNEJ secara online melalui laman sister.unej.ac.id/pascasarjana dengan memasukkan Nomor Registrasi dan PIN. Calon peserta menyiapkan file pas foto 4×6 (ukuran file maksimum 100 kb, resolusi 400×600), file Ijazah, file transkrip, file rekomendasi akademik (buka disini), file surat keterangan kesehatan dan file surat keterangan dari instansi bagi yang bekerja, apabila belum bekerja silahkan buat surat pernyataan belum bekerja (format file Pdf).
4. Pilihan Program Studi, mengisi data personal, Informasi Pendidikan, menyampaikan proyeksi tertulis keinginan pendaftar dalam mengikuti Program Pascasarjana yang berisi alasan, harapan, dan rencana setelah selesai kuliah, upload seluruh berkas meliputi: file Ijazah, file transkrip, file rekomendasi akademik, file surat keterangan kesehatan dan file surat keterangan instansi bagi yang bekerja atau surat pernyataan belum bekerja serta mencetak Kartu Peserta Ujian Masuk Program Pascasarjana UNEJ Tahun 2018.
5. Mengikuti Test Potensi Akademik (TPA) dan Test Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris (TKBI), kecuali bagi Pendaftar yang telah memiliki nilai TPA BAPPENAS dan TOEFL dari UPT Bahasa UNEJ atau Institusi yang diakui oleh IIEF masing-masing minimal 450 untuk program S2 dan 500 untuk Program S3 dan diserahkan sebelum tanggal penutupan pendaftaran per gelombang di bagian Akademik Program Pascasarjana Universitas Jember.

Pendaftaran dibuka setiap tahun. Pada semester gasal dilakukan penjaringan mahasiswa baru lima gelombang, sementara itu pada semester genap penjaringan dilakukan dalam satu gelombang.