Preparation for PKKMB 2024, Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Teaches Friendly Service to New Students

“Let’s welcome new FMIPA students with a friendly smile and accompany and introduce all the facilities available at FMIPA,” said the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., at the coordination meeting of the 2024 FMIPA PKKMB committee (15/8). The Dean also invited the committee to provide the best service to new students so that they get a good impression at the beginning. “A friendly smile will make new students feel comfortable; for them, this will be the beginning of a new life as students,” he said. The Dean hopes that the accompanying students can apply this because this era is no longer a hazing term. The 2024 PKKMB committee consists of educational staff and BEMF MIPA in the FMIPA UNEJ Dean’s meeting room.

Prof. Dafik also directly taught ice breaking to lighten the atmosphere in between the delivery of PKKMB materials. “When new students are tired, we have to lighten it up with ice-breaking movements that can make them excited again to follow the PKKMB materials,” he said. All meeting participants were invited to follow the movement of writing the letter SAPI using the head, shoulders, and hips. All participants imitated the movements of the Dean of FMIPA until they burst out laughing. “Seeing you all laugh, I am sure if this ice-breaking movement is implemented, new students will be excited again to follow the materials,” he continued. The atmosphere of the meeting became even more lively after Prof. Dafik taught another movement of arranging fingers from one to five.

At the end of his speech, the Dean hoped that preparations would be completed soon, starting from facilities, cleanliness, and supporting facilities such as the UKS and mosque. “Together with Mr. Vice Dean III of FMIPA, please discuss all preparations to welcome new students in the 2024 PKKMB agenda,” he concluded. The Dean also hopes that next year there will be more FMIPA students, with plans to open new study programs, namely the Data Science Study Program, Actuarial Study Program, and Medical Physics Study Program. It’s time for FMIPA to have more students with the addition of special and trendy study programs today.

Furthermore, the consolidation of the 2024 PKKMB agenda was led by Deputy Dean III of FMIPA Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si., with a division of tasks. “As the Dean’s appeal, we will immediately prepare everything to welcome new students in PKKMB; we will sort it based on the schedule circulated by the central committee,” he said. Vice Dean III asked about the readiness of BEMF MIPA, classes, supporting facilities such as LCD projectors and AC, and the readiness of the welcoming event for students at FMIPA after the inauguration by the UNEJ Chancellor. “Reflecting on last year, let’s improve services for new students this year by coordinating well so that the PKKMB agenda runs smoothly,” he concluded.