Tag Archives: senafis


FMIPA UNEJ Physics Department holds the 4th SENAFIS again in 2023 after the Pandemic.

The Department of Physics, FMIPA, University of Jember is again holding the 4th National Physics Seminar (SENAFIS) in 2023 (7/9). Taking the theme Menjawab Tantangan Era Society 5.0 Pasca Pandemi Covid 19 we will present the keynote speakers, Prof. Dr. Abdul Rashid Bin Mohamed Sharif, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Prof. Agus Subekti, Ph.D., University of Jember, and Dede DJuhana, Ph.D., University of Indonesia. Also invited were speakers Dr. Erma Yulihastin from BRIN, Ir. Misto, M.Si., and Dr. Yuda Cahyoargo Hariadi, M.Sc., Ph.D., second, from the Physics Department, FMIPA UNEJ. SENAFIS 4 2023 was held offline in the Physics Auditorium and online via Zoom meeting.

The event was officially opened by Vice Chancellor I of the University of Jember, Prof. Drs. Slamin, M.Comp.Sc., Ph.D. “Physics is the foundation, and there are famous scientists from the field of physics, so this event is very appropriate to be held as a place to share information from speakers until the parallel session later,” he said. Prof. Slamin also quoted a conversation between Albert Einstein and Charlie Chaplin. “What I admire most about your art is its universality. You don’t say a word, but the whole world understands you,” Einstein told Chaplin. Chaplin replied to this remark: “That’s right. But your glory is even greater! The whole world admires you, even though they don’t understand a word of what you say.” Continue reading