Vice Dean I of FMIPA UNEJ Introduces Eleven New Lecturers at Apel Pagi of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember

“At the beginning of this odd semester, FMIPA UNEJ received 11 new lecturers who will strengthen our service to our students,” said Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Dean I of FMIPA UNEJ. This was conveyed at the Apel Pagi held in the front yard of the FMIPA UNEJ Dean’s Office (5/8). The new lecturers were given the opportunity to introduce themselves because they have become part of FMIPA. “So that all FMIPA residents can get to know each other and can greet each other and in the future can work together, please introduce yourselves, new lecturers,” she continued. It was also conveyed that this year, the mathematics study program has 5 new lecturers, the physics study program has 2 people, the chemistry study program has 3 people, and the study program has 1 new lecturer.

Previously in the morning assembly, Mrs. Hari invited all lecturers in FMIPA to start actively filling in data in the Sistem Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan or SIPALU. “I invite all FMIPA lecturers to fill in SIPALU because this will be very useful during the study program accreditation process,” she explained. She mentioned that the CPL and CPMK assessments of courses are strong supporting data for study program accreditation. Mrs. Hari also reminded the lecturers that lectures must run with the RPS. “Lecturers are attached to the RPS, so the lectures we deliver must refer to it,” she continued.

Accompanied by Vice Dean II of FMIPA UNEJ Purwatiningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Vice Dean I as the morning assembly instructor also invited active study program managers to prepare for accreditation. According to LAMSAMA regulations, in addition to UNGGUL, there is also conditional UNGGUL, which requires assistance and this requires costs. “When getting conditional UNGGUL, there must be assistance and there are costs incurred, even though we ourselves are capable of doing it, so optimize the preparation of accreditation to achieve UNGGUL without conditions,” she concluded.

For your information, here are 11 new lecturers in the FMIPA UNEJ environment. Dr. Ridho Alfarisi, S.Pd., M.Si., Dewi Ika Ainurrofiqoh, S.Si. M.Si., Merysa Puspita Sari, S.Si. M.Si., Nadia Kholifia, S.Si. M.Si., and Sailah Ar Rizka, S.Pd. M.Si. from the mathematics study program. Umi Lailatul Jamilah, S.Si., M.Si., and I Wayan Windu Sara, S.Pd., M.Sc., from the physics study program. Ana Yulvia, M.Si., Andriana Kusuma Pertiwi, S.Si., M.Si., and Tinok Dwi Ananda, S.Si., M.Si. from the chemistry study program. While from the biology study program there is only one new lecturer, namely Edia Fitri Dwinianti, M.Si.

Apel Pagi Documentation August 5, 2024