According to Rencana Induk Pengembangan (RIP) University of Jember, since 1991 the University of Jember has planned the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). Preparation for the opening was issued by SK Rektor No: 6731/PT.32.H/SK/I.7’91, 23 June 1991 about Pendirian Laborataorium Dasar.
There are 4 Laboratorium Dasar, namely Lab. Dasar Matematika, Lab. Dasar Fisika, Lab. Dasar Kimia and Lab. Dasar Biologu. Laboratorium Dasar is in charge of providing services for all practical activities in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences field at the University of Jember.
The plan for the establishment of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the establishment of Pengelola Persiapan Pembukaan FMIPA based on the SK Rektor No. 3377/PT.32.H/SK/I.7’97 June 17, 1993, about Pembentukan/pengangkatan Pengelola Persiapan Pembukaan FMIPA which is divided into 4 sub-fields of Programs:Â Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
In September 1993, Pengelola Persiapan Pembukaan FMIPA prepared for opening Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember brought a Consortium for Mathematics and Science to evaluate to establish FMIPA. From the visit, a letter was issued from Dirjen DIKTI 3842/D.2/1993, November 12, 1993, which suggested that UNEJ should form UPT-MIPA first while preparing the Human Resources to manage the FMIPA and other equipment including the facilities and infrastructure needed. The suggestion from the Dirjen Dikti was followed up by UNEJ with the establishment of the UPT MIPA based on Keputusan Rektor No. 2798a/PT.32.H/SK/I.7’94, May 9, 1994. UPT-MIPA is an element of academic support and is responsible to Rector.
The task of UPT-MIPA is to manage the two existing sub-units of work, namely:
a). Sub Unit Laboratorium Dasar: provides education and teaching services, research and Community Service in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, especially activities that use facilities for experiments.
b). Sub-unit Pengelola Persiapan Pembukaan FMIPA (Satgas MIPA): prepares and develops plans for implementing academic education in the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Another task is planning the opening of FMIPA with all supporting facilities in preparation for the opening of FMIPA. To further emphasize UNEJ’s desire for the plan to open the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Study Program, Rektor formed a Task Force with a special task to prepare everything related to the opening of FMIPA with the issuance of SK No. 6056/PT.32.H/SK/I.7’95, September 29, 1995. On July 9, 1997, SK Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi No: 191/DIKTI/Kep/1997 about Establishment of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Study Programs was issued. Bachelor of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Furthermore, on August 10, 1999 the Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. 194/0/1999 concerning the Establishment of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Jember. On November 16, the FMIPA inauguration was held which coincided with the inauguration of the leadership (Dekan, Pembantu Dekan I, Pembantu Dekan II, Pembantu Dekan III) Kabag Tata Usaha dan Kasubag (Akademik, Keuangan dan Kepegawaian, Umum dan Kemahasiswaan).
Title | |||
SK Pendirian Prodi Studi Magister Biologi FMIPA UNEJ 1 13 downloads |
SK-Pendirian | January 25, 2024 | Download |
SK Pendirian Prodi Studi Magister Fisika FMIPA UNEJ 1 14 downloads |
SK-Pendirian | January 25, 2024 | Download |
SK Pendirian Prodi Studi Magister Matematika FMIPA UNEJ 1 13 downloads |
SK-Pendirian | January 25, 2024 | Download |
SK Pendirian Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNEJ 1 17 downloads |
SK-Pendirian | January 25, 2024 | Download |
SK Pendirian Jurusan Kimia FMIPA UNEJ 1 14 downloads |
SK-Pendirian | January 25, 2024 | Download |