Mathematics FMIPA UNEJ Student Delegation Participates in the 2024 Satria Data Competition

FMIPA UNEJ Mathematics students took part in the Statistika Ria dan Festival Sains Data (SATRIA DATA) competition in the National Statistics Competition (NSC) at Mathematics Laboratory 1 FMIPA UNEJ (3/6). Followed by 11 students, they will solve broad statistical problems and analyze the data carefully so they can provide the right solution. Accompanied by Mathematics lecturer Firda Fadri, S.Si., M.Si, students must solve questions on probability theory, statistical theory/satematics statistics, and categorical data analysis. “Online preliminary round with a model like UTBK plus supervision via the zoom application,” explained Firda.

Apart from NSC, together with the team from FASILKOM, students also take part in SATRIA DATA in other fields, namely the Statistics Essay Competition (SEC), Statistics Infographic Competition (SIC), and Big Data Competition (BDC). Deputy Dean III FMIPA UNEJ, Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si., said that SATRIA DATA’s annual agenda will always be supported and provided with assistance from competent lecturers. “We will support SATRIA DATA from mentoring to supporting facilities so that our students excel at the national level,” he said. According to the schedule, the final or national-level implementation will be held at Telkom University, Bandung.

For your information, SATRIA DATA is a form of support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology for the development of statistics and data science in general. Not only that, it is hoped that this activity will also be a trigger for establishing a collaborative network between universities and applied industry. In collaboration with the Pusat Prestasi Nasional (Puspresnas), this activity takes the form of a competition that measures students’ abilities in the fields of statistics, data science, and their applications.

Not only hard skills in the fields of statistics and data science will be competed with, but also soft skills such as communication, visualization, collaboration, and creativity in solving complex problems. One of the companions, Abduh Riski, S.Si., M.Si., said SATRIA DATA is an event to train students to become statistics and data scientists so they are ready to enter the world of work. “We provide assistance to students who have talent; apart from the SATRIA DATA competition, this will equip them to enter the industrial world in the future,” he said.