In the institutional faculty of the assurance system, a Quality Assurance Group (GPM) is formed as part of internal quality assurance and is determined by SK Rektor. This GPM has the function of assisting the dean in the development of a quality system at the faculty level, including the quality of the management of PS Masters in the FMIPA UNEJ environment. The duties and functions of GPM are:
(1) Planning a Sistem Manajemen Mutu (SMM).
(2) Creating a working tool for the implementation ofSMM.
(3) Provide assistance in the preparation of quality documents.
(4) Socializing, monitoring and evaluation, reviewing the implementation of the SMM.
(5) Report the results of monev to BPM.
(6) Prepare the preparation of proposals, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of layoffs.
(7) Provide assistance in preparing the study program self-evaluation report.
(8) Provide assistance in the preparation of accreditation boring.
(9) Reviewing the accreditation proposal document: providing assistants in proposing the opening of new study programs.
(10) Reviewing the proposed document for the opening of a new study program.

Tinjauan Manajemen

In academic administration (Tridarma) FMIPA is committed to always being quality oriented with the motto “quality first”, both aspects of input, process, and output. Given that FMIPA is a subsystem of UNEJ, quality assurance efforts at FMIPA cannot be separated from the quality assurance system at the university level. Prior to the formation of BPM and GPM, UNEJ together with the work units in it have tried to improve the quality of the tridharma implementation, which is manifested in activities to increase the quantity and quality of new students, the quality of the learning process, the competitiveness of graduates, the quantity and quality of research and service. After the formation of BPM and GPM, UNEJ and its work units are committed to ensuring consistency in quality improvement efforts through the implementation of the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) management cycle, so that continuous quality improvement is expected. The university has assigned BPM to develop a SMM whose standards refer to the ISO 9001:2000 QMS standard which was later refined to the ISO 9001:2008 standard. The SMM-based document consists of 4 types of documents, namely quality guidelines, work procedures, work instructions, and supporting documents. SMM document provided by the university is a quality guide. This document is then used as a reference for the development of quality guidelines at the work unit level, including FMIPA. FMIPA quality guidelines are equipped with work procedures, work instructions, and related forms. On November 9, 2010 FMIPA received ISO 9001:2008 Certificate in ALayanan Administrasi Akademik.

UNEJ also assigned BPM to periodically monitor the internal evaluation of the implementation of the competition grant program (PHK), including the A2 layoffs carried out by departments within the FMIPA, namely the Department of Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry. In addition to the internal monitoring and evaluation of layoffs, BPM has also carried out a learning audit of PBM in UNEJ, including PBM in FMIPA. FMIPA plays an active role in supporting the implementation of monev, especially the provision of human resources as auditors. The university also assigned BPM to assist study programs in preparing accreditation documents, both in the form of document reviews and assistance. In addition, every year the university always makes academic guidelines as a guide for all work units in the implementation of the tridharma. Some of the activities/guidelines described above are examples of several quality assurance efforts for the implementation of the Tridharma at the university level.

Input Aspect

Recruitment of students and lecturers
is based on a system that has been established by the Institution. Clearly, the implementation of the recruitment of students and lecturers transparently follows the system implemented by the university. The university implements several student recruitment routes, namely Invitation, PMDK, SNMPTN, SLPMB/UM (local selection of new student admissions/entry exams), and program transfer. Except for the SNMPTN route, the selection process for new student recruitment is carried out by UNEJ itself. In this case, the selection process has been computerized. Faculties, including FMIPA, will receive a sort list of prospective new students based on ranking. FMIPA always chooses students with the best ranking according to their needs (accommodation). The recruitment system for lecturers follows the system designed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Faculties and departments are involved for interview tests, substantive tests, and teaching practices. FMIPA and majors keep away from conflicts of interest, for example, will give high scores to alumni. Thus, new lecturers who are accepted can be alumni from any university, as long as they are the best.

Curriculum which is a competency design that must be mastered by students is structured dynamically by taking into account the dynamics of science and the needs of stakeholders. Regarding curriculum preparation, in general, the Faculty plays a role in providing facilities, coordinating and directing majors, as well as formulating and determining the substance of the material needs of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences course material with the Department. In the process, FMIPA tries to implement the curriculum well by providing the necessary support for curriculum implementation, in the form of human resources, facilities, and funds. In order to increase the competitiveness of graduates, UNEJ formulates soft skills that cover aspects of creativity, cooperation and communication, and ethics. The FMIPA strategy in developing soft skills is integrated through lectures. Aspects of soft skills that are developed in each course are adjusted to the characteristics of the course.

Process Ascpect

The process of implementing the tridharma can be categorized into phases of planning, implementation, and evaluation. FMIPA has tried to guarantee the quality of the three phases. In the planning phase, all courses must be equipped with “desain instruksional”. The specification of soft skills that must be developed can also be seen clearly in the instructional design. In the implementation phase, the minimum number of lectures (equal to the number of lecturers’ attendance) and the minimum number of student attendance in lectures are regulated in academic guidelines. At the end of the semester, FMIPA evaluates the attendance of lecturers and students; (i) if the attendance of the lecturer is less than the minimum standard, then the course may not be tested, and (ii) if the student’s attendance is less than the minimum standard, the student is not allowed to take the final semester exam. All FMIPA lecturers are required to fill out lecture journals so that department leaders can monitor the extent to which the material that has been designed in instructional design can be realized. The quality of learning in FMIPA is audited by BPM (at least 2 times a year). The sample of subjects that will be audited during the learning audit period is determined by BPM, while GPM accompanies the auditor as well as the learning process so that later they are able to carry out their own learning audit..

FMIPA students are also involved in evaluating learning performance, known as indeks kinerja dosen (IKAD). Initially, the IKAD assessment by students was done conventionally. This approach is constrained by data analysis. In connection with this, FMIPA developed an online IKAD, which began to be piloted in the even semester of 2008/2009. Although FMIPA has not officially implemented an ISO-based SMM, the tridharma activities have been equipped with work procedures, work instructions, and related forms. Even the work procedures for the process of completing the final project have been supported by an on-line information system known as Sistem Informasi Tugas Akhir (SITA) for Bachelor study programs and Master study programs. This system is able to control, among others, the position of the title registration and thesis completion, the list of supervisors and examiners, registration of seminars, research results exams and thesis exams, the feasibility of the mentoring process for each chapter, and proof of verification by the supervising lecturer on the readiness to carry out the results exam or student thesis exam..