Signing of Perjanjian Kinerja Tahun 2022 at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember

In order to realize effective, transparent, and accountable government performance as well as results-oriented, it is necessary to have a performance agreement. This was conveyed by Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. at the signing of Perjanjian Kinerja Tahun 2022 between Dean and Head of Study Program and the Head of the Department at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember (20/4).

The Dean accompanied by Vice Dean I, II and III witnessed the signing which was carried out in the dean’s courtroom on the 2nd floor of FMIPA UNEJ. Present on the occasion were the Head of the Mathematics Undergraduate Study Program, the Head of the Mathematics Masters Study Program, the Head of the Physics Undergraduate Study Program, the Head of the Physics Masters Study Program, the Head of the Chemistry Undergraduate Study Program, the Head of the Biology Undergraduate Study Program and the Head of the Biology Masters Study Program.

In the Perjanjian Kinerja, it is stated that the head of the study program is the first party to realize the annual performance target in accordance with the attachment to the performance agreement. Dean as the second party will provide the necessary supervision and will evaluate the performance of the performance achievements of this Perjanjian Kinerja and take the necessary actions in the context of awarding and sanctioning. In the attachment to the Perjanjian Kinerja, several performance indicators for Study Program along with achievement targets must be met. The study program is expected to reach the target percentage, such as graduates who manage to get a job, continue their studies, or become entrepreneurs. Then the number of students spends at least 20 (twenty) credits outside campus or achieves the lowest achievement at the national level. Supported by collaboration with partners and also lecturers with academic qualifications of Doctoral Degree.

The next indicator contained in Perjanjian Kinerja is an international accreditation or certificate recognized by government. The achievement of the Cumulative GPA for S1 graduates, which is 3.4, is an indicator that the study program will realize. And that leads to the waiting time for S1 graduates to get a job.

The study program is also expected to meet the target on the teaching staff side. Indicators for lecturers include the number of research grant titles, the number of professors, lecturers with educator qualifications, the number of international publications (scopus), the number of intellectual property rights.

The activities that need to be achieved are international cooperation, national and international webinars and research results dissemination activities such as international or national colloquiums online (at least once a year). At the end of the event all heads of study programs in the FMIPA environment together with Dean put their signatures on Perjanjian Kinerja Tahun 2022.