Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA UNEJ is currently preparing a work program plan for the 2025-2026 period. This work program aims to improve the quality of members, strengthen social contributions, and strengthen togetherness among members in supporting the vision and mission of the faculty. The Chairperson of Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA UNEJ, Lis Setyaningsih Dafik, at the coordination meeting expressed the importance of program planning that covers various aspects. “The programs do not only focus on self-development but also strengthen the role of members in educational, economic, and socio-cultural activities that have a positive impact,” she said.
“The preparation of the work program plan aims to ensure that every activity carried out provides optimal benefits for DWP FMIPA UNEJ members,” said Lis Setyaningsih Dafik. The management is trying to design a program that focuses on women’s empowerment, skills development, and strengthening solidarity among members. The DWP FMIPA work program is divided into secretariat, education, economics, and socio-culture. ” The preparation of this work program is based on an evaluation of the work program that has been implemented in the previous period. “Aiming to identify successful achievements and areas that need to be improved or enhanced,” she continued. Continue reading