The FMIPA Geophysics Lecturer Team, in collaboration with LP2M UNEJ, will Collaborate with the Regent of Jember to Educate the Community about Rembangan Landslide Disaster Mitigation.

The FMIPA Geophysics Lecturer Team, together with the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) UNEJ, took part in Gelar Logistik dan Peralatan Serta Peresmian Tanda Edukasi Pendidikan Bencana (4/12). On this occasion, Jember Regent Ir. H. Hendy Siswanto, ST., IPU, ASEAN Eng., along with the ranks of the Jember Regency Government, are committed to establishing a collaboration with LP2M UNEJ and the FMIPA Geophysics Team. This is a proactive effort to increase community awareness and preparedness for landslide disaster mitigation. The event at Jember Square held several strategic activities, including the launch of a disaster education tent, the inauguration of the Desa Tangguh Bencana (Destana), the formation of the Kelompok Tangguh Bencana (Katana), reforestation, Wira Karya Week, and increasing volunteer capacity.

In this activity, the Puslit Lingkungan Hidup dan Kebencanan, LP2M UNEJ, displayed several products related to the environment and disasters, including the results of research related to landslide mitigation by a team from Geophysics, Department of Physics, FMIPA UNEJ. During a visit to the LP2M UNEJ booth, the Regent emphasized the importance of a holistic approach in dealing with disaster risks, especially landslides in Rembangan.. He expressed his desire to build close collaboration to provide effective education to the community and conduct subsurface studies regarding the possibility of landslide danger occurring. “A good understanding of landslides can be the main key to reducing their impact. Collaboration will help us achieve this goal,” said the Regent of Jember.

Deputy Regent KH. Muhammad Balya Firjaun Barlaman, usually called Gus Firjaun, was also seen discussing with Dr. Agus Suprianto, S.Si., M.T., and Nurul Priyantari, S.Si., M.Si., from the FMIPA Geophysics Team at the LP2M booth. Accompanied by the Coordinator of Pusat Lingkungan Hidup dan Kebencanaan LP2M UNEJ, Dr. Drg. Banun Kusuma Wardani, M.Kes., Divisi Lingkungan Hidup Dr. Esti Utarti, S.P., M.Si, and Divisi Kebencanaan Ns. Jon Hafan Sutawardana, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.MB.

Through collaboration between the Jember Regency Government, LP2M, and the FMIPA UNEJ Geophysics Lecturer Team, it is hoped that disaster mitigation efforts in the Rembangan area will become more coordinated and sustainable. Public education about the risk of landslides and the steps that can be taken to overcome this threat is a crucial step in building resilient and adaptive communities in the future.

The Regent of Jember also launched a disaster education tent, a creative initiative to provide information and practical knowledge to the community regarding disaster mitigation. The tents will be erected in various strategic locations in the Rembangan area, a place prone to landslides. This approach is expected to create better understanding and be more quickly accessible to the surrounding community..

One of the significant steps taken in this event was the inauguration of Destana. Destana is a village that has a high level of preparedness for disasters. By inaugurating Destana, the Regent of Jember hopes that the people in the Rembangan area can become more independent in facing the threat of landslides. “We want the community to be an active part in protecting themselves, their families, and the surrounding environment,” added the Regent..

The formation of the Kelompok Tangguh Bencana (Katana) is also an integral part of the disaster mitigation strategy. Katana will be at the forefront of conveying information, involving the community, and providing first aid when a disaster occurs. By involving local volunteers, the Jember Regency Government hopes to speed up responses in emergency situations..

This event also highlights the urgency of reforestation as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of landslides. Planted trees will not only strengthen the soil and reduce erosion, but they will also provide long-term ecological benefits. Wira Karya Week and increasing the capacity of volunteers in Jember Regency are part of a long-term effort to create a society that is more resilient and ready to face various challenges. In this era of uncertainty, having well-trained and knowledgeable volunteers is a valuable asset.