Tiga Koma Lima Pangkat Empat, Fakultas MIPA UNEJ Pilihan Tepat

Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Prof. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. launched the slogan Three Points to the Power of Five to the Power of Four. The first 3.5 is as much as possible 3.5 years for FMIPA students to be able to take their thesis exam; the second is as much as possible to get a GPA of 3.5 to compete with competitors in the world of work. Furthermore, the 3.5-month waiting period for FMIPA graduates to get a job and the last 3.5 million is the first salary that FMIPA graduates get. So FMIPA UNEJ is the right choice for prospective new students.

This is where the source of all knowledge is, if there is a term not the first choice?? Maybe it needs to be explained again that everyday life is discussed in FMIPA UNEJ, one of which is the field of Biology. Still have doubts? Mathematics? All calculations from basic to complex start from here. What about Physics and Chemistry? Hearing it must imagine a collection of formulas or theories, but if practiced directly, that’s where the fun and challenges will appear. It’s time to note and remember that the undergraduate study program at FMIPA, University of Jember, has been included in the target of college.

There are several questions. Where will you choose to go to college? What study program will you choose? , what faculty will you choose?. There are certainly many considerations to make sure prospective students make the right choice. It could be that the choice falls on the study program at FMIPA UNEJ. However, if there are still a few who are not sure about choosing, we will reintroduce FMIPA UNEJ. The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, has 4 undergraduate study programs, namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. This academic year there are 3 entry routes to the University of Jember, namely the Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP), Test-Based National Selection (SNBT), and Independent Selection for New Students (SEMMABA UNEJ).

Studying at FMIPA is said to be time-consuming?, there are no other activities besides sitting in lectures or wearing a coat in the laboratory?. Not really; there are student organizations at FMIPA UNEJ, from BEM to Student Activity Units (UKM), that are ready to accommodate talents and interests. Guest lectures are routinely held by inviting speakers from within and outside the country. Student exchanges in the MBKM forum are also a matter of prestige; overseas destinations include Germany, Malaysia, and several other countries. Even with internships, many companies have collaborated with FMIPA. So, you are more confident in saying your choice of studying at FMIPA UNEJ.

The next question is, what jobs can be achieved after graduating from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UNEJ? Graduates are spread across several fields of work, from educators and offices to companies, banking, and entrepreneurs. And alumni sharing is routinely held to share stories and experiences of alumni with FMIPA students. For those interested in continuing their studies, currently there are 4 master’s study programs at FMIPA UNEJ, namely mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry.

FMIPA UNEJ has a number of very adequate facilities: 5 lecture buildings, 4 laboratory buildings, a greenhouse, an animal care unit, a student meeting point, internet and wifi in each classroom, a sports field, a UKM building, a mosque, and a canteen. In terms of human resources, FMIPA UNEJ has 93 lecturers, with 10 professors and 39 education staff to serve 1471 active students in the even semester of the 2024/2025 academic year.