Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy (CERiMRE) Journal, Department of Physics FMIPA UNEJ held Webinar Acceleration Towards Accredited Journal (7/10). Presenting three persons who are competent in their fields, Prof. Dr. Ade Gahfar Abdullah, M.Si. from Electrical Engineering, UPI, Khairul Anam, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. from Electrical Engineering, FT, UNEJ and Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. from Department of Chemistry, FMIPA UNEJ who is also Ketua Tim OJS University of Jember. First speaker, Prof. Ade delivered presentation entitled Kiat-kiat Mencapai Jurnal Internasional Terindex. “The important thing in managing international journals is that editors must have a high commitment in developing journals, full concentration and have good journal insights,” he said. Prof. Ade, who is also the manager of the Scopus indexed journal, Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology, said that it takes time and special dedication to develop a journal. “I used to ask Rektor to teach less because it would focus on developing the journal” he said. More, Prof. Ade said that comparative studies in international journals were also needed, he did with CRC Press, Antlatis Press and IOP Publishing. Session moderated by Dr. Artoto Arkundato, S.Si, M.Si. as Editor-in-Chief of CERiMRE Journal, also discussed the criteria that must be met for a journal to enter Scopus. “Journal Policy, Quality of Content, Journal Standing, Regularity, Online availability are criteria that must be met by journals that will reach Scopus,” he explained.
Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. in giving the opening speech, he appreciated the CERiMRE Journal webinar to prepare the journal for international accreditation. “There are not many internationally accredited journals, through this webinar, CERiMRE has begun to prepare for that with the provision of knowledge sharing from resource persons,” he said. The Dean of FMIPA is also not only in his journal articles but in the field of science, especially materials, he can share information with other institutions through the CERiMRE journal. For information, this webinar was hosted by Endhah Purwandari, S.Si., M.Si. as host with Wenny Maulina, S.Si., M.Si. as a meeting host.
Next, Khairul Anam, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. explained Pemanfaatan Turnitin dan Mendeley pada Penulisan Artikel Jurnal. Moderated by Dr. Lutfi Rohman, S.Si, M.Si. Khairul start his session about plagiarism. “So that our work is not mentioned and becomes plagiarism we must use a plagiarism checker” said Khairul Anam, who was once the Turnitin Administrator of University of Jember. In the turnitin process, problems arise, including the high similarity to articles that appear to be their own, published elsewhere. “The solution is to exclude that section, a lot of questions usually arise when managing credit scores,” he explained. On that occasion, he also discussed Mendeley Reference Manager and Mendeley Desktop.
Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. as last speaker deliver presentation entitled Tata Cara Penilaian Jurnal Terindex SINTA with Dr. Ratna Dewi Syarifah S.Pd., M.Si. as a moderator. Siswoyo explained the importance of publishing quality articles. “By publishing quality articles on time, it will show the quality of a journal that can eventually be indexed by SINTA” he said. Furthermore, it was also conveyed about accreditation and indexation which are supporting tools for accreditation assessment. Then the concern is the stages of good journal management. Published journals must have e-ISSN, DOI, complete journal information, profile on Google Scholar, journal optimization and the last one is GARUDA to register with ARJUNA. “To maintain the consistency of publications, it is necessary to observe that editors must understand author guidelines, templates are not everything, the importance of language editors, good proofreading and lastly, do not change journal managers,” he concluded. Each session is closed with discussion.