Category Archives: News


Tiga Koma Lima Pangkat Empat, Fakultas MIPA UNEJ Pilihan Tepat

Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Prof. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. launched the slogan Three Points to the Power of Five to the Power of Four. The first 3.5 is as much as possible 3.5 years for FMIPA students to be able to take their thesis exam; the second is as much as possible to get a GPA of 3.5 to compete with competitors in the world of work. Furthermore, the 3.5-month waiting period for FMIPA graduates to get a job and the last 3.5 million is the first salary that FMIPA graduates get. So FMIPA UNEJ is the right choice for prospective new students.

This is where the source of all knowledge is, if there is a term not the first choice?? Maybe it needs to be explained again that everyday life is discussed in FMIPA UNEJ, one of which is the field of Biology. Still have doubts? Mathematics? All calculations from basic to complex start from here. What about Physics and Chemistry? Hearing it must imagine a collection of formulas or theories, but if practiced directly, that’s where the fun and challenges will appear. It’s time to note and remember that the undergraduate study program at FMIPA, University of Jember, has been included in the target of college. Continue reading


Physics Department, FMIPA UNEJ Hosts Inauguration of Management and Public Lecture of Indonesian Geophysicists Association

The Physics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, hosted the inauguration of the management of the Indonesian Association of Geophysicist (HAGI) East Java, Regional Committee Surabaya (27/2). Inaugurated directly by Ir. Dedi Yusmen, M.BA., M.Esy., President of HAGI from PT. Pertamina at the UNEJ Entrepreneurship Building. The public lecture was delivered by Deputy Secretary General I of HAGI Muhammad Husni Mubarak Lubis, S.T., M.S. from Pertamina University. The theme raised was “Massive Geophysics and Exploration for Energy Sustainability.”. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. was present and opened the event, which was attended by physics, mining, and oil students from UNEJ. Prof. Dafik said that the introduction of the world of work to students could be bridged through associations such as HAGI.

“With an association like HAGI consisting of lecturers and practitioners, it will help students introduce the world of industry, especially geophysics,” said the Dean of FMIPA. It was said that FMIPA also wants to open a geophysics study program after several new study programs that have been prepared. The new study program will increase the interest of prospective students to join FMIPA. The Dean also hopes that HAGI, through its work program, can provide teaching practitioners even though the ministry’s regulations may be slightly different. “I congratulate those who were inaugurated today; hopefully HAGI can continue to contribute to the world of education and the wider community,” he concluded. Continue reading


Implementation of Environmental Learning, FMIPA UNEJ Collaborates with the Jember Regional Forestry Service Branch

FMIPA UNEJ collaborated with the Jember Regional Forestry service branch (21/2). This collaboration was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., and the Head of the Jember Regional Forestry Service Branch, Sapto Yuwono, S.Hut., M.M. The Dean of FMIPA appreciated the collaboration as a step in implementing environmental learning. “Environmental-based learning requires the initiation of activities in the Jember forestry area, including education, research, and community service,” he said. It was also said that FMIPA has collaborated with fostered villages, so that collaboration initiation with forestry partners is needed.

FMIPA through the Mathematics Department with remote sensing can initiate collaboration with the forestry service. “Forestry issues that can be collaborated on with FMIPA, especially mathematics, require sharing sessions to find the right solutions to overcome problems in the Jember forestry area,” continued Prof. Dafik. It is hoped that collaboration will be implemented soon in the form of teaching practices, internships, or other activities that can be collaborated on. The Cooperation Agreement between FMIPA and the Jember Regional Forestry Service Branch has a duration of 2 (two) years since the PKS was signed. On the initial occasion, the Special Purpose Forest Area (KHDTK) was also introduced from the Jember Regional Forestry service branch. Continue reading


FMIPA University of Jember Establishes Cooperation with Faculty of Engineering, Bina Nusantara University

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember (FMIPA UNEJ), has established a partnership with the Faculty of Engineering Bina Nusantara (FT BINUS). This partnership was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D with the Dean of FT BINUS, Dr. Ir. Nina Nurdiani, S.T., M.T. (20/2). In his speech, Prof. Dafik said that FMIPA will continue to establish partnerships with several parties, both in the world of education and industry. “We, FMIPA, will do a lot of partnerships, especially in the fields of education and research. Today we are with BINUS, tomorrow with the Jember Regional Forestry Service Branch,” he said. With FT BINUS, FMIPA will collaborate on chemistry, mathematics, and physics in the engineering field.

Dr. Ir. Nina Nurdiani, S.T., M.T. also said the same thing: with FMIPA UNEJ, there will be guest lecture activities, scientific meetings, and postgraduate lectures. “In our research, we can jointly supervise students in the form of sharing research knowledge; we can also share resources and joint publications,” said Nina. It is also stated in the PKS, the two faculties will be together in community service activities in special areas. “Service will be carried out in special areas with the introduction of MIPA and engineering sciences in the form of prototypes, modules, and counseling,” she continued. The Cooperation Agreement between FMIPA UNEJ and the Bina Nusantara Engineering Faculty has a duration of 3 (three) years since the PKS was determined and challenged. Continue reading


KSMP Tax Center FISIP UNEJ Accompanies Annual Tax Return Completion at FMIPA UNEJ

FMIPA UNEJ held the filling of Annual Individual Tax Returns accompanied by the KSMP Tax Center FISIP UNEJ through the Goes to Faculty 2025 work program (17/2). This program aims to provide assistance in reporting Tax Returns using the e-Filling and e-Form applications to the FMIPA UNEJ community. “This program is to increase awareness and compliance with tax reporting, as well as encourage active participation in fulfilling tax obligations,” said a member of the KSMP Tax Center. Carrying the theme “Faculty Partner to Improve Tax Reporting,” this activity reflects the spirit of collaboration and partnership between educational institutions and tax authorities in an effort to improve tax compliance.

Dra. Hari Sulistyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D., as Deputy Dean I of FMIPA UNEJ, received the KSMP Tax Center FISIP UNEJ team in the FMIPA Dean’s meeting room. “I am very happy and welcome this activity; in addition to socializing tax reporting, FMIPA residents are greatly helped to be able to complete reporting on time,” he said. Nurcahyaning Dwi Kusumaningrum, S.E., M.A., as the Head of the FISIP Tax Center Laboratory, was present directly to accompany the Goes to Faculty 2025 activity at FMIPA. He said that this activity is expected to create synergy between educational institutions and tax authorities in building better tax awareness. Continue reading


FMIPA Moving Healthy: Progressive Creativity, Quality Innovation, Continuous Achievement

FMIPA UNEJ held morning exercise as part of the FMIPA Bergerak Sehat agenda (2/14). Attended by all the Morning Harmoni committees and FMIPA residents. Interestingly, attractive door prizes were provided for all participants. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Prof. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. in his speech said that health, togetherness, and happiness are the initial foundations in doing activities. “Alhamdulillah, we FMIPA residents can gather happily through this event so that we can carry out routines on campus,” he said. It was said that FMIPA Bergerak Sehat continues to be echoed so that health is maintained, togetherness is established with joint exercise, and also exercising together every week, especially on Fridays

“With FMIPA Bergerak Sehat, we realize the slogan into a creation that moves forward, quality innovation, and sustainable achievement,” he said. As an appreciation for hard work and working together, the FMIPA Deanate gave door prizes to all the committees who participated in the morning exercise event. Prof. Dafik hopes that togetherness will continue to maintain the unity of the FMIPA residents. “Hopefully this kind of agenda can continue; whether there is a door prize or not, this event is crowded; maybe it could be because there is a prize that is awaited,” he joked. In addition to the prize, participants were also given a bonus breakfast and entertainment from the FMIPA community itself. Continue reading