Founder and Co-Founder Invites UNEJ FMIPA Graduates to Become Young Entrepreneurs

“Being an entrepreneur requires struggle and perseverance, as well as understanding the opportunities that exist,” said Fani Atrica Suwita Founder of and also an alumnus of the 2010 FMIPA Chemistry Department. Fani recounted the beginning of the struggle after graduating from graduation until now he is said to be successful in running a clothing business in front of FMIPA graduates at the event Sharing Alumni (20/1). “After graduation, I was a teacher at Balung High School even for a short while and my interest in business started by selling glasses with the Kacanica brand,” said Kak Fani, her nickname.

Fani’s struggles led to through the use of social media which is loved by young people, leading her to enter the world of entrepreneurship. “Through FYP Tik-tok, my business has been flooded with orders tens of times,” he said, inviting graduates to take advantage of opportunities and maintain connections with many people. “Now, thank God, the business is going well and I invite younger siblings if they are interested in learning together to achieve dreams,” he concluded.

Previously the Dean of FMIPA Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc. Ph.D in his opening remarks advised to be able to gain knowledge from the presenters in a happy atmosphere. “We designed this alumni sharing event to be informal, so that all graduates can enjoy the stories of seniors who are successful in their fields,” he said. The dean also asked for tomorrow’s graduation ceremony to be able to look your best because it will be immortalized on the University of Jember’s YouTube channel.

“Appear optimally by dressing as best as possible, no need to be formal and express joy in front of the camera,” said the Dean. To be recognized at this graduation period, one of the best graduates from FMIPA, Naura Paramitha Cindy Ardyah from the Biology Department with a IPK of 3.90 will also be the best graduate at the University of Jember. “Congratulations to all graduates, especially those who have won the best graduates which makes us even more proud as FMIPA citizens,” he concluded.

The next speaker was Dewi Riskha Nurmalasari, an alumnus of the Biology Department in 2007 who is now a teacher at the Jember Pharmacy Academy. “The twists and turns of my struggle to become a lecturer are probably almost the same as Ms. Fani, going through many challenges but still enthusiastic about going through it,” said Dewi, who after studying still had a good relationship with the Biology lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences until she was suggested for further studies at Biotechnology-Pharmacy ITB .

Event Documentation

“Even though it’s not linear, I’m still enthusiastic about what I’m going to achieve so that even though I’m not a pharmacist, I still give my best,” continued the Co-Founder of Dewi also has initiated various businesses which are the answer to the need for knowledge and the ability to read opportunities. “Business opportunities are all around us, take advantage of them and most importantly keep learning from anyone, the main thing is never to forget the alma mater that has educated us,” he concluded.