Tag Archives: accreditation


Director of PTPN XII East Java: Quo Vadis, a Physics graduate, want and can go anywhere?

The Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember has a golden opportunity to hold a Guest Lecture that presents Siwi Peni, S.Si., M.M. Director of PT. Nusantara XII Plantation, East Java (16/9). Guest lecture with the theme “Quo Vadis, a Physics graduate, want and can go anywhere?” carried out in 2 sessions, namely a sharing session and a question session.

To note, “Quo Vadis” is a sentence from Latin which literally means “where are you going?”. This theme was taken to provide motivation for students in determining their direction after completing their studies in Physics. In the sharing session, Siwi Peni shared her experience in achieving her goals until she was finally able to stand at her current point. “Aspirations and goals are very important in achieving success. Without clear goals and objectives, success will not be achieved,” he explained. Continue reading


Department of Biology FMIPA holds FGD, prepares ASIIN SAR documents

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember held a FGD for the Preparation of the ASIIN Self Assessment Report (SAR) Document for application of international accreditation for the Biology Undergraduate Study Program (31/3-2/4) at Kalibaru Cottages Banyuwangi which was attended by 16 people . The activity was to prepare evidence and ASIIN SAR documents consisting of 6 criteria, Criteria 1: The Degree Program: Concept, Content & Implementation, Criteria 2: ASIIN The Degree Program: Structures, Methods and Implementation, Criteria 3: ASIIN Exams: System, Concept and Organization, Criteria 4: ASIIN Resources Criteria 5: ASIIN Transparency and Documentation, Criteria 6: ASIIN Quality Management: Quality Assessment and Development. To note, the Department of Biology, FMIPA UNEJ has been preparing to apply for ASIIN international accreditation some time ago. PS Biology wants to follow his colleagues, namely the Agribusiness Study Program and Agrotechnology Study Program at Faculty of Agriculture, as well as the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jember, which has previously won the Akcreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatics, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik or ASIIN. The activity presented resource persons from PT. Surya Madistrindo Subsidiary of PT. Gudang Garam Tbk, M. Noersjam Tohari as Deputy Director and Agung Prajoko as GM Organization Development online. Continue reading