Tag Archives: alumni


Dean of FMIPA: SKPI is Benchmark of Alumni Competence

“SKPI is used for stakeholders to know the competence of an alumni” said Dean of FMIPA University of Jember Drs. Sujito, Ph.D. in the ‘Pelepasan Alumni‘ at Department of Physics (Friday, 3 November 2017). The Alumni and the Vice Deans, the Chairman of the Secretary of Undergraduate and Masters Programs and Administrative Leaders at FMIPA presented dance and band performances unplugged from UKM TITIK. Mr. Jito then advised on the importance of SKPI for alumni. “SKPI is given to prospective graduates after going through some verification until signed by the dean, students start applying SKPI and then will be verified by the student affairs, SKPI team in the course until verification at Vice Dean I by paying attention to the Indonesian and English” he explained. There are some students who do not care with SKPI, but it is very important as the provision of an alumni to be able to compete in the ‘pasar bebas‘ today. Continue reading