Tag Archives: mathematics


FMIPA UNEJ Holds The Second International Basic Science Conference (IBSC) 2024

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, held the Second International Basic Science Conference, or IBSC 2024 (8/10). Held in the 3rd floor of the UNEJ Entrepreneurship Building, this year the theme was “AI at the Frontier of Natural Sciences: Trends and Future Directions.” Presenting keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Ismail Naci CANGÜL from Bursa Uludag University, Turkey; Dr. S. Stalin from SASTRA Deemed to be University, India; Prof. Dr. Ing. Hendro Wicaksono from Constructor University Bremen gGmbH, Germany; and Dr. M. Kamaraj from SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India. The 2nd IBSC 2024 was held in a hybrid manner, attended by 53 participants, and Dr. M. Kamaraj from India was present at UNEJ to provide material.

The 2nd IBSC 2024 was officially opened by Prof. Drs. Bambang Kuswandi, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Rector of UNEJ for planning, cooperation, and information systems. In his speech, Prof. Bambang said that IBSC is a conference to disseminate knowledge, interact with experts, and strengthen professional networks. “IBSC is a forum for discussion and sharing to support the advancement of science and technology,” he said. It is hoped that the output of the conference discussing the theme of artificial intelligence will be able to make natural science the forefront of future trends and directions of research. Continue reading


Master of Mathematics FMIPA UNEJ Finalizes Evaluation of LAMSAMA Accreditation Documents

Master of Mathematics Program FMIPA UNEJ held an evaluation of LAMSAMA accreditation documents at Agrotechno Jubung (1-3/7). Presenting a companion from the Lembaga Penjamin Mutu dan Pengembang Pembelajaran (LPMPP), Dr. Iis Nur Aisyah, S.P., M.P., and Lailatul Azkiyah, S.TP., M.P., Ph.D. The event was officially opened by the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., who hopes that Masters in Mathematics can achieve UNGGUL accreditation. “In the next three days, we will discuss the evaluation of the LAMSAMA Master of Mathematics accreditation documents together, accompanied by Mrs. Iis and Mrs. Kiki from LPMPP. I hope to get good results, namely superior accreditation,” he said.

For three days, the FMIPA Mathematics Masters accreditation task force team will carry out a common perception of the Laporan Kinerja Program Studi (LKPS) and Self Evaluation Report (LED). Each criterion will be accompanied by a team from LPMPP and also UPM-GPM FMIPA UNEJ. Previously the team had worked based on agreed criteria. “Prior to the evaluation and similarity of perceptions between LKPS and LED, the task force teams had each worked based on predetermined criteria,” said Dr. Mohamad Fatekurohman, S.Si., M.Si. Chair of the Master of Mathematics accreditation task force. Fatkur hopes that at the end of the agenda, each person responsible for the criteria can present the results of their evaluation and improvements. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Invites Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro from ITB, Discussing the Opening of a New Study Program

FMIPA Jember University will open several study programs, including an actuarial study program in the Mathematics Department. In the initial stage, Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro, M.Sc., Ph.D., from FMIPA ITB, discussed the establishment of an actuarial study program (14/6). The Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., invited the task force team to establish a new study program for the Department of Mathematics to take advantage of this discussion. “The presence of Prof. Edy from ITB is a great opportunity to explore what needs to be prepared when opening a new study program, in this case actuarial,” he said. Present at the event were the Chair and Secretary of the Mathematics Department, as well as the preparation team for the establishment of a new study program in mathematics.

Prof. Edy said that the undergraduate actuarial study program at FMIPA ITB is a scientific discipline that applies mathematics and statistics to analyze and manage risk. “The areas analyzed include insurance, both life insurance and general insurance, pension funds, investment and banking,” he explained. It is also said that graduates of the actuarial undergraduate study program have career opportunities to become actuaries, investment managers, risk managers or can also be academics as lecturers or researchers. The first step is to classify the courses and teaching staff who will be involved in teaching in a study program that can be said to be new in Indonesia. Continue reading


Mathematics FMIPA UNEJ Student Delegation Participates in the 2024 Satria Data Competition

FMIPA UNEJ Mathematics students took part in the Statistika Ria dan Festival Sains Data (SATRIA DATA) competition in the National Statistics Competition (NSC) at Mathematics Laboratory 1 FMIPA UNEJ (3/6). Followed by 11 students, they will solve broad statistical problems and analyze the data carefully so they can provide the right solution. Accompanied by Mathematics lecturer Firda Fadri, S.Si., M.Si, students must solve questions on probability theory, statistical theory/satematics statistics, and categorical data analysis. “Online preliminary round with a model like UTBK plus supervision via the zoom application,” explained Firda.

Apart from NSC, together with the team from FASILKOM, students also take part in SATRIA DATA in other fields, namely the Statistics Essay Competition (SEC), Statistics Infographic Competition (SIC), and Big Data Competition (BDC). Deputy Dean III FMIPA UNEJ, Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si., said that SATRIA DATA’s annual agenda will always be supported and provided with assistance from competent lecturers. “We will support SATRIA DATA from mentoring to supporting facilities so that our students excel at the national level,” he said. According to the schedule, the final or national-level implementation will be held at Telkom University, Bandung. Continue reading


20 UNEJ Students take part in the 2024 ONMIPA-PT Regional Level Selection at FMIPA University of Jember

Located in Mathematics Laboratory 1 and 2, Department of Mathematics, FMIPA UNEJ, regional-level selection was held for the Olimpiade Nasional Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (ONMIPA-PT) 2024 (24–25/4). “20 of our students from FMIPA, FKIP, and FK are fighting to get a place to compete at the national level at Hasanuddin University in May 2024,” said Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si. PIC ONMIPA-PT UNEJ, and Vice Dean III FMIPA UNEJ. UNEJ delegates took part in online selection according to the fields being contested, namely mathematics, physics, biology, and chemistry. “For readiness, system testing and tryouts were previously carried out on April 18-19,” he continued.

According to Abduh Riski, S.Si., M.Si, as the supervisor of the ONMIPA-PT UNEJ delegation, the participants who took part in the regional-level selection were the results of the selection on March 8. “These twenty participants are the result of university-level selection carried out previously at the UNEJ entrepreneurship building and then took part in intensive coaching on March 25–31,” he explained. It was also announced that five students per field would take part in the selection for two days online. Support was also provided by the UNEJ student affairs department by procuring equipment and UPA TIK via a capable internet network for this selection activity. Continue reading


KeRis GA Mathematics FMIPA Public Lecture, Information Systems Security: Cryptography and Graph Labeling

The Graph and Algebra (GA) Research Group, Mathematics Department, FMIPA UNEJ, held a public lecture with resource person Prof. Dr. I Wayan Sudarsana from Tadulako University (19/10). Raising the theme of Information Systems Security: Cryptography and Graphic Labeling, Prof. Wayan started his public lecture by talking about security that is often encountered in everyday life. “You all must often make transactions at the bank, and that requires the security of special information such as a pin or token. This security process is usually known as encryption, which contains cryptography in it,” began Prof. Wayan.

Previously, Chairman of KeRis Dr. Kristiana Wijaya expressed her great appreciation to Prof. Dr. I Wayan Sudarsana, who was pleased to give a public lecture. “KeRiS GA and I express our high appreciation amidst his busy agenda at one of the universities in Jember. Prof. Wayan is pleased to give a public lecture for mathematics students,” said Dr. Kristiana. There were also lecturers in the Mathematics Department, especially members of KeRiS GA and the Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Network Topology (CGANT) team led directly by Prof. Dafik. Continue reading