Tag Archives: physics


Physics Department, FMIPA UNEJ Hosts Inauguration of Management and Public Lecture of Indonesian Geophysicists Association

The Physics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, hosted the inauguration of the management of the Indonesian Association of Geophysicist (HAGI) East Java, Regional Committee Surabaya (27/2). Inaugurated directly by Ir. Dedi Yusmen, M.BA., M.Esy., President of HAGI from PT. Pertamina at the UNEJ Entrepreneurship Building. The public lecture was delivered by Deputy Secretary General I of HAGI Muhammad Husni Mubarak Lubis, S.T., M.S. from Pertamina University. The theme raised was “Massive Geophysics and Exploration for Energy Sustainability.”. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. was present and opened the event, which was attended by physics, mining, and oil students from UNEJ. Prof. Dafik said that the introduction of the world of work to students could be bridged through associations such as HAGI.

“With an association like HAGI consisting of lecturers and practitioners, it will help students introduce the world of industry, especially geophysics,” said the Dean of FMIPA. It was said that FMIPA also wants to open a geophysics study program after several new study programs that have been prepared. The new study program will increase the interest of prospective students to join FMIPA. The Dean also hopes that HAGI, through its work program, can provide teaching practitioners even though the ministry’s regulations may be slightly different. “I congratulate those who were inaugurated today; hopefully HAGI can continue to contribute to the world of education and the wider community,” he concluded. Continue reading


Umi Lailatul Jamilah, Physics Lecturer FMIPA Develops Real-time Guidance Commission Academic Services

As part of the 2024 CPNS Basic Training, Umi Lailatul Jamilah, M.Si., a Physics lecturer at FMIPA University of Jember, developed a digital-based academic service system called Kombi in the Department of Physics. “This development is a way to apply the Smart ASN values in institutions, by creating an interactive website for the final project registration process,” said Umi. Previously done manually, now students can register for their final project, seminars, and exams directly through the Department of Physics website. This will make the bureaucracy more effective, efficient, and faster.

According to Dr. Ratna Dewi Syarifah S.Pd., M.Si., Head of Kombi at the Department of Physics, the system is also designed to be more flexible and transparent. “Real-time information will automatically sync with students’ final project data,” she explained. This data includes student bios, research titles, names of advisors and examiners, and seminar/exam schedules. Dr. Ratna, who is also a mentor for the program, added that students can now access up-to-date information about the progress of their final projects.

The system has also been enhanced with an automatic diagram that shows the distribution of final project advisors. Umi explained that this will allow the department leadership to regularly monitor students’ final projects. Dr. Agus Supriyanto, S.Si., M.T., Head of the Department of Physics, emphasized that transparent and accessible information is crucial for any service system, including Kombi. “Information that is easy to access and provides valuable knowledge is the essence of an effective information system,” he said.

Endhah Purwandari S.Si., M.Si., a former head of Kombi at the Department of Physics, noted that digital services like this are not only needed by students but also by department leaders. “The department needs this for improving the quality of academic services,” she said. This development will also be an important part of the Physics Department’s accreditation evaluation. The hope is that this program will be beneficial, sustainable, and have a positive impact on many parties.


Retired Ir. Misto, M.Si: Physics Department FMIPA UNEJ holds Public Lecture and Farewell

The Physics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at the University of Jember held a public lecture and farewell event for Ir. Misto, M.Si., who is retiring on November 30th. In his speech, the Head of the Physics Department, Dr. Agus Suprianto, S.Si., M.T., expressed gratitude and appreciation for Mr. Misto’s service. “On behalf of the Physics Department, I would like to thank and honor Mr. Misto for his dedicated contribution in sharing valuable knowledge,” he said. As a colleague, Dr. Agus shared that Mr. Misto had made many contributions to research and community service. “He is a senior physics lecturer who always provided advice to us younger faculty members and was a great teacher who was always willing to engage in discussions with students,” he added.

The event was attended by all the lecturers and administrative staff from the Physics Department. The event began with a public lecture, during which Mr. Misto gave a talk to physics students from various year groups. He shared the story of his journey from becoming a lecturer to his years of service at FMIPA, leading up to his retirement. “At the end of my service, I want to share my knowledge, especially in physics, for the advancement of medicine, which has been part of my journey as a lecturer,” he said. Mr. Misto has worked on several collaborations to show how physics can greatly benefit human health, particularly through medicine.

He explained that not everything dangerous is harmful if used in the right way. “Gamma rays from radioactive materials, if used correctly, can be used to treat cancer,” he explained. The radiation can damage the DNA of cancer cells, which helps slow the growth and spread of cancer. “Although there are side effects, like loss of appetite, this can be managed by eating fruit,” he added. The event ended with the students presenting Mr. Misto with a gift.

The farewell event continued with a video presentation from colleagues and staff, who shared messages and memories of Mr. Misto. “He is a role model who is always enjoyable to discuss with, whether it’s about lectures, research, community service, or even life in general,” said a fellow lecturer. Many gifts were presented to Mr. Misto, from colleagues, alumni, and the department. The event concluded with a group photo, karaoke, and a lunch together.

Congratulations on your retirement, Mr. Misto, and thank you for your dedication and service to Physics, FMIPA, and the University of Jember.

Event Documentation


FMIPA UNEJ Holds The Second International Basic Science Conference (IBSC) 2024

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, held the Second International Basic Science Conference, or IBSC 2024 (8/10). Held in the 3rd floor of the UNEJ Entrepreneurship Building, this year the theme was “AI at the Frontier of Natural Sciences: Trends and Future Directions.” Presenting keynote speakers: Prof. Dr. Ismail Naci CANGÜL from Bursa Uludag University, Turkey; Dr. S. Stalin from SASTRA Deemed to be University, India; Prof. Dr. Ing. Hendro Wicaksono from Constructor University Bremen gGmbH, Germany; and Dr. M. Kamaraj from SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India. The 2nd IBSC 2024 was held in a hybrid manner, attended by 53 participants, and Dr. M. Kamaraj from India was present at UNEJ to provide material.

The 2nd IBSC 2024 was officially opened by Prof. Drs. Bambang Kuswandi, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Rector of UNEJ for planning, cooperation, and information systems. In his speech, Prof. Bambang said that IBSC is a conference to disseminate knowledge, interact with experts, and strengthen professional networks. “IBSC is a forum for discussion and sharing to support the advancement of science and technology,” he said. It is hoped that the output of the conference discussing the theme of artificial intelligence will be able to make natural science the forefront of future trends and directions of research. Continue reading


Physics Students of FMIPA UNEJ Attend ICANSE 2024 Nuclear Conference at ITB Bandung

Physics students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, Aroofi Candra Kartiko, M. Khanifuddin Zuhri, A’isyah Rizqi Amaliyah, and Nurul Kholifah got the opportunity to attend the International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering (ICANSE) 2024. Held in the East Hall of ITB, Ganesha Campus, Bandung, four Physics students attended a series of events and presented their research results during their time at Physics, FMIPA UNEJ, to be published in international journals and proceedings indexed by Scopus. The ICANSE event held on 2-4 September 2024 required physics students to follow the registration process, starting from submitting abstracts to submitting full papers.

“An extraordinary experience participating in ICANSE 2024 and will be a motivation for other Physics students to continue learning and be enthusiastic in research to increase their insight and contribution to science in the future,” said Aroofi Candra Kartiko. At ICANSE 2024, the Lomonosov academic was introduced by ROSATOM as the first floating nuclear power plant in the world. Also discussed was the knowledge of mapping safe areas to establish NPPs in Indonesia and plans to utilize nuclear as low-carbon energy in the future. The FMIPA envoy also had the opportunity to meet and discuss with Prof. Dr. Eng. Zaki Su’ud (ITB Physics Professor in the field of nuclear reactors) regarding further studies and research collaborations. Continue reading


Ahmad Haris Rasidi, FMIPA Physics Student Passes Selection to Participate in BRIN Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System Workshop

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) held a workshop on the use of the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System, or EPICS, program at the Ahmad Baiquni Building, Babarsari, Yogyakarta, from June 10 to 14, 2024. The theme of the workshop was “Development of EPICS-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems in Accelerator Research Facilities.” The material was delivered by Dr. Keerati Manasatitpong and Mr. Natthawut Suradet from the Thai Research Institute (SLRI), or Synchrotron Light Research Institute. BRIN is collaborating with the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) to organize the workshop.

To take part in the workshop, participants from universities in the country are given the opportunity to take part in the selection stage after registering. After being declared successful, Ahmad Haris Rasidi, a student from the Physics Department at FMIPA UNEJ, received an invitation to the EPICS workshop along with accommodation which was fully borne by BRIN. “I will take advantage of this golden opportunity to learn more about the EPICS program in industrial control systems,” he said. Haris hopes that there will be a lot of new knowledge that can be brought back to Jember after attending the workshop, of course valuable experience during the five days of training. Continue reading