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Sad News of the Passing of Agung Budi Santoso, S.Si., M.Si Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, FMIPA UNEJ

Has passed away to Rahmatullah Agung Budi Santoso, S.Si., M.Sc. Lecturer in the Chemistry Department, FMIPA, Jember University on Saturday, November 11 2023. The deceased joined as a lecturer in the Chemistry Department, FMIPA since March 1998. An alumnus of Brawijaya University (S1) in 1997 and the Bandung Institute of Technology (S2) in 2003, he taught the field of Biochemistry during his service as a lecturer. The deceased left two sons.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, especially the Department of Chemistry, expresses its deepest condolences for the death of Agung Budi Santoso, S.Si., M.Si., who dedicated his knowledge, energy, and thoughts to the alma mater. In the eyes of his colleagues, the deceased was a creative, humorous figure who was able to lighten the mood. Pak Agung is also known to often provide motivation for chemistry students. During his time as a lecturer in chemistry, he often won the title of favorite lecturer. The deceased was buried in the city where he was born and raised, Malang, on Sunday morning at 09.00 WIB. Continue reading