Tag Archives: thesis


Komisi Bimbingan Matematika: The Final Assignment Will Not Make Your Life End

Lihat TA disana, Kukejar untuk hidupku
Pasti kamu pun tahu, Ingin aku lewati
Tugas Akhir yang tak Indah
Namun harus kujalani

The cover version of the song “Berdua Lebih Baik” song by Acha Septriasa, opened a series of Final Assignment Socialization events for the Mathematics Department, FMIPA UNEJ (23.26/2). This socialization is the fifth event held by the Komisi Bimbingan (kombi) Matematika Department of  Mathematics FMIPA since 2021.

As is known, Tugas Akhir (TA) is an activity that students must carry out at the end of their studies with a series of activities: preparation of proposals, research and writing of final assignments, seminars, and publication of scientific papers. Implementation of TA administratively through SIAKAD/SISTER begins with the registration process until proof of scientific work is published. “Even though the TA implementation process has been integrated into SISTER, there are still many students who do not understand the flow and are new to TA programming,” said Dr. Agustina Pradjaningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Mathematics Committee Secretary. Therefore, the Mathematics Department team will conduct continuous outreach to minimize procedural errors. Continue reading


Focus Group Discussion FMIPA UNEJ Final Project Rubric

The standard of assessment in the learning process is something that must be done. As is the case with all courses held by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, the final project as one of the courses requires the same standard of assessment in the four study programs at FMIPA. “In order to be standardized, it is considered necessary to have an assessment rubric for the final assignment exam, both during the proposal seminar and the final project session,” said the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Final Project Rubric was held at Kalibaru Cottage Banyuwangi (28-29/5). This event is the Head of the Department and Komisi Bimbingan of each study program at the FMIPA. Furthermore, The Dean said that the rubric can be used as a guide for assessment and also as a reference for students in preparing seminars, either proposals or thesis trials.

“It will be easier for the assessment process if we already have a rubric, not only assessors but those who are assessed, namely students will understand aspects or components of the final assignment assessment,” he continued. The existence of this rubric will indirectly speed up the student’s study period, because they can prepare the final project properly by paying attention to the assessment rubric. “What can also be produced through the assessment rubric is a more objective assessment for lecturers and students” he concluded. Continue reading


Accelerate Undergraduate Thesis, FMIPA UNEJ Formulate Strategy and Integration with MBKM Program

“Through Bentuk Kegiatan Pembelajaran Studi/Proyek Independen, MBKM Program can be an effort to speed up thesis period and will have an impact on student’s study period in order to increase graduation standards” said Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. Dean of FMIPA, University of Jember. This was conveyed at the Focus Group Discussion of  Perumusan Strategi Percepatan Tugas Akhir S1 dan Integrasi dengan Program MBKM at Meotel Jember (14-15/12). The Dean also conveyed that as a guide for students and study programs, Studi/Proyek Independen Team (S/P-I) has launched a guide that can be downloaded on the FMIPA UNEJ website. In the FGD which was attended by the Head of the Department, Komisi Bimbingan Team, and Studi/Proyek Independen Team, the Dean also mentioned the Dean’s expectations for all study programs at FMIPA to prepare ASIIN accreditation. ASIIN’s international accreditation that leads to IKU is international recognition,” he hoped. Also attending the FGD, Fenny Indriani, S.Si. alumni of Department of Biology angkatan 2016 which tells the experience during the final project. “I hope that the implementation of the final project at FMIPA will be accelerated, especially at the results seminar stage, maybe through this activity this can be discussed,” said Fenny who is now working at PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Tbk (Alfamart) Jember in HRD position. The next session, Vice Dean for Academic FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. present about the acceleration of the final project at FMIPA UNEJ. “Relevant issues that led to the final project period were a visible thesis model, study program/faculty efforts to reduce thesis period, simple and fast thesis procedures and integration of thesis with Independent Studies/Projects through the guidelines that have been released,” he explained.. Continue reading