The Bachelor’s Degree Program in Mathematics at FMIPA UNEJ is finalizing the evaluation of the LAMSAMA accreditation documents

The Bachelor’s Degree Program in Mathematics at FMIPA UNEJ held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to evaluate the LAMSAMA accreditation documents at Grand Valonia (January 11-12). The session featured support from Dr. Yulia Indrawati, S.E., M.Si., and Riska Rian Fauziah, S.Pt., M.Sc., M.P., Ph.D., from the Quality Assurance and Learning Development Institution (LPMPP) of the University of Jember. The event was also attended by the Vice Dean I of FMIPA, Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Vice Dean II of FMIPA, Dr. Esti Utarti, S.P., M.Si. “Over the next two days, we will discuss the evaluation of the LAMSAMA accreditation documents for the Mathematics Bachelor’s program with guidance from LPMPP, and we hope for a positive result, which is an EXCELLENT accreditation,” said the Vice Dean I of FMIPA.

For two days, the accreditation task force team for the Mathematics Bachelor’s program at FMIPA worked on aligning the Program Study Performance Report (LKPS) and Self-Evaluation Report (LED). Each criterion was supported by teams from LPMPP and the UPM-GPM FMIPA UNEJ. The task force team had previously worked based on the agreed criteria. “The Mathematics task force team has already been working according to the criteria that were set,” said Kusbudiono, S.Si., M.Si., the head of the accreditation task force. Kusbudiono hopes that by the end of the discussions, each criterion team will be able to complete their work to submit to LAMSAMA.

The Mathematics Bachelor’s program at FMIPA UNEJ was established in 1997 and received a B accreditation from BAN-PT in 2021. It is expected that in this re-accreditation process, the program will receive the highest possible rating from LAMSAMA, which is EXCELLENT. This would attract more prospective students to the Mathematics program at FMIPA UNEJ. “A lot of improvements have been made in preparation for accreditation, including facilities, teaching quality, and alumni tracking,” explained Dr. Kiswara Agung Santoso, S.Si., M.Kom., Head of the Mathematics Department.

The team worked together and coordinated to complete the tables for the LKPS and LED criteria required by LAMSAMA. Dr. Esti Utarti, S.Si., M.Si., Vice Dean II of FMIPA, hopes that the FGD will be beneficial for the accreditation submission. “The Dean’s Office provides FGD facilitation for programs that are undergoing accreditation or re-accreditation to achieve optimal results,” she said. The results of the FGD will be further discussed and submitted to LAMSAMA at the end of January 2025, with the hope that the Mathematics Bachelor’s program will achieve an EXCELLENT accreditation from LAMSAMA after completing the field visit phase.