Vision FMIPA
Excellent at developing math, science,and its environmentally friendly application.
1. Organizing education in the field of mathematics, science, and its application to international standards and environmentally friendly;
2. Produce and develop scientists through the process of research and dedication to community and environmentally friendly;
3. Develop a faculty governance system technology-based transparent and accountable information;
4. Develop a network of cooperation with domestic and foreign stakeholders.
The purpose of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember
The vision will be realized by carrying out the mission. In carrying out this mission there are goals that must be achieved. The objectives to be achieved in the implementation of the FMIPA UNEJ mission are:
1. Produce graduates who are competitive and comparative in Southeast Asia and Asia;
2. Produce superior works in the field of science and technology that are environmentally friendly, local wisdom and contributive to solving problems that exist in the community;
3. Realizing a work culture of tradition of excellence for all members of FMIPA UNEJ by strengthening the implementation of an accountable, effective, efficient, and economical quality management system based on information and communication technology (ICT); and
4. To realize FMIPA UNEJ which is recognized locally, nationally and globally through national and international accreditation bodies.. |
FMIPA Vision Explanation
Excellence in the development of science, mathematics and its applications means that the science, mathematics, and its applications that have been successfully developed by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember must have good quality and competitiveness at the national, Asian, and international levels. The realization of this vision is projected in 2035 and gradually in accordance with the potential and strong determination possessed by every citizen of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember.
Environmental insight is intended, FMIPA UNEJ in realizing the excellence of Science and Technology must also heed, pay attention and maintain environmental sustainability which is manifested in the form of faculty involvement in research and service in the field of environmental conservation which is manifested by indicators of the realization of a green and clean campus, integration of environmental insights in curriculum, involvement in the conservation of National Parks, various researches in the environmental field, development of the assisted village programs.