Offline Class at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of MIPA, University of Jember

“Online participants can clearly hear my voice? Then the display on the whiteboard can also be read?” this was said by Kusbudiono, S.Si, M.Si. to online lecture participants. All answered clearly and were ready to take the Aljabar Linier course this afternoon which was attended by Angkatan 2020 (2/11). “For offline participants here, if you have any questions, please convey them with the available mic, so that your online friends can hear the voice well,” continued Kusbudiono who is also the Head of Departmentof Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. The lectures held on the 2nd floor of building I mathematics department, have been prepared in such a way as to be comfortable for offline and online lecture participants. The equipment that has been prepared is a handycam camera by using HDMI capture to produce video with clear quality. “For sound, we use a mini mixer so that the wireless mic from the teacher and offline participants can enter the zoom meeting clearly,” he said before starting the lecture. HDMI capture and mixer used are based on the initial meeting where there were problems with poor picture and sound quality due to the use of a webcam only. By implementing protokol kesehatan, it is hoped that limited offline lectures can represent lecture participants who are currently still online. “We will make room and equipment are static in this room, because there are some courses that also carry out limited lectures” he said. The mathematics building I was chosen, due to its good health condition and has been connected to university network using fiber optic.

For information, preparation for limited lectures has started since last September through SK Rektor No. 17544/UN25/TU/2021. In addition to Angkatan 2020, students who are currently taking practical courses, students who are working on their final assignments and students participating in pendidikan profesi are also allowed to go to campus. This can be seen in the tugas akhir activities in the laboratory. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. also mentioned limited lectures at Apel Pagi FMIPA on Monday a week ago. “For limited lectures, later each class can only be filled 50 percent of its capacity. Limited lectures will be presented with maximum of 60 minutes with a 30 minute break before the next lecture for class cleaning activities.” he said.

Limited lectures held at the Mathematics Department of FMIPA are based on the direction of Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi, Nadiem Makarim through Surat Edaran Ditjen Dikti No. 4 of 2021 about Penyelenggaraan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Tahun Akademik 2021/ 2022. And University of Jember in its implementation starts with students from Angkatan 2020, which should be in two Angkatan, 2020 and 2021. This is because Angkatan 2021 are lectures still with theory and have not led to practice.