Category Archives: News


ON-MIPA Team University of Jember

on-mipa2015Rector of the University of Jember Drs. Mohammad Hasan, M.Sc., Ph.D release Tim ON-MIPA, University of Jember for the selection stage of MIPA Olympiad at the regional level, with the hope to penetrate the national level and achievement. ON MIPA, University of Jember team consisting of 28 students from FMIPA and FKIP Jember, 9 lecturers include Nurul Priyantari, S.Si., M.Si (Vice Dean III FMIPA), Drs. Rudju Winarsa, M.Kes. (Lecturer in Department of Biology), Ziaul Arif, S.Si., M.Sc. (Lecturer in Department of Mathematics) and several lecturers FKIP also 2 Jember University Student Affairs staff went to ITN Malang April 7, 2015.

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Healthy Communities University of Jember

DSCN3969Healthy Communities University of Jember was held at FMIPA on Friday, March 13, 2015, attended by more than 300 participants. The event started with the implementation of “Senam Tera” and “Poco – Poco” dance led by Mrs. Bagyo. Followed by semi-aerobic gymnastics and aerobics with instructor guided.

The cool weather to support this activity, the participants enthusiastically followed. Likewise, Rector of the University of Jember Drs. Moh. Hasan, M.Sc., Ph.D is pleased to present to enliven this healthy community events. Further remarks from The Dean of FMIPA Prof. Kusno, DEA., Ph.D., who said that a healthy community event this time took this theme “Healthy Life Quality Life”. Rector was also to give a speech while raffle to host a healthy community event in April 2015.

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Biology Lecturers visit to Germany

bio_jermanIn February of 2015 yesterday 4 lecturers from Department of Biology visit to the University of Applied Sciences Flensburg Germany. Led by Chairman of the Department of Biology Dr. rer. nat Kartika Senjarini, M.Sc. delegation of Purwatiningsih S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Secretary of the Department of Biology), Sattya Arimurti S.P., M.Sc., Dra. Rike Oktarianti, M.Si talks of cooperation between the two universities related to microbiology.

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Comparative Study to FST UNAIR

unair1-300x149In December 2014, FMIPA University of Jember conduct comparative studies to FST UNAIR. Led by the Dean of FMIPA University of Jember, Prof. Kusno, DEA., Ph.D., delegation FMIPA University of Jember and FST UNAIR exchange of information in all fields ranging from the Academic, Student Affairs until SIMAK management, especially management of inventory BMN country must be destroyed or auctioned.

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Mathematics National Seminar 2014

snm11-400x280 Mathematics National Seminar 2014 held on November 19, 2014. There are three speakers who will deliver major papers at the plenary session on the 3rd floor of the Rectorat Building University of Jember, as Keynote Speaker Dr. Ir. Tjuk Eko Hari Basuki, MST (Kepala Pusat Ketersediaan dan Kerawanan Pangan, Badan Ketahanan Pangan, Kementerian Pertanian RI) which will convey the theme of the seminarPeran Matematika/Statistika dalam Mengembangkan Pertanian Industrial untuk Mendukung Kedaulatan Pangan Nasional“. Dr. Bagus Sartono, M.Si (Secretary of Department of Statistics Institut Pertanian Bogor) as Invited Speaker convey the theme “Aplikasi Mixed Integer Linier Programming” and last Prof. Drs. Kusno, DEA, Ph.D (The Dean of FMIPA University of Jember) as Plenary Speaker delivering research developments in the field of Geometri Rancang Bangun.

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Yudisium FMIPA University of Jember

yudisium2-300x225Yudisium is an academic process that involves the application of grades and graduation of students from across the academic process. Yudisium also means the announcement of value to students as a final review of all the courses you have taken and the determination of the value of students in the academic transcript. In 2014 FMIPA carry out Yudisium XL for Bachelor Program and IX to the Master Program

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