Healthy Walks Celebrate the 24th anniversary of FMIPA and the 59th anniversary of the University of Jember

In the context of the 24th anniversary of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and to enliven the 59th anniversary of the University of Jember, a health walk and joint exercise were held (11/10). The women’s union dharwa and the retired FMIPA UNEJ event took place in the FMIPA parking lot. Starting with a healthy walk around the Jember University campus and led directly by the Dean of FMIPA. Enjoying the shady trees starting from FMIPA along the road in front of FTP, FK, and FKG, next to FKM, in front of the UNEJ, FH, FEB, FISIP, Pascasarjana, and back at the FMIPA parking lot to take part in group exercise.

After the group exercise, it was continued with remarks from the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., and continued cutting the tumpeng. “Thank God, we can meet again on the 24th anniversary of FMIPA and also enliven the 59th anniversary of UNEJ. I would like to express my gratitude to the entire community, women’s dharma, and retired staff for their support and cooperation so far,” said the dean. The tumpeng cutting was accompanied by the Deputy Deans, the first Dean of FMIPA, Ir. Sumadi, M.S., Drs. Sujito, Ph.D., and several other officials.

On this occasion, Ir. Sumadi, M.S. The first dean of FMIPA delivered his remarks and several wishes. “We, representing the retired FMIPA staff, would like to express our gratitude for the invitation and have the desire to create a kind of family bond with the retired staff to continue to build friendship,” he said. And this wish was immediately approved by the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, because post-service input and contributions are also continuously needed by the institution.

The FMIPA anniversary event continued with an interesting door prize draw that had been prepared by the committee. Interspersed with singing entertainment from the participants of the anniversary event as well as performances from UKMS TITIK. Food and drinks were also provided for participants by the Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA Unity. There were also several booths from FMIPA partners, one of which was KPRI University opf Jember with a mobile car unit.

For your information, FMIPA UNEJ was established on August 10, 1999, based on the decision of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 194/0/1999 concerning the establishment of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Jember. And on November 16, 1999, the inauguration of FMIPA was held, which coincided with the inauguration of the leadership (Dean, Vice Dean I, Vice Dean II, and Vice III), Kabag Tata Usaha dan Kasubag (Akademik, Keuangan dan Kepegawaian, Umum dan Kemahasiswaan).

Documentation of Dies Natalis Ke-24 FMIPA UNEJ