Interim Audit for Faculty MIPA University of Jember Assets by a Public Accounting Consultant

The Faculty MIPA is part of the work unit at the University of Jember, which is ready to undergo an interim audit by Public Accounting Consultants Luthfy Muhammad and Partners (2/11). Together with BMN UNEJ staff, officers from KAP at the beginning of the agenda carried out an audit of inventory items (ATK) in the FMIPA dean building and four study programs. “The aim is to see how the goods purchasing system works until it is distributed to users,” said a companion from BMN UNEJ. KAP carries out sampling on several items that have been recorded in the inventory application. The BMN FMIPA team, especially supplies, has prepared this data so that the inspection takes place quickly and smoothly.

Accompanied by Kepala Bagian Umum FMIPA dan Wakil Koordinator Bidang Umum dan Barang Milik Negara FMIPA, the KAP team next looked at how state property assets (BMN) are recorded. “We record all BMN assets at FMIPA in the SIMAK BMN application in accordance with the directions and procedures set by the university,” said Wakor Bidang Umum dan BMN FMIPA. The KAP team examines everything from planning, procurement, and purchasing to the placement of state-owned goods. The data must match the SIMAK application with the actual condition of the goods.

The state-owned assets examined are the same as inventories, which are sampled based on the SIMAK BMN application. “We are sampling items recorded in procurement transactions for 2022–2023,” explained an officer from KAP. Registered items are also immediately checked according to their position. “With the help of the QR code on the goods label, it is very easy for us to immediately find out the specifications of the goods up to the year of procurement,” she continued.

Apart from supplies and state-owned goods, KAP also randomly checks income, expenditure, and financial cash reports from FMIPA UNEJ. Finally, the new IsDB building, which is a joint building with FMIPA and FTP, was also visited because there is also BMN. For your information, University of Jember is the first PTN in Indonesia that is willing to undergo an interim audit during this period. And FMIPA UNEJ feels proud to be a work unit that carries out interim audits by preparing the data required by the Public Accounting Office.