FMIPA UNEJ Alumni Sharing: The Importance of Communication and Self-Preparation, the Foundation for Successful Work and Further Study

Communication and self-preparation are the most important foundations that prospective graduates must understand and apply when working or continuing their studies. This was revealed at the alumni sharing event for periods V and VI of the 2023–2024 academic year (27/10). Presenting two alumni, Rofiki Fahim, S.Si., alumni of the Physics Department in 2019, who now work as physics teachers at MA Unggulan Nuris Jember as well as Naib Mudir staff at Ma’had Aly Nurul Islam Jember, and alumni of the Chemistry Department in 2013, Miranti Puspitasari, S.Si., M.Si., who is now QC staff at PT. Gading Mas Indonesia Teguh (GMIT).

“Now is the time for prospective graduates to establish themselves to continue working or studying, and they must prepare themselves as best as possible,” began Rofiki Fahim. He also explained the choice to work through careful consideration and, of course, preparing yourself to be able to compete for work. This man, who likes exact lessons, said that his love of physics has led him to now work as a physics teacher. “Even since high school, I have indirectly prepared myself with the knowledge that I am pursuing to be able to work in that field, namely physics,” he continued.

Rofiki, who is originally from Banyuwangi, also invited prospective graduates to be able to become mature individuals. “Now that you have finished college, it is time to have mature thinking so you are ready to enter society,” he continued. No longer relying on parents, no longer being relaxed, and no longer having a childlike spirit that must be accompanied at all times. “It’s time to fight for the future, determine the direction of your goals, and accompany it all with prayer,” he concluded.

Previously, in his opening remarks, the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., always reminded prospective graduates to complete the tracer study. “I often and definitely convey this during alumni sharing, so that graduates complete a tracer study to provide input for our alma mater,” he said. The dean also said that after graduation, everyone would remain a family through IKAMIPA. “Please join IKAMIPA to find out about the development of your alma mater, and of course, information about lockers will definitely be available. “Tell your success to juniors at FMIPA,” he asked. The dean also invited prospective graduates to prepare themselves for the graduation procession the next day.

Miranti Puspitasari, S.Si., M.Si., in the second session, told about his experiences when continuing his studies and getting a job. “At that time, I was hungry to study, so I decided to continue studying after graduation,” she said. Miranti told me about choosing a different field of science during S1, which will add experience to compete in the world of work. “After my master’s studies, I also prepared myself to compete with others to get a job until I was finally accepted as a QC in an agro-industrial company,” continued Miranti.

The Airlangga University Masters alumnus always mentions the importance of communication in their field of work. “Whatever skills you have, if they are not based on communication, your level of success will have an impact,” she said. Communication will influence decision-making at work, which results in costs, so that efficiency and effectiveness can be maintained. At the end, Miranti hopes that the alumni sharing will also hold a coaching clinic on job interviews and how to make the correct application. The event closed with questions from the attendees and group photos

Alumni Sharing Event Documentation