Komisi Bimbingan Matematika: The Final Assignment Will Not Make Your Life End

Lihat TA disana, Kukejar untuk hidupku
Pasti kamu pun tahu, Ingin aku lewati
Tugas Akhir yang tak Indah
Namun harus kujalani

The cover version of the song “Berdua Lebih Baik” song by Acha Septriasa, opened a series of Final Assignment Socialization events for the Mathematics Department, FMIPA UNEJ (23.26/2). This socialization is the fifth event held by the Komisi Bimbingan (kombi) Matematika Department of  Mathematics FMIPA since 2021.

As is known, Tugas Akhir (TA) is an activity that students must carry out at the end of their studies with a series of activities: preparation of proposals, research and writing of final assignments, seminars, and publication of scientific papers. Implementation of TA administratively through SIAKAD/SISTER begins with the registration process until proof of scientific work is published. “Even though the TA implementation process has been integrated into SISTER, there are still many students who do not understand the flow and are new to TA programming,” said Dr. Agustina Pradjaningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Mathematics Committee Secretary. Therefore, the Mathematics Department team will conduct continuous outreach to minimize procedural errors.

The Tugas Akhir procedure begins with an explanation of the Pre-Final Assignment process starting from TA Programming to the Guidance process with the Main Supervisor and Member Supervising Lecturers delivered by Dr. Agustina Pradjaningsih, S.Si., M.Si (secretary). Next, the Chair of Komisi Bimbingan Matematika, Abduh Riski, S.Si., M.Si, delivered a second presentation about the examination process starting from registration and requirements for the Proposal Seminar Examination and TA Session. The final presentation was delivered by Firda Fadri, S.Si., M.Si (member) explaining the flow after the TA session, starting from the assessment process to uploading the final revision of the TA and uploading the publication results as a condition for being declared as passing the TA. “In between presentations, we distributed door prizes to students who asked questions and enlivened the event,” continued Agustina.

The series of TA socialization events continued on February 26, 2024, with the agenda of sharing TA material topics. The aim of holding this event is not only to help students have many alternatives for preparing TA material but also to distribute students to all research groups in the Mathematics Department. Sharing material topics in February 2024, starting from the CAGD-F-MA (Computer Aided Geometric Design, Fractal, and Math Analysis) Research Group. The presentation was started by Dr. Firdaus Ubaidillah. S.Si., M.Si. in the field of analysis, continued with fractal material. Finally, the field of geometry was delivered by Bagus Juliyanto, S.Si., M.Si.

“Based on student requests, in the future, this TA Topic Socialization and Sharing event will be held with a more interesting event packaging so that the final project will not make your life end,” concluded Agustina.