Sindhi Wahidatul Ikrimah Biology Alumni Gives Motivation to Graduates at FMIPA UNEJ Alumni Sharing

Sindhi Wahidatul Ikrimah, S.Si., alumni of the 2017 FMIPA Biology Department, was present to provide motivation to FMIPA UNEJ graduates at the alumni sharing event (23/2). Sindhi shared her experience working at Tanobel Food as a quality control officer and also explained how she achieved this position. “The position I am currently in is different from when I was studying, but with will and perseverance, I can do it well, especially at FMIPA. I have the basics,” she said.

Sindhi said several companies, like the one where he works, are interested in fresh graduates. “Why fresh graduates? Because companies need people who are enthusiastic about working with high mobility, and that’s what fresh graduates do,” she said. Sindhi also proved to herself that, as a new graduate, she could compete and get a job. So there is no need to be discouraged if you are said to have just graduated from college, because many companies are interested, of course, with the criteria that must be met.

There is no need to worry that if you join the company, you will have difficulty adjusting because there will be several trainings according to the position. “Like me, a quality control person needs supporting training because QC’s duties are technical and important for production,” she explained. Apart from that, it is also supported by several trainings contained in the SKPI, and the certification that Sindhi achieved while studying was very helpful in the field she is currently working in.

However, for graduates who don’t have it, there is no need to worry because, currently, many training courses are being held in preparation for entering the world of work. “Just take part in training to support entering the world of work; whether it’s management, foreign languages, or something else, MIPA graduates have the basics to be ready to compete,” she said. At the end of the event, Sindhi shared tips on passing the selection to enter the world of work. “Expand your experience and relationships, explain your abilities during interviews, and most importantly, have a good attitude,” he concluded.

Previously, at the opening of the Vice Dean III of FMIPA UNEJ, Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si., on behalf of the Dean of FMIPA, he conveyed the message that FMIPA graduates have a good future and no longer need to feel inferior. “There is no need to feel inferior; FMIPA UNEJ graduates have a good future, and we will facilitate it through alumni meetings, which will present alumni to be able to motivate and recruit juniors,” he said. The event closed with questions from the jawans, and tomorrow the alumni sharing participants will take part in the University of Jember graduation process for period VIII of the 2023-2024 academic year at the UNEJ Auditorium.

Documentation Sharing Alumni FMIPA UNEJ