ORMAWA FMIPA University of Jember Management in 2024 Inaugurated

Plt. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., officially inaugurated the management of ORMAWA FMIPA Jember University for the 2024 term (31/1) in the FMIPA Physics Department Auditorium. The dean also advised that students’ main task is to study and be able to join organizations while maintaining their achievements. “Being an ORMAWA administrator is a good thing; it is also supported by the main role of being a student, namely studying and, of course, achieving,” began Plt. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ at an event attended by Deputy Deans, Heads of Departments, and ORMAWA’s coach.

The dean further said that he should be proud to be an FMIPA student because jobs in the science and technology sector are currently needed. “As stated by Prof. Akmaloka from ITB, 80% of jobs require science and technology students, while only 30% of science and technology students are in Indonesia, so we must be proud and prepared to compete to achieve that,” he said. He also touched on the important role of students in study program accreditation. Students are also the determinants of the success of a study program in achieving top accreditation, and this will be useful again for students when applying for jobs.

“The role of students in taking part in PKM or ONMIPA is that the more students who take part will help assess study program accreditation. So prepare from now on,” he hoped. At the end of his remarks, the Dean also invited ORMAWA administrators to always maintain good communication with leaders, lecturers, supervisors, or educational staff. “We are all academics; without students, lecturers, and staff, we are not called academics, so let’s move forward together as FMIPA UNEJ academics,” he concluded.

Previously, Deputy Dean III FMIPA UNEJ, Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si., read out the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University, regarding the appointment of ORMAWA FMIPA Management at Jember University for the 2024 term of office. And continued with the reading of the attachment to the Decree of the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, which contains a list of names of new ORMAWA administrators for the 2024 term of office by the Deputy Coordinator for Academic, Student, and Alumni Affairs, Natalis Eka Rini, S.E.

Reading of the script for the inauguration of BPM, BEM, HMJ, and UKM FMIPA UNEJ administrators for the 2024 term of office by Plt. Dean of FMIPA Jember University. This was followed by the handover of the old management to the new management, represented by each ORMAWA chairman, witnessed by the Plt. Dean of FMIPA. The reading of the pledge was led by the Chair of BEM FMIPA and attended by all the newly appointed ORMAWA administrators. The chairman of BEM FMIPA for the 2023 term of office also had the opportunity to provide motivation and hope for the new management so they can bring ORMAWA to an even better level.

For your information, the Student Organization (ORMAWA) at FMIPA Jember University consists of DPM (Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa), BEM (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa), HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan), UKMS TITIK (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Seni TITIK), UKM IONS (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Islamic Organization of Mathematics and Natural Science), UKM PALAPA (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Pencinta Alam Mahasiswa MIPA), LPMM ALPHA (Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa MIPA ALPHA), and UKM SPORA (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Seni Paduan Suara dan Olah Raga). Each of them has one supervisor from the teaching staff, who is also determined by the ORMAWA management decree in 2024.

Documentation of the Inauguration of ORMAWA Management 2024