Tag Archives: ormawa


ORMAWA FMIPA University of Jember Management in 2024 Inaugurated

Plt. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., officially inaugurated the management of ORMAWA FMIPA Jember University for the 2024 term (31/1) in the FMIPA Physics Department Auditorium. The dean also advised that students’ main task is to study and be able to join organizations while maintaining their achievements. “Being an ORMAWA administrator is a good thing; it is also supported by the main role of being a student, namely studying and, of course, achieving,” began Plt. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ at an event attended by Deputy Deans, Heads of Departments, and ORMAWA’s coach.

The dean further said that he should be proud to be an FMIPA student because jobs in the science and technology sector are currently needed. “As stated by Prof. Akmaloka from ITB, 80% of jobs require science and technology students, while only 30% of science and technology students are in Indonesia, so we must be proud and prepared to compete to achieve that,” he said. He also touched on the important role of students in study program accreditation. Students are also the determinants of the success of a study program in achieving top accreditation, and this will be useful again for students when applying for jobs. Continue reading


Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Officially Opens PPMB FMIPA Jember University in 2023

Located in the FMIPA UNEJ parking lot, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., officially opened the Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Mahasiswa Baru (PPMB) at FMIPA Jember University in 2023 (16/9). “This year’s PPMB implementation will be fully offline again, which will be carried out every Saturday from September 9 to September 30, 2023,” he said. The Dean of FMIPA UNEJ hopes that all new students will be able to manage their time and maintain their health so they can take part in PPMB 2023 amidst the busy schedule of lectures from morning to evening with mandatory courses that must be taken.

“Manage your time as best as possible, maintain your diet, and rest because PPMB 2023 at the weekend is when your energy is fully devoted to lectures and practicums,” he advised. Like last year, FMIPA UNEJ will focus on the Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM). There will be material on controlling ideas and PKM writing training. FMIPA concentrates on PKM because it hopes that with the many new students this year, there will be several groups that will be able to penetrate the national level. Other national-level competitions were also promoted by the presenters. Continue reading


The Month of Ramadhan, FMIPA Students Remain Productive in Lectures and Student Activities

UNEJ FMIPA students are the same as other students at the University of Jember during the month of Ramadan live lectures with adjusted time. Practicums in the laboratories of all study programs run normally hand in hand in line with the lectures in the classroom. How are student activities? of course it will continue according to the agenda prepared by each ORMAWA.

Among them, the Advocacy Day initiated by BEMF MIPA was again held offline after being held online the previous year. Advocacy Day is a work program of BEMF MIPA UNEJ which aims to increase students’ understanding of the implementation of advocacy within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as well as increase students’ sensitivity and concern for issues that are currently developing. With the theme “Advocacy Channeled, Realizing Hope, Guarding Change, for FMIPA to Achieve Glory“, the Advocacy Day took place all day in Biologi Umum on April 9. Continue reading


The Dean Inaugurated the Management of ORMAWA FMIPA University of Jember for Term of Service in 2023

“Thank you to all the 2022 ORMAWA management who have carried out their duties well, and for the new 2023 administrators to prepare themselves to provide the best for FMIPA,” the opening remarks of Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. in the inauguration of the Management of ORMAWA FMIPA University of Jember for the 2023 service period (16/1) in Lecture Room 1 of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA.

Furthermore, the Dean hopes that in the future the student affairs agenda can be carried out properly through careful planning and guidance from the supervisor. Present at the inauguration of FMIPA leadership, ORMAWA supervisors and new and old ORMAWA FMIPA UNEJ administrators. The Dean also asked the new management to communicate with their predecessors to improve performance and achievements. “Communicate with the old management, as we know the previous BEM management was able to make it to the finals of the 2022 ORMAWA Community Service Program, ask for tricks to achieve that or more,” he said. Continue reading


Wakil Rektor 1 UNEJ attended the launching of Bank Sampah Digital by PPK ORMAWA BEMF MIPA UNEJ Team

The PPK ORMAWA BEMF MIPA Team University of Jember held a grand launching of the E-Bank Waste and Maggot Production in Kesilir Village, Wuluhan, Jember (29/9). Precisely at Pondok Pesantren Darussalaam Yasinat, the team has successfully developed a digital-based waste e-bank. The event was attended by Wakil Rektor 1 UNEJ Prof. Drs. Slamin, M.Comp.Sc., Ph.D., Warek 1 welcomes student programs that can touch and benefit the community.

“According to the theme Desa Kesilir Goes to Desa Bebas Sampah, it is hoped that the innovations of UNEJ students can be enjoyed by the community and of course have a good impact on the environment,” said Slamin. Present at the launching event, Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., Caretaker of Pesantren KH. Dimyathi Burhan and K. Imam Bazar Jauhari Burhan, Head of Kesilir Village, and Jember University Task Force Team. Continue reading


PPK Ormawa Team BEMF MIPA UNEJ Collaborates with Pondok Pesantren DaarusSalaam Yasinat to Create a Waste-Free Kesilir Village

The PPK Ormawa BEMF MIPA Team at University of Jember held a second socialization with a focus on the managers and partners of the program running the waste E-Bank and Maggot production (Hermetia Illucens) as an effort to increase the economic value of waste and environmental health in Kesilir Village. This program involves the community of RW 14 around the Pondok Pesantren DaarusSalaam Yasinat who will become customers of the Waste E-Bank program.

The socialization aims to provide information on waste sorting, maggot cultivation, and the process of making compost. The activity is divided into two posts, the first post learns to sort inorganic waste according to its type and the second post learns about maggot cultivation and making compost. Training with hands-on practice using inorganic waste and maggot media. Inorganic waste is sorted and collected according to its type. Continue reading