The Month of Ramadhan, FMIPA Students Remain Productive in Lectures and Student Activities

UNEJ FMIPA students are the same as other students at the University of Jember during the month of Ramadan live lectures with adjusted time. Practicums in the laboratories of all study programs run normally hand in hand in line with the lectures in the classroom. How are student activities? of course it will continue according to the agenda prepared by each ORMAWA.

Among them, the Advocacy Day initiated by BEMF MIPA was again held offline after being held online the previous year. Advocacy Day is a work program of BEMF MIPA UNEJ which aims to increase students’ understanding of the implementation of advocacy within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as well as increase students’ sensitivity and concern for issues that are currently developing. With the theme “Advocacy Channeled, Realizing Hope, Guarding Change, for FMIPA to Achieve Glory“, the Advocacy Day took place all day in Biologi Umum on April 9.

Advocacy Day will carry an agenda for presentation of material that discusses the introduction of advocacy, flow of bureaucracy at FMIPA, completion of advocacy at FMIPA, as well as interactive discussions on developing issues as an effort to increase student enthusiasm so that they are more courageous in voicing their aspirations while remaining positive. The presentation of the material was delivered by several speakers who were competent in their fields.

The first speaker on the basic introduction of advocacy and advocacy resolution in general was delivered by Dr. Edy Wahyudi, S.Sos., M.M. Vice Dean III of FISIP University of Jember. Followed by, the second speaker regarding the flow of bureaucracy at FMIPA and the completion of advocacy at FMIPA, which was delivered by Purwatiningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. Vice Dean II FMIPA University of Jember. In addition to material presentation, Advocacy Day activities also provide opportunities for participants to ask questions in discussion forums.

Apart from BEMF MIPA, Himpunan Mahasiswa Fisika (HIMAFI) FMIPA University of Jember also held an annual agenda in this month of Ramadan namely Science Writing Journals and Essays in early April. Science Writing has the theme “Writing Letters with Great Fanfare and Glorious Achievements”. Presenting Dr. Artoto Arkundato, S.Si,.M.Si. lecturer at the Department of Physics, FMIPA UNEJ, also Editor-in-Chief of the CERiMRE Journal and Royhan Saydi, S.P. UNEJ FAPERTA outstanding students in 2021.

Science Writing Journals and Essays provide knowledge and knowledge about writing, structure, and the stages of making good and correct essays and journals. The presenters conveyed very important knowledge regarding the basics of good writing methods so that students could produce even better works. Participants get benefits in the form of useful knowledge, relationships, E-certificates, and attractive prizes.