
Chancellor of University of Jember Inaugurates Vice Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for the 2024-2028 Period

The Chancellor of University of Jember, Iwan Taruna, officially inaugurated the ranks of the Vice Deans of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Jember University for the period 2024-2028 (12/8). The Vice Deans of FMIPA were inaugurated together with the Vice Deans of the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Public Health, and the Coordinator of the UNEJ Vocational Campus. Taking place in the Hall on the 3rd Floor of the Rectorate Building, Iwan Taruna inaugurated Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D., as Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs, Dr. Esti Utarti, S.P., M.Si., as Vice Dean II for General Affairs and Finance, and Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si., as Vice Dean III for Student Affairs and Alumni. Present at the inauguration were the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., accompanied by the Head of General Affairs of FMIPA Muhayat Zamroni, S.S., and the former Vice Dean II of FMIPA Purwatiningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.

The Chancellor of University of Jember said in his speech that the inaugurated officials must adapt to carry out the mandate that the institution has given, considering that UNEJ is currently in the process of becoming a Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Berbadan Hukum (PTN-BH). Present at the inauguration, the leaders of University of Jember witnessed the vice deans being sworn in by the Chancellor. The Vice Deans will also immediately prepare to welcome new students through the Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus bagi Mahsasiswa Baru (PKKMB) in 2024 and lectures for odd semester students in the 2024/2025 academic year. Continue reading


Vice Dean I of FMIPA UNEJ Introduces Eleven New Lecturers at Apel Pagi of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember

“At the beginning of this odd semester, FMIPA UNEJ received 11 new lecturers who will strengthen our service to our students,” said Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Dean I of FMIPA UNEJ. This was conveyed at the Apel Pagi held in the front yard of the FMIPA UNEJ Dean’s Office (5/8). The new lecturers were given the opportunity to introduce themselves because they have become part of FMIPA. “So that all FMIPA residents can get to know each other and can greet each other and in the future can work together, please introduce yourselves, new lecturers,” she continued. It was also conveyed that this year, the mathematics study program has 5 new lecturers, the physics study program has 2 people, the chemistry study program has 3 people, and the study program has 1 new lecturer.

Previously in the morning assembly, Mrs. Hari invited all lecturers in FMIPA to start actively filling in data in the Sistem Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan or SIPALU. “I invite all FMIPA lecturers to fill in SIPALU because this will be very useful during the study program accreditation process,” she explained. She mentioned that the CPL and CPMK assessments of courses are strong supporting data for study program accreditation. Mrs. Hari also reminded the lecturers that lectures must run with the RPS. “Lecturers are attached to the RPS, so the lectures we deliver must refer to it,” she continued. Continue reading


Jurnal ILMU DASAR held a Workshop on Improving SINTA through Improving Article Substance and Writing Style

The Jurnal ILMU DASAR (JID) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Jember University held a workshop with the theme Peningkatan Status SINTA Melalui Peningkatan Substansi Artikel dan Gaya Penulisan at El Royal Banyuwangi (20-21/7). Andista Candra Yusro, S.Pd., M.Pd., Deputy Chair of Indonesian Journal Volunteers, DOAJ Associate Editor, and ARJUNA Assessor, accompanied and dissected JID from management to substance. Chief Editor: JID Purwatiningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. We hope that the guidance of the presenters can make JID ready to rise to SINTA status and have an international reputation. “We ask for guidance, Mas Yusro, so that JID can rise in the SINTA ranking and achieve Scopus,” she said in front of the JID editor, who was present with the full team.

Before the workshop, Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D., lined up to open the event and tell about the beginning of the Jurnal ILMU DASAR until it received SINTA status and was indexed by DOAJ. “At the beginning, JID was still a print edition; then it became an online edition and became the initial journals at UNEJ; now JID has achieved SINTA 3, and DOAJ is the result of the work of a solid team of editors,” he said. The workshop began by showing a portrait of JID’s final condition and preparations for publishing the final issue by JID’s chief editor. “Based on the current conditions, after this, Mas Yusro can help us update the JID, especially the article substance and writing style,” hoped Purwatiningsih. Continue reading


Easy and Practical: University of Jember Students Create Test Strips to Test Formalin Compounds

Our PKM-RE team from the Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University, has successfully received funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, and Technology. Our PKM-RE team, consisting of Lina Sun Haji as team leader and members Choirun Nisa Anida, Caleysda Aprilianti, Himayah Izmi Fauziyyah, and Diah Ayu Pitaloka, has carried a theme entitled Test strip Berbasis Metil Merah Untuk Tes Cepat, Praktis, dan Ekonomis Senyawa Formalin dalam Sampel Ikan atau dapat disebut dengan Trifommer (Test strip Formalin Berbasis Metil Merah). Our teamwork program is accompanied by Dr. . Zulfikar, Ph.D., who helps, supervises, and directs the smooth performance of teamwork.

Formalin can also be known as formaldehyde, which is a chemical compound that is often used as a preservative for corpses in the embalming process. Formalin can be used as a preservative for corpses because it helps prevent body decomposition due to the nature of formalin, which can stop the growth of bacteria and fungi. However, formalin is often misused when preserving food so that it does not rot quickly. One of the foods that is often preserved is fish. Formalin is a food that is strictly prohibited from being added to food because it can interfere with the performance of the body’s organs. Continue reading


Dean of FMIPA UNEJ: We Will Realize the Big Goal of FMIPA UNEJ Graduates Achieving 3.5 Rank 4

FMIPA UNEJ held the 101st Undergraduate (S1) and 74th Postgraduate (S2) Judicial Conference at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, Period 1 of the 2024/2025 Academic Year (19/7). Prospective graduates attended an open meeting of the FMIPA senate in the public lecture room of the FMIPA Biology Department. Led and opened directly by the Dean of FMIPA Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D. the procession took place solemnly. In his graduation speech, the Dean congratulated the graduates. “On behalf of the institution, I would like to congratulate you on your graduation and achievements for at least 4 years in completing your studies at FMIPA UNEJ,” began the Dean of FMIPA. It was also said that the institution is proud because every year the number of graduates who arrive on time with an impressive achievement index continues to increase.

“At the start of this odd lecture, FMIPA will continue to improve to develop big desires and aspirations. I have a big goal of 3.5 to the power of 4 in mathematical terms,” he continued. Continuing, the first 3.5 is as much as possible for 3.5-year FMIPA students to take the thesis exam; the second is as much as possible to get a GPA of 3.5 to compete with competitors in the world of work. “The next 3.5 is the 3.5 month waiting period for FMIPA graduates to get a job, and the last 3.5 million is the first salary that FMIPA graduates get,” hoped the Dean, who was accompanied by the Vice Deans and the UNEJ FMIPA Senate at the senate session. Continue reading


INNOVATIVE!!! PKM-RE Team from FMIPA UNEJ treats Microalgae Waste Using Magnetic Chitosan from Shrimp Shells

The Student Creativity Program Team for Exact Research (PKM-RE) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University presented an innovative solution to overcome the problem of microalgae waste. The team headed by Imelda Dwi Puspita from the Chemistry Department consisted of Muhammad Ragil Ainur Rahman, Ka’aziyah Aulia Nada, and Sya’rifa Salma Musliyati Putri from the Chemistry Department and Silfia Ayuni from the Biology Department. This team is guided by chemistry and environmental lecturer Dr. Bambang Piluharto, S.Si., M.Si. from the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNEJ and passed the 2024 PKM 8 Sector funding stage. This research is entitled “Flokulasi Mikroalga Menggunakan Kitosan Magnetik serta Uji Potensinya sebagai Pupuk N dan P”.

Microalgae are photosynthetic aerobic organisms that grow widely in shrimp ponds. These organisms can become agents of water pollution if not managed properly. “Microalgae contain high nutrients but can cause eutrophication and disrupt the balance of the pond ecosystem,” said Imeda. Apart from microalgae, shrimp ponds also produce other waste in the form of shrimp shells. The abundance of shrimp ponds also increases the amount of shrimp shell waste produced, so creative innovation is needed to maintain ecosystem balance. Continue reading