Tag Archives: bkp


FMIPA UNEJ cooperates with Kelompok Tani Sido Makmur Jember for Implementation of BKP MBKM

As a means of implementing Bentuk Kegiatan Pembelajaran (BKP) MBKM for students, FMIPA University of Jember entered into a Cooperation Agreement with Kelompok Tani Sido Makmur Jember in the Meeting Room of the FMIPA Dean (20/7). “Students who are implementing BKP MBKM need for assistance and assistance if there are problems in the field, especially the fertilization process, we can discuss together on campus” the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D.

The Dean further stated that the use of fish fertilizer that is being applied by students at Kelompok Tani Sido Makmur Jember will produce a faster harvest. “And if the fish fertilizer is given when the rice begins to flower, it will produce more weight than usual,” he continued. The effort continues to pay attention that living things, in this case rice, have natural development as well. Kelompok Tani Sido Makmur Jember through Abdul Faseh as the chairman welcomed this activity and for some time immediately applied the use of fish fertilizer by inviting students to implement it. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Cooperation Agreement with Perkebunan Kahyangan Jember

To support the MBKM Bentuk Kegiatan Pembelajaran (BKP) for students, FMIPA University of Jember entered into a Cooperation Agreement with Perusahaan Umum Daerah (PERUMDA) Perkebunan Kahyangan Jember in the Meeting Room of the FMIPA (24/6). “This agreement aims to equalize perceptions in an effort to improve the knowledge, skills and competencies of FMIPA students at the University of Jember in the MBKM BKP at Perkebunan Kahyangan Jember” said the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D.

It was further stated that students could convey ideas in developing innovative products. “Students are given the opportunity to be able to channel ideas to develop potential partners, in this case the Kahyangan Plantation,” he said. On this occasion Sofyan Sauri, S.M. President Director of Perkebunan Kahyangan, Jember, said that collaboration with FMIPA UNEJ will have a good impact on heaven plantations and FMIPA students. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ launched Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program MBKM BKP Studi/Proyek Independen

After consignment some time ago, FMIPA University of Jember launched Pedoman Pelaksanaan Program MBKM BKP Studi/Proyek Independen (10/12). This guide was prepared by a team appointed by Dean of FMIPA UNEJ who came from representatives of the study program. “With this guide, it is hoped that students and their supervisors can carry out these BKP activities well, effectively, efficiently, and of quality in accordance with the national MBKM BKP activity standards,” said Deputy Dean I FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Furthermore, guidelines were given explaining the stages of implementing BKP for Independent Studies/Projects, from preparation to evaluation of activities, for FMIPA students at University of Jember, especially for activities involving FMIPA partners who already have a cooperation agreement document (PKS). To note, FMIPA UNEJ has 2 partners for the implementation of BKP Study/Independent Projects, Kebun Sentool Jember and Desa Sumberwaru Situbondo. “In the next few days FMIPA will hold a discussion on integration of Tugas Akhir with MBKM BKP which brings all elements of Bachelor Study Program, Kombi S1 and FMIPA Independent Study/Project team,” he continued. This guide is a “dynamic guideline” that can always be updated, improved, and refined in accordance with the development of national MBKM program. Continue reading