Tag Archives: dharma wanita persatuan


Preparation of the Work Program Plan of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA UNEJ for the 2025-2026 Period

Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA UNEJ is currently preparing a work program plan for the 2025-2026 period. This work program aims to improve the quality of members, strengthen social contributions, and strengthen togetherness among members in supporting the vision and mission of the faculty. The Chairperson of Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA UNEJ, Lis Setyaningsih Dafik, at the coordination meeting expressed the importance of program planning that covers various aspects. “The programs do not only focus on self-development but also strengthen the role of members in educational, economic, and socio-cultural activities that have a positive impact,” she said.

“The preparation of the work program plan aims to ensure that every activity carried out provides optimal benefits for DWP FMIPA UNEJ members,” said Lis Setyaningsih Dafik. The management is trying to design a program that focuses on women’s empowerment, skills development, and strengthening solidarity among members. The DWP FMIPA work program is divided into secretariat, education, economics, and socio-culture. ” The preparation of this work program is based on an evaluation of the work program that has been implemented in the previous period. “Aiming to identify successful achievements and areas that need to be improved or enhanced,” she continued. Continue reading


Inauguration and Farewell of the Dharma Wanita Management of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Association, University of Jember

The Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., officially inaugurated the new board of Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) FMIPA UNEJ on December 19th. Based on the Dean’s decree, this board will serve from 2024 to 2025. “I officially appoint the DWP FMIPA UNEJ board. I hope you carry out your duties well,” said the Dean. Prof. Dafik, accompanied by the Chairperson of DWP FMIPA, Lis Setyaningsih Dafik, thanked and honored Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah, the previous DWP chairperson. “Thank you for your dedication in leading DWP and supporting Mr. Achmad Sjaifullah during his service as a lecturer and leader at FMIPA UNEJ,” he added.

“After being inaugurated, I hope we can continue and develop the programs that have been running,” said Lis Setyaningsih Dafik. During the meeting, the board discussed several planned programs, including those in the fields of education, economics, and social culture. “We will continue and develop the work plans for each area to achieve our main goals,” she added. On this occasion, the Chairperson of DWP FMIPA also gave souvenirs to Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah and Mrs. Misto, whose husbands retired from FMIPA UNEJ this month. Continue reading


Healthy Walks Celebrate the 24th anniversary of FMIPA and the 59th anniversary of the University of Jember

In the context of the 24th anniversary of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and to enliven the 59th anniversary of the University of Jember, a health walk and joint exercise were held (11/10). The women’s union dharwa and the retired FMIPA UNEJ event took place in the FMIPA parking lot. Starting with a healthy walk around the Jember University campus and led directly by the Dean of FMIPA. Enjoying the shady trees starting from FMIPA along the road in front of FTP, FK, and FKG, next to FKM, in front of the UNEJ, FH, FEB, FISIP, Pascasarjana, and back at the FMIPA parking lot to take part in group exercise.

After the group exercise, it was continued with remarks from the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., and continued cutting the tumpeng. “Thank God, we can meet again on the 24th anniversary of FMIPA and also enliven the 59th anniversary of UNEJ. I would like to express my gratitude to the entire community, women’s dharma, and retired staff for their support and cooperation so far,” said the dean. The tumpeng cutting was accompanied by the Deputy Deans, the first Dean of FMIPA, Ir. Sumadi, M.S., Drs. Sujito, Ph.D., and several other officials. Continue reading


DWP FMIPA UNEJ Routinely Distributes Educational Donations to FMIPA UNEJ Students

The Dharma Wanita Persatuan FMIPA again provided educational donations for FMIPA students in need at the regular FMIPA DWP management meeting. (6/10). Located in the meeting room of the FMIPA Gekanat building, Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah, Chair of the FMIPA DWP, symbolically handed over educational donations to the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. “I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to DWP FMIPA, which routinely provides charity through its social programs. I also hope that this donation will be able to lighten the burden on students who need it,” said the Dean.

Donations will be distributed through Vice Dean II FMIPA Purwatiningsih, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., who attended the occasion. Furthermore, the Dean of FMIPA said that apart from this agenda, there were several DWP FMIPA activities that were social in nature and also supported FMIPA and even UNEJ activities. “For some time, DWP FMIPA has also provided donations to members and actively participates if there is an agenda from the university, such as a choir competition that is regularly held every year,” he said. For your information, apart from social agendas, DWP FMIPA UNEJ has Qosidah “Zahroh Arroihanna,” who always appears during spiritual activities. Continue reading