Category Archives: News


ORMAWA FMIPA University of Jember Management in 2024 Inaugurated

Plt. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., officially inaugurated the management of ORMAWA FMIPA Jember University for the 2024 term (31/1) in the FMIPA Physics Department Auditorium. The dean also advised that students’ main task is to study and be able to join organizations while maintaining their achievements. “Being an ORMAWA administrator is a good thing; it is also supported by the main role of being a student, namely studying and, of course, achieving,” began Plt. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ at an event attended by Deputy Deans, Heads of Departments, and ORMAWA’s coach.

The dean further said that he should be proud to be an FMIPA student because jobs in the science and technology sector are currently needed. “As stated by Prof. Akmaloka from ITB, 80% of jobs require science and technology students, while only 30% of science and technology students are in Indonesia, so we must be proud and prepared to compete to achieve that,” he said. He also touched on the important role of students in study program accreditation. Students are also the determinants of the success of a study program in achieving top accreditation, and this will be useful again for students when applying for jobs. Continue reading


Guest Lecture Prof. Akhmaloka, Ph.D. : Tata Kelola Menuju Universitas Berkualitas Dunia

FMIPA University of Jember held a guest lecture by presenting Prof. Akhmaloka, Ph.D., from the Bandung Institute of Technology (30/1). With the theme of Tata Kelola Menuju Universitas Berkualitas Dunia (World Class University), the guest lecture presented the FMIPA community in the Physics Auditorium. The Rector of ITB for 2010-2015 began his presentation by telling about his journey to a world-class university. “You need a fundamental understanding of world-class universities, not just rankings; leadership support is also the main key, and strategies to achieve them,” said Prof. Akhmaloka, Head of the WCU-DIKTI Adhoc Team.

Strategies towards becoming a world-class university include increasing academic reputation, graduates, research, internationalization, and funding. “We will thoroughly examine the journey to becoming a world-class university one by one,” he continued. Simply put, a world-class university is a university with quality that is recognized by the world. Furthermore, Prof. Akhmaloka said that these qualities must be recognized by the world community. “So university rankings are needed to measure this quality in a systematic, measurable, and recognized manner,” he said. Continue reading


Guest Lecture Prof. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih: Pengembangan Teaching Industri Untuk Enzim

The UNEJ FMIPA Chemistry Department held a guest lecture by presenting Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si., Deputy Chancellor for Research, Innovation, and Community Development, Airlangga University (29/1). Presenting material entitled “Pengembangan Teaching Industri Untuk Enzim” Prof. Ni Nyoman explained the importance of enzymes for various environmentally friendly chemical and biotechnology industrial needs. The guest lecture was held in the FMIPA Physics auditorium with participants from students and lecturers from the Chemistry Department. “As a start, I will introduce microbial biotechnology, the added value of commercial use of microbes, and micromodification,” said the coordinator of COVID-19 research products at UNAIR during the last pandemic.

It was explained that microbial products are enzymes and have great potential for various companies. “Enzymes are an ideal product that can be applied to several companies; paper is one of them, as well as pharmaceutical companies,” he said. Prof. Ni Nyoman, who is also a colleague and lecturer of Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ratnadewi, S.Si. The Chair of the FMIPA Chemistry Department explained further that the fermentation parameters of enzyme products need to be prepared well, from nutrition to the type of fermentation chosen. Continue reading


Moving Quickly, UNEJ FMIPA Chemistry Master’s Study Program Implements Benchmarking

After the official opening of early 2024, the Master of Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University, carried out benchmarking (29/1). Extraordinary, accompanied by Prof. Akhmaloka, Ph.D. Professor of Biochemistry at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), who is also former Rector of ITB and former Chancellor of Pertamina University. Also present at the benchmarking was Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si., Deputy Chancellor for Research, Innovation, and Community Development, Airlangga University. Taking place in the FMIPA Chemistry Department meeting room, all chemistry master’s study program lecturers gained insight into study program management.

Plt Dean of FMIPA UNEJ and Vice Dean I of FMIPA, who are also chemistry lecturers, took part in the presentations from the two experts. It was discussed in detail, starting from recruiting new students, designing the curriculum, improving the quality of lecturers, supporting research groups for students, scholarships or UKT assistance, as well as research funds. Student recruitment can be targeted in the eastern regions of Indonesia and Kalimantan through chemistry education methods. “Hold a pretest and posttest for master’s student recruitment; for foreign students, you can collaborate with embassies with financing agreements,” said Prof. Akhmaloka. Continue reading


Inauguration of Three Professors at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember

The Chair of the Jember University Senate confirmed eight professors or professors at the Jember University Senate Meeting at the Jember University Auditorium (29/1). Three of them are professors from UNEJ’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, namely Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ratnadewi, S.Si., M.Si., as a professor in the field of biochemistry in the Chemistry Department, FMIPA. Prof. Dr. Kahar Muzakhar, S.Si., is a professor in the field of microbiology in the Biology Department, FMIPA. And Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kartika Senjarini, S.Si., M.Si., a professor in the field of molecular biology who is also in the biology department at FMIPA UNEJ. The senate meeting was attended by UNEJ leadership, the Rector and Vice Rector, senate members, and stakeholders at the University of Jember.

“Congratulations and success to the three professors who have just been inaugurated; it is a matter of pride for the FMIPA academic community, and now there are seven professors at FMIPA UNEJ,” said Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., Plt. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ. The Dean said that, apart from professors, FMIPA also encourages and provides assistance to all FMIPA lecturers in accelerating the promotion of promotions and functional positions. Colleagues from FMIPA UNEJ were present to witness the inauguration and scientific orations from the three professors. Continue reading


DWP FMIPA UNEJ Educational Tour: Visit the Largest Aglaonema Nursery in Jember

On an educational tour, the management of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at University of Jember visited the largest aglaonema nursery in Jember (17/1). Led by the Chairperson of DWP FMIPA, Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Sjaifullah, DWP FMIPA administrators had the opportunity to see and hear directly an explanation of the process of seeding, planting, and caring for aglaonema. The garden is located in the Jl. Letjen. S. Parman Gang II/129. Jember is able to breed more than 250 varieties of aglaonema, making it the largest in Jember and one of the largest in the East Java region.

“Even though the breeding process is quite difficult, here we have studied media that are suitable for aglaonema plants,” said Prof. Agus Subekti, owner and developer of the garden, who is also a professor in the Department of Physics at FMIPA UNEJ. It is also said that there is a need for special spraying techniques to care for aglaonema. Prof. Agus also offered the DWP FMIPA UNEJ administrators the opportunity to learn to care for and reproduce, including if there is a desire to become an entrepreneur in breeding and developing aglaonema. Continue reading