Category Archives: News


FMIPA UNEJ Again Holds Halal BiHalal After the Pandemic Period Has Passed

“Grateful for the health that God has given us so that we can gather to carry out halal bihal and hopefully we will be among those who win minal aidzin wal faidzin,” the beginning of Ustadz Kosala Dwidja Purnomo, S.Si, M.Si. in the Halal Bihalal event for the Big Family of FMIPA University of Jember at the Baitul Ilmi Mosque FMIPA UNEJ in welcoming Eid al-Fitr 1444 H (5/5). Ustadz Kosala said that is what is meant by the word minal aidzin which is often interpreted as a greeting of mutual forgiveness.

“We have left the month of Ramadan where we are accustomed to always behaving well to become pious people, with piety we will be blessed with good fortune,” he continued. Present at the Halal Bihalal 1444 H event were all the academic community of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember and also attended by retired FMIPA from educators and education staff. Continue reading


FST Universitas Terbuka Explores Collaboration with FMIPA University of Jember

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember held a discussion on exploring collaboration with the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Universitas Terbuka (4/5). FMIPA UNEJ led by the Dean Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. accompanied by Deputy Deans and representatives of the Chair of the Study Program as well as lecturers involved in the collaboration. From the FST Universitas Terbuka, Dr. Dewi Juliah Ratnaningsih, S.Si., M Si. as Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Cooperation at FST UT, Athiefah Fauziyyah, S.TP., M.Sc. Head of the FST UT Food Technology Study Program, and Inneke Putri Widyani, M.Sc. BBLBA UPBJJ UT Manager from Jember.

Collaboration will be aimed at strengthening students’ knowledge in subject matter through application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of theory in the form of organizing practicums. “Collaboration is also to strengthen the comparative advantage or academic excellence of each tertiary institution, to improve the quality of education services, research, graduate competencies to resources with visiting professors and lecturers,” said the Dean of FMIPA. Continue reading


DOAJ indexed MIMS Journal of Mathematics Department followed by JID, CERiMRE and BST

“Congratulations and success to the management of the MIMS journal for being indexed in DOAJ or Directory Open Access Journal following the JID, CERiMRE and BST journals which were indexed first,” said Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Vice Dean I FMIPA UNEJ and Head of the Jember University OJS Team (27/4). MIMS, the acronym for the Scientific Mathematics and Statistics Magazine, is a journal published by the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember.

MIMS is one of the oldest journals at FMIPA UNEJ. “MIMS has been in print edition since 2000 and will have an electronic version in 2020, hopefully this achievement will add enthusiasm to new journals within FMIPA,” continued Siswoyo. DOAJ is one of the medium category reputable international indexing engines that contains a database of journals. Continue reading


In 2023, the Biology Department will hold the 5th ICOLIB and the Physics Department will hold the 4th SENAFIS

In 2023, two Departments at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, namely Biology and Physics, are holding another routine event every 2 years. The Biology Department will hold The 5th ICOLIB 2023 which will take the theme “Global Insights and Innovations of Life Sciences Research in the Post COVID-19 Era“. ICOLIB or International Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology is an international seminar that has been regularly held since 2015 by the Department of Biology. Presenting speakers from researchers to Nobel peace laureates. Each year also takes a different theme by paying attention to hot issues.

Next is SENAFIS, the National Seminar on Physics which is being held by the Department of Physics for the fourth time. In 2023 the theme is “Menjawab Tantangan Era Society 5.0 Pasca Pandemi Covid 19“. Continue reading


The Month of Ramadhan, FMIPA Students Remain Productive in Lectures and Student Activities

UNEJ FMIPA students are the same as other students at the University of Jember during the month of Ramadan live lectures with adjusted time. Practicums in the laboratories of all study programs run normally hand in hand in line with the lectures in the classroom. How are student activities? of course it will continue according to the agenda prepared by each ORMAWA.

Among them, the Advocacy Day initiated by BEMF MIPA was again held offline after being held online the previous year. Advocacy Day is a work program of BEMF MIPA UNEJ which aims to increase students’ understanding of the implementation of advocacy within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as well as increase students’ sensitivity and concern for issues that are currently developing. With the theme “Advocacy Channeled, Realizing Hope, Guarding Change, for FMIPA to Achieve Glory“, the Advocacy Day took place all day in Biologi Umum on April 9. Continue reading


Ramadhan Campus Again Decorates the FMIPA University Jember Mosque

After 2 years of vacuum due to the pandemic during this year’s holy month, the Ramadhan Campus was held again at the FMIPA UNEJ mosque. This event can be attended by registering in advance via the link provided by the committee. The Ramadhan Campus event was held by UKM IONS FMIPA UNEJ in collaboration with study presenters. “Ramadan Campus 2023 will not be held during the full month of Ramadan but will be held from 27 March to 3 April 2023,” said one of the committee.

On the Ramadhan campus, there are several activities held, namely studies, reading 2 Juz of the Koran every day, Khotmil Quran, sharing takjil, Ramadan alms and compensation. “The theme of the Ramadan Campus study is different every day, so that more and more knowledge is gained,” the committee continued. In the study, a question and answer session was also given so that discussions between presenters and participants could take place in two directions. The Baitul Ilmi FMIPA UNEJ Mosque is increasingly lively in the afternoon in the month of Ramadan this year as it was some time ago when the pandemic had not yet approached. Continue reading