Category Archives: Student


INNOVATIVE!!! PKM-RE Team from FMIPA UNEJ treats Microalgae Waste Using Magnetic Chitosan from Shrimp Shells

The Student Creativity Program Team for Exact Research (PKM-RE) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University presented an innovative solution to overcome the problem of microalgae waste. The team headed by Imelda Dwi Puspita from the Chemistry Department consisted of Muhammad Ragil Ainur Rahman, Ka’aziyah Aulia Nada, and Sya’rifa Salma Musliyati Putri from the Chemistry Department and Silfia Ayuni from the Biology Department. This team is guided by chemistry and environmental lecturer Dr. Bambang Piluharto, S.Si., M.Si. from the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNEJ and passed the 2024 PKM 8 Sector funding stage. This research is entitled “Flokulasi Mikroalga Menggunakan Kitosan Magnetik serta Uji Potensinya sebagai Pupuk N dan P”.

Microalgae are photosynthetic aerobic organisms that grow widely in shrimp ponds. These organisms can become agents of water pollution if not managed properly. “Microalgae contain high nutrients but can cause eutrophication and disrupt the balance of the pond ecosystem,” said Imeda. Apart from microalgae, shrimp ponds also produce other waste in the form of shrimp shells. The abundance of shrimp ponds also increases the amount of shrimp shell waste produced, so creative innovation is needed to maintain ecosystem balance. Continue reading


Solution! “TOBICHAN” PKM-RE Team from FMIPA UNEJ Creates Environmentally Friendly Innovation as a Solution for Handling Tobacco Stem Waste in the Jember

Tobacco is one of the leading commodities in Jember Regency, East Java. So far, tobacco stem waste has not been widely used by the community. Tobacco sticks are usually just thrown away or buried in the ground. Tobichan created a new innovation where tobacco stem waste is converted into modified biochar through ion exchange of Fe compounds to obtain biochar with high nitrate absorption capacity.

Modifikasi Biochar dari Limbah Batang Tembakau Untuk Meningkatkan Kapasitas Adsorpsi Nitrat Dalam Air was developed by the PKM-RE team, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, often referred to as TOBICHAN’s Team. TOBICHAN’s team consists of 5 students from the UNEJ Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, namely Inggrit Ayuningtyas, Sultan Adil Lanang Sejati, Desi Fitrianingsih Nst., Ifa Inayatul Fauziah, and Fatma Astri Aini, accompanied by a lecturer from the Chemistry Department, FMIPA UNEJ, namely Dr. Bambang Piluharto, S.Si., M.Si.

Biochar is a process of transforming biomass into active carbon with a porous structure obtained from a pyrolysis process or combustion without oxygen. Making modified biochar consists of several stages. Continue reading


CIGAMONS, PKM-RE University of Jember Team Creates Lead Adsorbent for Cigarette Industry Liquid Waste from Used Butts

The tobacco products industry (IHT) is one of the sectors that contributes greatly to the national economy in Indonesia. One of the IHT products is cigarettes. One cigarette butt contains various dangerous substances such as arsenic, pyridine, and heavy metals, which, if thrown away, can pollute water. Liquid waste produced by IHT also contains nicotine, nitrosamines, and heavy metals such as Cu (copper) and Pb (lead), which can pollute waters and contaminate drinking water sources. According to the WHO, the habit of throwing cigarette butts carelessly is carried out by millions of people; at least two-thirds of cigarette butts are found scattered on sidewalks, cafes, and parks and end up in rivers and even the ocean.

CIGAMONS is here as the Jember University PKM-RE Team to answer this problem. The team consists of 5 people, namely Moh. Zeinur Ridho, Retno Pertiwi, Eldo Delta Bagaskara, Raya Rambu Rambani from S1 Chemistry, and Chika Synthia Pitaloka from S1 Environmental Engineering who were supervised by Dr. Muhammad Reza, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si. This team successfully passed funding for the Student Creativity Program in the field of Exact Research (PKM-RE), with the title “Pemanfaatan Puntung Rokok Bekas Termodifikasi Surfaktan Alami Sebagai Adsorben Timbal Pada Limbah Cair Industri Rokok Dalam Upaya Penerapan Ekonomi Sirkular“. Continue reading


Ahmad Haris Rasidi, FMIPA Physics Student Passes Selection to Participate in BRIN Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System Workshop

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) held a workshop on the use of the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System, or EPICS, program at the Ahmad Baiquni Building, Babarsari, Yogyakarta, from June 10 to 14, 2024. The theme of the workshop was “Development of EPICS-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems in Accelerator Research Facilities.” The material was delivered by Dr. Keerati Manasatitpong and Mr. Natthawut Suradet from the Thai Research Institute (SLRI), or Synchrotron Light Research Institute. BRIN is collaborating with the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) to organize the workshop.

To take part in the workshop, participants from universities in the country are given the opportunity to take part in the selection stage after registering. After being declared successful, Ahmad Haris Rasidi, a student from the Physics Department at FMIPA UNEJ, received an invitation to the EPICS workshop along with accommodation which was fully borne by BRIN. “I will take advantage of this golden opportunity to learn more about the EPICS program in industrial control systems,” he said. Haris hopes that there will be a lot of new knowledge that can be brought back to Jember after attending the workshop, of course valuable experience during the five days of training. Continue reading


Mathematics FMIPA UNEJ Student Delegation Participates in the 2024 Satria Data Competition

FMIPA UNEJ Mathematics students took part in the Statistika Ria dan Festival Sains Data (SATRIA DATA) competition in the National Statistics Competition (NSC) at Mathematics Laboratory 1 FMIPA UNEJ (3/6). Followed by 11 students, they will solve broad statistical problems and analyze the data carefully so they can provide the right solution. Accompanied by Mathematics lecturer Firda Fadri, S.Si., M.Si, students must solve questions on probability theory, statistical theory/satematics statistics, and categorical data analysis. “Online preliminary round with a model like UTBK plus supervision via the zoom application,” explained Firda.

Apart from NSC, together with the team from FASILKOM, students also take part in SATRIA DATA in other fields, namely the Statistics Essay Competition (SEC), Statistics Infographic Competition (SIC), and Big Data Competition (BDC). Deputy Dean III FMIPA UNEJ, Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Si., said that SATRIA DATA’s annual agenda will always be supported and provided with assistance from competent lecturers. “We will support SATRIA DATA from mentoring to supporting facilities so that our students excel at the national level,” he said. According to the schedule, the final or national-level implementation will be held at Telkom University, Bandung. Continue reading


HIMAFI FMIPA UNEJ Team Passes Funding for the 2024 ORMAWA PPK Program

The Himpunan Mahasiswa Fisika (HIMAFI) Team of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences passed funding for the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK ORMAWA) in 2024. Together with 19 other subproposals, HIMAFI delivered the University of Jember to first place together with the Bogor Agricultural Institute. With the theme “SMART FARMINGRumah Pengering Kopi Berbasis Solar Cell dan Kincir Angin Guna Optimalisasi Produksi Kopi di Desa Pace Kec. Silo Kab. Jember“, the HIMAFI Team together with 622 subproposal titles from 158 universities received funding.

The Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program is aimed at developing competent knowledge mastery, character and noble character, love of the country, global insight, critical thinking skills, creative thinking, collaboration, good communication skills. reliable (communication skills), digitally literate, and humanist or loving others (compassion). Participants involved include Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM), Unit Kegiatan Mahasiawa (UKM), Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi (HMPS), and other forms of ORMAWA. Continue reading