CERiMRE Journal of Physics FMIPA Webinar with Mendeley Advisor

Journal of Computational And Experimental Research In Materials And Renewable Energy (CERiMRE) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences held a Mendeley Webinar (3/11). Presenting Diky Zakaria, S.Pd., M.T. from UPI Karawang Campus. Diky, who is also a Mendeley Advisor, presented Penyusunan Referensi Artikel Ilmiah pada Jurnal CERiMRE dengan Software Mendeley. “As an initial stage, we first check, Mendeley installation, whether there is an account or not and Mendeley integration in Word,” explained Diky.

Diky explains the features and applies Mendeley to journal references. “Mendeley can display the metadata of a PDF file automatically, and that makes it easier to write references in journals,” said the lecturer of Prodi Mekatronika dan Kecerdasan Buatan, UPI. One of the PT. Rumah Publikasi Indonesia (RPI) also shows the integration of the Mendeley software with MS Word which the author usually uses.

On the Mendeley desktop, users can manually add a citation like a book. “Add the author, open name, city, publisher, year because the book is different from journals whose pdfs are widely available online,” he added. Regarding the style, you can adjust the journal template, such as CERiMRE which implements IEEE.

Previously, Head of the Department of Physics, Dr. Agus Supriyanto opened the webinar with the message that references are the most important part of a journal. “The CERiMRE journal will be even better if the most important thing is that references can apply Mendeley correctly,” he hoped. Dr. Artoto Arkundato as chief-in-editor of CERiMRE also invited all participants to follow and apply Mendeley in writing articles in journals..

In the second session, Diky demonstrated how to style a document in the CERiMRE journal template. The use of styles makes it very easy for editors, especially copyeditors, to organize a manuscript in a journal. “Some cases we have to arrange articles that don’t match the template, this style is the key in speeding up and lightening the editor’s task” he explained.

The discussion was interesting with the request to make a special Mendeley style for the CERiMRE journal. “Can a special style be made for CERiMRE so that the author can easily apply Mendeley according to the existing template?” asked Lutfi Rohman. Diky agreed by discussing it with a team that has experience in that section.

This webinar is attended by a team of CERiMRE editors, journal editors at FMIPA, Physics lecturers and students who will take their thesis or thesis. In addition to knowledge, participants will receive a webinar certificate and the outstanding ones will receive a special certificate from Mendeley.