Tag Archives: biology


Department of Biology FMIPA UNEJ won ASIIN International Accreditation

After going through the assessment process since it was submitted in December 2022, the Undergraduate Program in Biology FMIPA UNEJ won International Accreditation from the Accrediterungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik or ASIIN. “We express our gratitude for the achievement of accreditation from ASIIN, after preparing and waiting for this happy news to finally come,” said Dr. Retno Wimbaningrum Head of Biology Study Program FMIPA..

ASIIN Accreditation for Biology Study Program FMIPA conforms to Level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework for Life-long Learning (EQF LLL) . Accreditation Letter signed by Dr. Iring Wasser as the Managing Director who was present at ASIIN’s visitation some time ago. The Head of the Biology Study Program hopes that ASIIN’s accreditation achievements can spread to all FMIPA study programs and also become an encouragement for the Biology Masters Study Program which is in the process of being re-accredited. “The ASIIN accreditation obtained will increase our enthusiasm and the re-accreditation team for the master of biology study program to achieve superior accreditation, hopefully,” he hoped. Continue reading


The Role of Academics and Biology Students at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Releasing Wildlife at the Nusa Barong Wildlife Sanctuary, Jember

The release of wild species, namely long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) and pythons (Python sp.), at the Nusa Barong Jember Animal Sanctuary was organized by the Indonesian Animal Network (JSI) in collaboration with the Java Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA). East (15/7). “This agenda involves several parties, such as local fishermen, the Indonesian Navy, and academics, namely lecturers and students of the Biology Department, FMIPA UNEJ,” said Hari Sulistiyowati, Ph.D. Biology lecturers who are active in the agenda.

Hari also said that three lecturers from the K-Biotrop Research Group, along with 2 students from the Masters Program in Biology and 2 students from the Biology Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, were involved for the first time in this release activity as a form of collaboration with BKSDA Region III Jember. “This activity provides insight and experience, as well as raising biology students’ concern for animal preservation,” she continued.. Continue reading


Hidayat Teguh Wiyono, a Biology Lecturer who Invented the Super Longan, has retired

Dr. Hidayat Teguh Wiyono, M.Pd. who is fondly called Mr. Teguh as of June 1, 2023 tomorrow will enter his retirement period. Pak Teguh’s work as a teacher and researcher in the Department of Biology FMIPA UNEJ is not in doubt. Until the end of his service, he was still actively discussing with the leaders of the Sentool plantation partners of MBKM FMIPA, especially longan development (30/5). “Today is the end of his servant. Pak Teguh remains enthusiastic about the discussion and inquires about the development of longan in the Sentool plantation,” said Vice Dean I FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. It can be seen that longan trees are increasingly thriving around the plantation area, which originated from seeds researched by Mr. Teguh.

Indeed, apart from being a lecturer, Mr. Teguh is active in researching longans, so he is usually called Longan Mantri. He managed to develop a super longan. which started with concern about the local Jember longan plant which at first only grew without fruit. With a special ingredient from Mr. Teguh and then packaged in the form of fertilizer, it was able to produce thicker, sweeter longan fruit and smaller seeds. Continue reading


Through Theme of Moss as Anticancer, FMIPA UNEJ Student Team won Silver at NICYMS 2023

Again, FMIPA University of Jember Team made scientific work achievements at national level, namely National Invention Competition for Young Moslem Scientists or NICYMS 2023 (25-26/5). The silver medal was the result of the team’s hard work with theme of Dumortiera hirsuta’s Moss Heart as Anticancer. The routine agenda initiated by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) and Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University (UIN) Bandung will take place in a hybrid manner this year. “We took part in the Pure Science – Biology category from several categories that were contested at the event which were joined by some of the best universities in Indonesia,” said Abdillah Maulana Farhan as team leader.

The FMIPA team consisted of Abdillah Maulana Farhan, Selly Hervianingsih Ramadhani, Kaysha Rahmadita Widyadana, Amalia Ayu Pratiwi from Biology and Nur Diana Holida from Mathematics. They were equipped and guided by Biology Lecturer Dr.rer.nat Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc. “We have prepared this competition carefully with effort and hard work in order to achieve the desired achievement, winning a medal,” he continued. Continue reading


TUK Agriculture Department of Biology FMIPA Obtains a License from LSP Pertanian Nasional

The Agricultural Competency Test Site (TUK) for the Department of Biology, FMIPA, University of Jember obtained a license from the National Agricultural Professional Certification Institute (LSP). The license is valid for 5 (five) years since it was stipulated on 6 February 2023. TUK Agriculture Department of Biology according to the stipulation will have 3 schemes namely Occupational Implementation of In Vitro Culture, Occupational Control of Organisme Penggangu Tumbuhan (OPT), and Level II Qualification of Tissue Culture. The license is also a sign of extension from the Biology Department’s TUK which has carried out mentoring and competency tests several times.

“BIology TUK has carried out technical guidance to tissue culture competency tests with participants from FMIPA itself, Biology Education FKIP, Ubaya Technobiology Faculty,” said Purwatiningsih, Ph.D Head of TUK Biology Department. It was further conveyed that some time in the future, USU Medan would also provide technical guidance and competency tests. Continue reading


Visitation of ASIIN International Accreditation for Undergraduate Biology Study Program FMIPA UNEJ

Department of Biologi, FMIPA and Master degree of Biotechnology University of Jember carried out ASIIN’s international accreditation visitation (15-16/12). The Akcreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik or ASIIN team held a meeting with the heads of institutions at UNEJ on the first day. The ASIIN Peer Group consists of Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Meinhardt, University of Muenster, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nellen, Kassel University, Yayang Vionita, PT Cinquer Agro Nusantara, Fatima Qonita Nazihah, State University of Surabaya.

They are with ASIIN Office Dr. Iring Wasser heard presentations on university development, institution profiles, teaching studies. Jember University leadership also gave presentations on collaboration with stakeholders, perspective on resource development, institutional facilities, communication and coordination, study organization and management, teaching to students and quality management at the university level. Continue reading