Super Longan is result of research by Dr. Hidayat Teguh Wiyono, M.Pd. a lecturer at Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. The Super Longan stems from Pak Teguh concern about the Jember local longan plant which initially only grew without fruit. One of the reasons is that the hot temperature in Jember Regency makes longans do not want to flower to process into fruit. Furthermore, Pak Teguh said that longan Jember will flower only if stimulated so that it can bear fruit, without being stimulated with a booster it cannot. With special ingredients and packaged in the form of fertilizer, it is able to produce thick, sweeter longan fruit and smaller seeds. It was proven when holding the harvest on terrace of the Biology Department, FMIPA University of Jember a few days ago, The FMIPA of UNEJ community tried firsthand the advantages of super longan. “The flesh of the fruit is thick, tastes sweet and what is different is that the seeds are smaller than other longans,” said one of the staff at FMIPA UNEJ. Dozens of super longan bundles were prepared by being transported by Pak Teguh’s own unique vehicle. Several FMIPA staff who came to Biology building also received many stories about the management of super longan. The super longan, which was the result of Pak Teguh’s research, was also planted in the Banyuwangi, Lumajang, Bondowoso, and Situbondo areas of course with a booster. Continue reading
Tag Archives: biology
Merubetiri National Park Academic Partner since 2005, Hari Sulistiyowati received an Award from the Directorate General of KSDAE Ministry of LHK
Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D. educators from the Department of Biology, FMIPA, University of Jember won an award from Direktorat Jenderal Direktorat Jenderal Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam dan Ekosistem Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia (22/2). The award was given at Sambung Srawung Musyarawarah Bersama Kemitraan Konservasi event held by the Meru Betiri National Park Center at Bandealit Beach Jember. Present at the event, the Regent of Jember Regency, Ir. H. Hendy Siswanto, ST. IPU. together with the BKSDA Jember, who took the opportunity to release deer animals. “This appreciation is given because the learning activities involving Merubetiri National Park (TNMB) also utilize the TNMB location as a natural laboratory and field study,” said Hari. It was further stated that research activities for lecturers and students were also carried out at TNMB in accordance with the cooperation agreement between the University of Jember and Merubetiri National Park in 2017. award at yesterday’s event,” he continued. Hari also explained that KUBE, in Wonoasri Village, helped increase the capacity of human resources, management, capital, and access to markets. This made Wonoasri Village in Tempurejo District inaugurated as the center of Meru Betiri batik by Minister of Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/ Head of Bappenas Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro some time ago. Continue reading
Students of Biology Department FMIPA Won Silver Medal at AISEEF 2022 International Event
Students of Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, chaired by Abdillah Maulana Farhan Angkatan 2020, won the Silver Medal in ASEAN Innovative Science Environmental and Entrepreneur Fair (AISEEF) Competition 2022 in Environmental Science (University) category. AISEEF 2022 was held from February 2 to February 5, 2022 by Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University. The title of the research presented in the final stage is “Sustainable Lakes: Design and Solutions for Regional Economic Rock Lakes in Ecotorism Jember”. Members of the team consist of multidisciplinary scientists from the University of Jember and State Islamic University of Malang, Yuli Isti Mulyani (Department of Biology FMIPA UNEJ Batch 2021), Alma Sofi (Marine Construction Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering UNEJ 2020), Ainul Hilmi Ramdhani (Marine Construction Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering UNEJ 2020), and Hakam Wildan Nasrullah (Department of Architectural Engineering, UIN Malik Maulana Ibrahim Malang 2020). In the process of compiling the research, he was guided by one of lecturer of Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNEJ in the field of ecology, Arif Mohammad Siddiq, S.Si., M.Si. The research proposal for this competitive program was inspired by post-mining activities in Jember Regency, one of which is in Gunung Batu Lake (as local people call it) Sumbersari District. The purpose of the research is to create a Sustainable Lake which becomes an ecotourism object as a source of education and can improve the local community’s economy, as well as being able to increase public awareness of the ecosystem.. Continue reading
TUK Pertanian Biologi FMIPA University of Jember in 2022
Tempat Ujian Kompetensi (TUK) Department of Biology, FMIPA, Jember University again held technical guidance on tissue culture and level II tissue culture competency test for lecturers and students of Biology Education FKIP UNEJ. Bimtek this time was also attended by students of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. The level II tissue culture technical guidance activity began with the provision of material by the facilitator in front of a number of 128 candidates for tissue culture technical competency test level II on 7-8 January 2022 ago. “The activity is divided into two groups, each group consists of 60 and 68 students,” explained Purwatiningsih as Chair of the TUK Pertanian, Department of Biology, FMIPA UNEJ. At the preparatory stage, coordination has been carried out with the candidate for asesion. From the meeting, it was known that almost all of the assession candidates had never had direct practice of tissue culture courses. “Therefore, technical guidance activities are carried out to equip asessi candidates in facing the competency test,” he said. The technical guidance activity was carried out for 2 days, starting with an explanation of how to fill in the administrative documents that must be filled out by the candidate for assessment. Each assessment must prepare documents which include a photocopy of the latest diploma, photocopy of ID card, and also 3 pieces of 3×4 photographs for the purpose of making a competency test certificate. To note, TUK Pertanian Department of Biology FMIPA UNEJ has been verified by the Professional Certification Institute or National Agricultural LSP. And in 2021, which has also carried out technical guidance for the Faculty of Technobiology, University of Surabaya which is in online implementation. Continue reading
TUK Pertanian Biologi FMIPA University of Jember in 2021
Uji Kompetensi Kultur Jaringan Level II held on November 13-14 2021 at the Faculty of Biology, University of Surabaya. To prepare for the competency test, technical guidance on tissue culture was held for 44 lecturers and students of the Faculty of Technobiology, University of Surabaya on November 6, 2021, which was held by Tempat Ujian Kompetensi (TUK) Department of Biology, FMIPA, University of Jember. Considering that it is still in the pandemic period, technical guidance is carried out online with the resource person Purwatiningsih who is also the Head of TUK and Mukhamad Su’udi who is a lecturer in plant biotechnology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember. On the occasion the technical guidance was given training on tissue culture referring to SKKNI as a competent operator in the field of tissue culture. “In collaboration with the National Agricultural LSP, TUK Biologi Pertanian FMIPA UNEJ held a competency test with assessors from certified practitioners and academics,” said Purwatiningsih. The Stages of Uji Kompetensi Kultur Jaringan Level II begins with an application for certification, self-assessment, written test, oral test and finally a demo test. Purwatiningsih who also conveyed that the TUK of Agriculture Department of Biology has been verified by tLembaga Sertifikasi Profesi or LSP Pertanian Nasional. Furthermore, it is said that the existence of global competition poses several challenges including the increasing need for qualified and productive workers, the demand for Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI). tandar Kompetensi Kerja as a reference for drafting training education programs and work competency certifications. Continue reading
Three Biology Students Complete MBKM Internship Program at Purwodadi Botanic Garden
Agustin Dinda Prameswary, Jocelin Andiana, and M. Afriyanto students of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember angkatan 2019 completed the Independent Learning Partnership Internship Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) for 6 months at the Plant Conservation Center of Purwodadi Botanic Garden. “They have participated in an internship program which is based on a cooperation agreement, all of which have been prepared by the study program and faculty,” explained Vice Dean I of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. It was further stated that the MBKM Partnership Internship Program is equivalent to taking 20 credits. To note, the Purwodadi Botanical Gardens as one of the work units of Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) previously offered the MBKM program in the form of a cooperation agreement. FMIPA UNEJ, which is concerned with the MBKM program, responded and stated it in a cooperation agreement with KR Purwodadi. The programs offered are Research Assistant and Biological Collection Curator. Interns will get mentoring facilities, co-working space, access to research facilities and plant collections and of course internet access. To note, FMIPA UNEJ in implementing MBKM has carried out several collaborations with agencies, state universities, and the private sector. Among them Pusat Sains dan Teknologi Akselerator (PSTA) BATAN, Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia, RSD dr. Soebandi Jember, Bank Syariah Indonesia Jember Area, Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi (LSP) as well as several state universities such as UNAIR, UNNES, UB, UIN Malang, UIN Jakarta, UNJA, and Udaya University Bali. “We facilitate our students to choose and take several BKP for MBKM program through a cooperation agreement,” said Siswoyo. Continue reading