Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNEJ held the 2022 MaGeStick National Seminar

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember held a National Seminar on Mathematics, Geometry, Statistics, and Computing (SeNa-MaGeStiK) in 2022 (16/7). SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 has the theme “Penguatan Riset Matematika dan Aplikasinya dalam Menjawab Tantangan Era Disrupsi“. Dr. Firdaus Ubaidillah in his speech at the plenary session said that SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 presented 3 resource persons, namely Prof. Agus Suryanto from Brawijaya University, Dr. Bambang Suprihatin from Sriwijaya University, Dr. Kiswara Agung Santoso from University of Jember.

“SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 is held to accommodate various interests and research expertise in the field of mathematics within the framework of innovation that generates various thoughts and ideas in responding to the challenges of the current era of disruption,” he explained. Firdaus also said that after the plenary session, a parallel session would be continued which was divided into 8 rooms with the distribution of fields, namely Geometry, Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Computing, Graphs, Mathematics Education, and Applied Mathematics.

“Finally, I would like to say that the SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 will be attended by 85 presenters and also non-presenters from several universities throughout Indonesia,” he concluded. The implementation of SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 is carried out online considering the pandemic in Indonesia is still not over and the SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 agenda is fully supported by Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika (HIMATIKA GEOKOMPSTAT).

SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 Mathematics Department was officially opened by Vice Dean I FMIPA, University of Jember Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. representing the Dean of FMIPA who was unable to attend In his remarks, Vice Dean I of FMIPA expressed his support for the SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 agenda in the Department of Mathematics. “I give my appreciation to the entire SeNa-MaGeStiK committee, so that the national seminar is well organized,” he said. Siswoyo also hopes that SeNa-MaGeStiK can take place regularly, and the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is very supportive of this activity so that it can be held continuously..

MC HIMATIKA Ketua Panitia SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022
Dr. Firdaus Ubaidillah
Wakil Dekan I FMIPA UNEJ
Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D.

The presentation in the plenary session was started presentation by Prof. Agus Suryanto with the title “Pemodelan Dinamika Pertumbuhan Populasi dengan Turunan Orde Fractional” moderated by Dr. Agustina Pradjaningsih, continued by Dr. Bambang Suprihatin with the presentation title “On the Asymptotic Distribution of Bootstrap Parameter Estimator for AR(1) Process” moderated by Dr. Mohamat Fatekurohman, and the plenary session ended with a presentation from Dr. Kiswara Agung Santoso with the title “Otentikasi Image Berbasis Magic Square Orde n” moderated by Dr. Ika Hesti Agustin. Plenary participants are given the opportunity to ask questions after each resource person has finished his presentation.

Prof. Agus Suryanto Dr. Bambang Suprihatin Dr. Kiswara Agung Santoso
Dr. Agustina Pradjaningsih Dr. Mohamat Fatekurohman Dr. Ika Hesti Agustin

After the plenary session, it was followed by a parallel session with the division of space as follows: Room I Computing, Room 2 Computing and Geometry, Room 3 Statistics, Room 4 Analysis and Algebra, Room 5 Applied Mathematics, Room 6 Graph Theory, Room 7 Mathematics Education 1, Room 8 Mathematics Education 2. Each room is accompanied by a moderator, note taker and operator from HIMATIKA. Each room contains 10 speakers according to their field. All accepted papers on SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 will be published in Prosiding Seminar Nasional with ISBN.