
FGD FMIPA UNEJ: “Innovative Strategies to Improve the Quality of Education and Relevance of Graduate Competencies”

The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at the University of Jember, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., officially opened a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) event at the Grand Padis Bondowoso from December 20–22, 2024. The theme of the event was “Innovative Strategies to Improve Education Quality and the Relevance of Graduate Competencies.” The FGD was attended by department heads, program leaders, lab managers, and educational staff from FMIPA UNEJ. Prof. Dafik opened the event by saying, “Over the next two days, we will discuss how to improve education quality and graduate competencies.” He also mentioned that in the future, establishing new study programs could attract prospective students.

Additionally, he emphasized the importance of improving quality through “UNGGUL” accreditation for the master’s programs at FMIPA UNEJ. “I hope the establishment of new programs, such as Actuarial Science, Data Science, Medical Physics, and Bioinformatics, will be a key topic of discussion in this FGD,” he continued. Prof. Dafik had already brought up the idea of these new programs to UNEJ leadership earlier in the morning. He also encouraged the new PhD programs at FMIPA to attract prospective students. “I hope the task force for these new programs can complete their work, and by January 2025, submit proposals to the university,” said the Dean. The Vice Deans of FMIPA also shared their initial views, which were later discussed during the FGD. Continue reading


Inauguration and Farewell of the Dharma Wanita Management of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Association, University of Jember

The Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., officially inaugurated the new board of Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) FMIPA UNEJ on December 19th. Based on the Dean’s decree, this board will serve from 2024 to 2025. “I officially appoint the DWP FMIPA UNEJ board. I hope you carry out your duties well,” said the Dean. Prof. Dafik, accompanied by the Chairperson of DWP FMIPA, Lis Setyaningsih Dafik, thanked and honored Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah, the previous DWP chairperson. “Thank you for your dedication in leading DWP and supporting Mr. Achmad Sjaifullah during his service as a lecturer and leader at FMIPA UNEJ,” he added.

“After being inaugurated, I hope we can continue and develop the programs that have been running,” said Lis Setyaningsih Dafik. During the meeting, the board discussed several planned programs, including those in the fields of education, economics, and social culture. “We will continue and develop the work plans for each area to achieve our main goals,” she added. On this occasion, the Chairperson of DWP FMIPA also gave souvenirs to Nur Sa’dijah Achmad Saifullah and Mrs. Misto, whose husbands retired from FMIPA UNEJ this month. Continue reading


Many Surprises from the Chemistry Department of FMIPA at the Retirement Event of Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D.

The Chemistry Department at FMIPA UNEJ surprised Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ for the 2020-2024 term, during his retirement event. The ceremony was held in the Chemistry Department’s lecture hall, and several FMIPA leaders attended the surprise. Dean Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., and the Vice Deans thanked Mr. Sjaifullah for his dedication to FMIPA. Prof. Dafik also wished him good health and hoped his knowledge would be a lasting blessing.

Prof. Dr. Anak Agung Istri Ratnadewi, S.Si., M.Si., Head of the Chemistry Department, shared that Mr. Sjaifullah retired happily and hoped their relationship would remain strong. Also present were his colleagues from the early days of FMIPA, like Mr. Neran, who also retired earlier. Several Chemistry faculty members took turns sharing their thoughts and experiences with Mr. Sjaifullah. The ceremony started with a beautiful Banyuwangi dance, a tradition from Mr. Sjaifullah’s home region, performed by Chemistry students. Continue reading


Chess, Badminton and Volleyball Competitions in the framework of the “MIPA Moving Healthy” Event

The “MIPA Bergerak Sehat” event continues with a chess tournament. Representatives from various departments and the FMIPA deanery competed in chess in front of the Biology Department building. The players were divided into two groups, and the tournament was played in two rounds. The Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., joined in the fun by participating in the chess match. “As I mentioned during the opening, now it’s time to compete in the chess tournament,” he said. As a warm-up, the Dean played a practice match with Prof. Dr. Kahar Muzakhar, S.Si. Although they were in the same group, they didn’t face each other directly. “Let’s practice first. Even though we’re in the same group, we haven’t met yet. I’ll wait for you in the final, Prof. Kahar,” said Prof. Dafik.

At the start of the tournament, four chess pieces and a timer were provided for each group. The organizers set rules that all participants had to follow. “We’ve set the rules, and we’re playing in the spirit of good health and sportsmanship, following the ‘MIPA Bergerak Sehat’ motto,” said Budiyono, one of the organizers. In the final round, Sapik from the Dean’s office faced Muhayat Zamroni. After a fierce match, Muhayat Zamroni emerged as the winner. The Dean hopes this event will continue, as it helps sharpen the mind and serves as a refreshing break from work. Continue reading


Guest Lecture by Practitioners of Mathematics Department: Artificial Neural Networks by Avan, Risk Modeler Bank Mandiri

Avan, S.Si., M.Si., an alumnus of the Mathematics program and a Risk Modeler at Bank Mandiri, began his presentation by discussing the current state of the banking sector, especially in risk management. The talk was part of a guest lecture for the Artificial Neural Networks course with the theme “Credit Risk Modelling” held on December 10, 2024, at the Mathematics Department. With nearly a decade of experience as a risk modeler at Bank Mandiri, Avan shared best and worst practices for building models. Most of the attendees, who were students, paid close attention as they were familiar with the model-building framework, similar to their final thesis projects in the Mathematics Department.

“Next, we’ll discuss issues related to imbalanced datasets and overfitting,” Avan said. These two problems often challenge mathematics students when working on their theses. He explained these issues in a clear and detailed way. The lecture also covered artificial neural networks, which are a popular machine learning model used in risk modeling. The guest lecture was held in a hybrid format, with both students and lecturers from the Mathematics Department of FMIPA UNEJ attending. Continue reading


107th Graduation of Undergraduate Program (S1) FMIPA UNEJ Period VII Academic Year 2024/2025

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Jember (UNEJ) held its 107th graduation ceremony for Bachelor’s Degree (S1) students, Period VII, Academic Year 2024/2025 on December 6. The event took place at the Auditorium of the Entrepreneurship Building at Universitas Jember. In his speech, the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., congratulated the graduates, highlighting that their success was proof of their resilience. He said, “Congratulations, you have graduated as evidence of your strength and endurance during your studies to earn your degree.” He emphasized that this resilience would be essential when they face challenges in society.

The graduates were reminded that success isn’t just about high grades but also about creativity and innovation. “Surveys show that success comes not only from GPA, but those who succeed are the ones who keep being creative and innovative,” Prof. Dafik said. He also reminded them that environmental innovation is crucial and encouraged them to seize these opportunities through hard work and prayer. “Pray and work hard as preparation for the challenges ahead, so that you can achieve success, health, and safety in this life and the next,” he added. Continue reading