The Beginning of a New Adventure for a Bright Future for MABA FMIPA UNEJ 2022

Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. welcomes the presence of new students of FMIPA UNEJ for the 2022/2022 academic year on the FMIPA basketball court (15/8). In front of the 368 new students of FMIPA, the Dean advised students to be able to prepare themselves for a new adventure, namely the world of lectures. “Prepare yourself, because next week we will immediately carry out lectures after the week we will be introduced to UNEJ and FMIPA,” he said. New students of FMIPA in particular and UNEJ will generally receive PKKMB material in predetermined classes or groups. The Dean also hopes that students will also actively participate in lectures and follow developing information, especially regarding scholarships. “In the beginning there was KIP, in the future there will be many scholarships offered, look at and get these scholarships,” he said. The reception ended with the introduction of officials from the Dean, Study Program and Administration at FMIPA UNEJ. The Dean started the introductions from Vice Dean I, Vice Dean II, Vice Dean III, Head of Study Programs for Bachelors of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Masters of Physics, ending with the introduction of Koordinator Kelompok Kerja Tata Usaha and 3 Wakil Koordinator. On August 17 tomorrow, it is mandatory to take part in the Flag Ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day. At the end of the series of introductions to the UNEJ campus, a healthy walk and inauguration of the closing of the PKKMB will be held. “The beginning of a new adventure is in sight, immediately prepare to achieve a bright future” concluded the Dean of FMIPA encouraging new students.

After attending the ceremonial introduction of officials in the FMIPA environment, freshmen immediately entered the designated room to attend the scheduled material. FMIPA UNEJ provides 5 major classes, namely the International Class Mathematics Department and Auditorium Building I, Physics Department with the Physics Audiotorium, Biology Department using the General Biology Room, Chemistry Department using the Chemistry Auditorium. Material Schedule at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember:
1. Belajar Bersama : Mitra Belajar, Orientasi Belajar dan Kontrak Belajar, (Sosialisasi password SISTER);
2. Sambutan Rektor UNEJ (Pemutaran Video Rektor);
3. Mengenal Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia (Pemutaran Video Wakil Rektor I);
4. Wawasan Kebangsaan dan Bela Negara;
5. Intoleransi dan radikalisme;
6. Etos Kerja dan Integritas;
7. Mengenal Perguruan Tinggi;
8. Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka;
9. Etika dan Budaya Akademik;
10. Sikap Kritis dan Berpikir Prestatif;
11. Pola dan Gerakan Hidup Sehat;
12. Pengembangan Potensi dan Prestasi;
13. Layanan belajar dan Kesehatan;
14. Sister Akademik untuk Mahasiswa;
15. Pemrograman Rencana Studi.

Previously, during the inauguration of the 2022 PKKMB, Rector Iwan Taruna expressed his pride because it was the first time it was held offline after the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, UNEJ students from Bondowoso, Lumajang and Pasuruan campuses attended the inauguration ceremony together. Iwan Taruna congratulated the 8,450 new students who were finally able to join the Jember University Campus, Kebangsaan Campus, and Pancasila Campus, in the eastern part of Java Island, namely East Java. UNEJ 2022 students are the chosen generation, of those who want to enter UNEJ are 72 thousand. The Chancellor on the occasion also echoed the Go UNEJ GO slogan and was answered by Go PRIMA Juara.