Category Archives: News


PKM-RE Team, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember Participates in the 36th PIMNAS 2023 at Padjadjaran University

The Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Riset Eksakta Team (PKM-RE) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, took part in the 36th Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) at Padjadjaran University from November 26 to December 1, 2023. The PKM-RE team consisted of Moh. Nazib Abdulloh Yaqin as team leader, with members Qurrota A’yun, Willda Dian Alfiela, Inayatul Ilmiyah, and Helmy Adam Zakaria. Carrying the theme of Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Kopi sebagai Material Pendukung TiO2 untuk Aplikasi Reduksi Logam Berat Cr(VI), the PKM-RE FMIPA team competes with 525 PKM groups from 107 universities throughout Indonesia. The PKM teams that passed PIMNAS were the result of selection from 5102 PKM teams that passed funding in 2023.

Dr. Sutisna, S.Pd., M.Si. lecturer at Department of Physics, FMIPA UNEJ, as the supervisor, said that the PKM-RE FMIPA team had prepared themselves, including strengthening the presentation material. “PIMNAS will be divided into 25 classes with several different fields, and this year poster judging will be carried out first, followed by presentation judging,” he said. It’s just that in 2023, the PKM-RE FMIPA team has not succeeded in winning a medal. Sutisna also added that for the implementation of the PKM-RE research, funds from Belmawa amounted to 7.6 million, with matching funds from the University of Jember amounting to 2 million. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Celebrates the 59th Anniversary of the University of Jember in 2023

The UNEJ FMIPA Academic Community also celebrated the 59th anniversary of the University of Jember in 2023. Almost all the competition agendas in the month of the UNEJ anniversary were attended by teaching staff, educational staff, students, and even dharma wanita persatuan FMIPA. Some of them were able to win the championship title, which was announced at the peak of the anniversary night last night. Dr. Ika Hesti Agustin, S.Si., M.Si., from the Mathematics Department won 3rd place in the Best Lecturer Performance category, and Novian Rico Saputra, a chemistry student, won 1st place in the Student Achievement category. The award plaque was handed over directly by the Rector of Jember University, Iwan Taruna.

In the category of Best Colloquium Presenter in the field of Science and Technology, 1st place was won by Dr. rer. nat. Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si., M.Sc. from the Biology Department, FMIPA. This is the second time Fuad has achieved this achievement, after last year’s death he also received the Best Colloquium Presenter award. Meanwhile, in the sports category, FMIPA staff Sri Lestari, A.Md managed to win 3rd place in the women’s singles table tennis competition. The peak night of UNEJ’s 59th Anniversary with the theme Sustainability Progress for Heritage Indonesia was lively with various entertainment offerings. Continue reading


Strengthening Collaboration, FPA UiTM Malaysia Delegation Visits FMIPA UNEJ and Meets Vice Rector IV UNEJ

Dean of the Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology (FPA), Universiti Technology MARA (UiTM) Malaysia, Prof. Ts. Dr. Azhan Hashim @ Ismail, and Head of the Center of Studies (Postgraduate), Dr. Zaiton Sapak, visited FMIPA UNEJ to strengthen cooperation (16/11). Also scheduled to meet with the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems at UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Bambang Kuswandi, M.Sc., Ph.D. Several collaborative activities have been carried out by the two institutions, including student exchanges and sharing lecture sessions. “The presence of Prof. Azhan and Dr. Zaiton will enhance the collaboration that we have agreed upon and some of which is currently ongoing,” said Deputy Dean I of FMIPA, Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Prof. Azhan also agrees and hopes that the collaboration will become more widespread, such as the research collaboration between FPA UiTM and FMIPA UNEJ lecturers. “Collaboration must continue; visiting lecturers need to be carried out following our ongoing student exchanges,” he said. Several international seminar agendas can also be a forum for strengthening cooperation between the two institutions. Present at the meeting were Vice Dean II FMIPA Purwatiningsih, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Dean III Dr. Edy Supriyanto, S.Si., M.Sc., and Head of Department at FMIPA UNEJ. Continue reading


Healthy Walks Celebrate the 24th anniversary of FMIPA and the 59th anniversary of the University of Jember

In the context of the 24th anniversary of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and to enliven the 59th anniversary of the University of Jember, a health walk and joint exercise were held (11/10). The women’s union dharwa and the retired FMIPA UNEJ event took place in the FMIPA parking lot. Starting with a healthy walk around the Jember University campus and led directly by the Dean of FMIPA. Enjoying the shady trees starting from FMIPA along the road in front of FTP, FK, and FKG, next to FKM, in front of the UNEJ, FH, FEB, FISIP, Pascasarjana, and back at the FMIPA parking lot to take part in group exercise.

After the group exercise, it was continued with remarks from the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., and continued cutting the tumpeng. “Thank God, we can meet again on the 24th anniversary of FMIPA and also enliven the 59th anniversary of UNEJ. I would like to express my gratitude to the entire community, women’s dharma, and retired staff for their support and cooperation so far,” said the dean. The tumpeng cutting was accompanied by the Deputy Deans, the first Dean of FMIPA, Ir. Sumadi, M.S., Drs. Sujito, Ph.D., and several other officials. Continue reading


Sad News of the Passing of Agung Budi Santoso, S.Si., M.Si Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, FMIPA UNEJ

Has passed away to Rahmatullah Agung Budi Santoso, S.Si., M.Sc. Lecturer in the Chemistry Department, FMIPA, Jember University on Saturday, November 11 2023. The deceased joined as a lecturer in the Chemistry Department, FMIPA since March 1998. An alumnus of Brawijaya University (S1) in 1997 and the Bandung Institute of Technology (S2) in 2003, he taught the field of Biochemistry during his service as a lecturer. The deceased left two sons.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, especially the Department of Chemistry, expresses its deepest condolences for the death of Agung Budi Santoso, S.Si., M.Si., who dedicated his knowledge, energy, and thoughts to the alma mater. In the eyes of his colleagues, the deceased was a creative, humorous figure who was able to lighten the mood. Pak Agung is also known to often provide motivation for chemistry students. During his time as a lecturer in chemistry, he often won the title of favorite lecturer. The deceased was buried in the city where he was born and raised, Malang, on Sunday morning at 09.00 WIB. Continue reading


FMIPA Biology Student Association Successfully Holds Biological Science Day (BSD) XIV 2023 Annual Competition

The Biology Student Association or HIMABIO Bacteriophage Department of Biology FMIPA UNEJ once again successfully held Biological Science Day (BSD). Biological Science Day (BSD) is regularly held by the HIMABIO Bacteriophage Biology Department to develop high school/MA students and biology students to be more competitive and have integrity and to train their ability to compete in a healthy manner. “BSD attracts the interest of high school/MA students and college students to better understand biological science and its application at the national level,” said the BSD XIV Committee.

The theme raised in 2023 is “Inovasi dan Aktualisasi Peran Generasi Z guna Mewujudkan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Era Society 5.0 melalui Perkembangan Ilmu Biologi meliputi Konservasi dan Perubahan Iklim” BSD has received attention from a wide audience, including participants from various regions. “For participants from various regions, seen from the Olympic finalists spread from Java and Bali, even this year there are some from Kalimantan,” continued the BSD XIV Committee. The final round event, which took place in the FMIPA UNEJ Biology building, was lively, with prizes winning a total of up to 9 million rupiah. Continue reading