Provision of Graduates to Enter the World of Work through the UNEJ FMIPA Alumni Network

FMIPA UNEJ held debriefing for prospective graduates as preparation for entering the world of work. Through the FMIPA alumni network that will help introduce and view the world of work. Presenting Abdul Kamil, S.Si, Head of Tegal Gede Village, Jember and Fiqh Maulana Yusuf, S.Si. Creative Section Head, Promo On Air SCTV, the event was packaged in a hybrid manner in the Hall of the Chemistry Department, FMIPA (09/12).

This debriefing began when the Dean of FMIPA, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D, took part in the KAUJE National Happy Walk event in Jakarta some time ago. “When we met alumni, we discussed work and they were enthusiastic to share with their juniors about the world of work,” he said. It was further conveyed that FMIPA realized this debriefing so that the graduates would be better prepared to enter the world of work.

“FMIPA alumni must be ready to compete in the world of work with the provisions they got while studying, and later when they enter society, they should never be awkward,” he continued. The dean also hopes that alumni can guide their juniors and fill out study tracers for the progress of the institution because alumni are part of the FMIPA family. Before the event started, participants were treated to performances from UKM TITIK.

The first resource person was Fiqih Maulana Yusuf, S.Si. Share your first experience when entering the world of work. My interest in audio visual began when I was studying at FMIPA, for the first time I tried to apply to a production house. “After handling several projects in production, I entered SCTV national television without applying,” he said. With the will and ability he has, he is now the Creative Section Head, Promo On Air.

“It’s very different from my study of physics, but when I was in college, I instilled self-introduction, self-knowledge and self-determination to know the future and goals after studying,” he continued. Fiqih advised prospective graduates to prepare provisions in the form of mentality, competency and later work according to passion.

Abdul Kamil, S.Si. The second resource person, who is a Lurah, shared his experiences at the beginning of his career. “I entered the government as a Satpol PP, with a degree in mathematics,” at first. Armed with loyalty and being a differentiator among other employees, Kamil drove him to become a Lurah.

“Even though it is not in accordance with the diploma, we must remain enthusiastic in the world of work. Innovate and show skills so that it is useful for society,” he concluded. Question and answer session on the debriefing guided by the moderator. At the end of the event, Dean of FMIPA gave a souvenir to one of the speakers followed by a group photo.