Tag Archives: biology


Early in 2024, TUK Agricultural Biology, FMIPA, will hold a Plant Tissue Culture Competency Test

Early in 2024, the Tempat Uji Kompetensi (TUK) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University, will hold a Competency Test in the Field of Tissue Culture Level II in the Biology Department, FMIPA UNEJ (6/1). This time, the competency test was attended by lecturers and students from the Biology Department at Diponegoro University. Before the activity, participants must complete several supporting documents, including photocopies of KTP and KK, diplomas and final grade transcripts, color photographs, and other relevant supporting certificates.

“Participants are also required to fill out a competency test form and supporting documents,” said Syubbanul Wathon, S.Si., M.Si., as part of the TUK Agriculture Secretariat, Biology Department, FMIPA UNEJ. This activity is a form of collaboration between the TUK Agriculture Biology Department and the Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pertanian Nasional (LSP PN), which is a Pelaksanaan Sertifikasi Kompetensi Kerja (PSKK) program from the Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP). Continue reading


Increasing Potential and Resources, FMIPA UNEJ and Geopark Ijen Collaborate

Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., signed a memorandum of understanding with Ijen Geopark, which was attended by Abdillah Baraas, S.T., as Chair of Ijen Geopark (5/1). “This relationship will expand the scope of cooperation that FMIPA carries out, with Ijen Geopark exchanging information and energy in various matters, especially in the environmental sector,” said the Dean of FMIPA at UNEJ. Also present at the event were two Biology Department lecturers who are also environmental activists, Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D., and Arif Mohammad Siddiq, S.Si., M.Si., who have collaborated several times with Geopark Ijen.

There is a lot of potential in the Ijen Geopark that is very possible to explore, including biosites, geosites, and culture sites. The Dean hopes that with the signed memorandum of understanding, there will be more joint activities such as community service research, especially the student MBKM program. “Students who take MBKM can join Ijen Geopark through internships, and lecturers can collaborate on research to utilize the potential of Ijen Geopark,” he continued. This received the support of Abdillah Baraas, S.T., as chairman of the Ijen Geopark, who hopes for more collaboration with FMIPA UNEJ. Continue reading


FMIPA UNEJ Biology Master’s Study Program achieved the UNGGUL Accreditation Predicate from LAMSAMA

FMIPA UNEJ Biology Master’s Study Program achieved UNGGUL accreditation. It is stated in the decision of the Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Sains Alam dan Ilmu Formal (LAMSAMA) Number 140/SK/LAMSAMA/Akred/M/XII/2023 dated December 28, 2023. This achievement of UNGGUL accreditation is very encouraging for the Biology Masters Study Program and also for the entire FMIPA academic community. “All of us FMIPA UNEJ residents are very grateful for this achievement; hard work produced the best results at the end of 2023,” said the Dean of FMIPA, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. The Dean also added that by the end of this year, there had been three study programs at FMIPA that had succeeded in achieving UNGGUL accreditation from LAMSAMA.

The success of the FMIPA Biology Masters Study Program is an effort made by all parties. The Biology Masters Study Program, through its accreditation team, prepares forms, supported by lecturers, students, alumni, and stakeholders working together to achieve the title of Superior Accreditation. Jember University’s leadership also plays a role in the LAMSAMA accreditation process. During the field assessment, Vice Chancellor I of UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Slamin, M.Comp.Sc., Ph.D., was present to accompany the visitation process by delivering a presentation about the profile of Jember University. Continue reading


LAMSAMA Accreditation Field Assessment, Biology Masters Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University

The Independent Accreditation Institute for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA) team held a field assessment of the accreditation of the UNEJ FMIPA Biology Masters Study Program. Deputy Chancellor I University of Jember Prof. Drs. Slamin, M.Comp.Sc., Ph.D., together with the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ Drs. Achamd Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., accompany the assessor team at the opening of the field assessment (18/12). The assessor team consists of Prof. Dr. Bambang Heru Budianto, M.S., from Jenderal Soedirman University Purwokerto, and Prof. Dr. Sri Puji Wahyuningsih, M.Si., from Airlangga University Surabaya..

Vice Chancellor I UNEJ Prof. Slamin delivered a presentation regarding the profile of Jember University. In his presentation, the vision and mission, number of faculties and postgraduates, study programs, teaching staff, education, and students active at UNEJ, UNEJ’s achievements, and the direction of UNEJ’s development from 2004 to 2028 were presented. “In recent years, the accreditation of study programs with superior achievements at UNEJ has increased, in line with several achievements at the national level,” he explained. UNEJ’s success as the organizer of the annual agenda, namely Abdidaya ORMAWA in 2023, was also touched on, along with achievements with medals in several categories contested. Continue reading


FMIPA Biology Student Association Successfully Holds Biological Science Day (BSD) XIV 2023 Annual Competition

The Biology Student Association or HIMABIO Bacteriophage Department of Biology FMIPA UNEJ once again successfully held Biological Science Day (BSD). Biological Science Day (BSD) is regularly held by the HIMABIO Bacteriophage Biology Department to develop high school/MA students and biology students to be more competitive and have integrity and to train their ability to compete in a healthy manner. “BSD attracts the interest of high school/MA students and college students to better understand biological science and its application at the national level,” said the BSD XIV Committee.

The theme raised in 2023 is “Inovasi dan Aktualisasi Peran Generasi Z guna Mewujudkan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Era Society 5.0 melalui Perkembangan Ilmu Biologi meliputi Konservasi dan Perubahan Iklim” BSD has received attention from a wide audience, including participants from various regions. “For participants from various regions, seen from the Olympic finalists spread from Java and Bali, even this year there are some from Kalimantan,” continued the BSD XIV Committee. The final round event, which took place in the FMIPA UNEJ Biology building, was lively, with prizes winning a total of up to 9 million rupiah. Continue reading


Collaborative Teaching: Philosophy of Science and Bioethics by Barlah Rumhayati, Ph.D. from Brawijaya University

Barlah Rumhayati, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Head of the PhD Chemistry Study Program, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, gave a lecture on Philosophy of Science and Bioethics for Master of Biology students, Department of Biology, FMIPA, University of Jember, on October 9 and 16, 2023. At the beginning of the lecture material, Dr. Barlah explained the meaning of the philosophy of science. “The philosophy of science is a branch of philosophy that studies and systematically questions the nature of scientific knowledge,” she explained. This scientific knowledge relates to philosophical and fundamental issues to achieve scientific knowledge.

Guided by Master of Biology FMIPA UNEJ Lecturer Purwatiningsih, S.Si, M.Si., Ph.D. collaborative teaching is held online. Dr. Barlah also gave the example that when preparing a thesis, master’s students must be systematic or sequential. “In preparing a thesis based on a problem, the solution or answer to the problem must be philosophical, systematic, and fundamental,” she continued. Also, when preparing the conceptual framework of a thesis, it must be philosophical and fundamental to the issues raised or discussed. Continue reading