Tag Archives: mathematics


Improve Practicum Services, Mathematics Laboratory, and Biology Laboratory FMIPA Holds Short Training

To improve services to students, especially practicums, Mathematics Laboratory and Biology Laboratory of FMIPA UNEJ held short training. The Mathematics Laboratory has theme Peningkatan Kompetensi Asisten Praktikum Kalkulus (25/8). “We equate the perception of delivering practicum material because we serve students in all majors, from introductions, preparation to output from practicum,” said Dr. Agustina Pradjaningsih, S.Si., M.Si. Head of the Mathematics Laboratory. Followed by 23 calculus practicum assistants, the material was delivered by Abduh Riski, S.Si., M.Si. discuss the achievements of each meeting during the practicum implementation.

Separately, the Biology Laboratory plans to develop staff for educational laboratory institutions with the aim of improving practicum services for compulsory subjects in supporting the learning outcomes of graduate students. “The training was held in the sub lab, all PLP are expected to be able to transfer knowledge and expertise so they are able to provide a variety of laboratory services,” said Dra. Hari Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Ph.D. Head of the Biology Laboratory. The event took place August 7-11 in the microbiology sub-lab, followed by August 14 in the botany sub-lab and August 21-22 in the zoology sub-lab. Continue reading


Sad News Dian Anggraeni, S.Si., M.Si., Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, FMIPA UNEJ

Has passed away to Rahmatullah Dian Anggraeni, S.Si., M.Si. Lecturer in the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember on Saturday, August 12 2023. The deceased joined Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences since 2006. An alumnus of the University of Brawijaya (S1) and the Ten November Institute of Technology (S2) taught statistics while serving as a lecturer. The deceased left a husband and two sons.

“On behalf of the FMIPA University of Jember, we express our deepest condolences for passed away of our colleague Ms. Dian Anggraeni. We hope that the deceased will receive the best blessings from Allah and the family will be given fortitude,” said Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Deputy Dean I FMIPA at the release of the body. The academic community and FMIPA students were present who escorted the deceased to his final resting place. Continue reading


Through Theme of Moss as Anticancer, FMIPA UNEJ Student Team won Silver at NICYMS 2023

Again, FMIPA University of Jember Team made scientific work achievements at national level, namely National Invention Competition for Young Moslem Scientists or NICYMS 2023 (25-26/5). The silver medal was the result of the team’s hard work with theme of Dumortiera hirsuta’s Moss Heart as Anticancer. The routine agenda initiated by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) and Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University (UIN) Bandung will take place in a hybrid manner this year. “We took part in the Pure Science – Biology category from several categories that were contested at the event which were joined by some of the best universities in Indonesia,” said Abdillah Maulana Farhan as team leader.

The FMIPA team consisted of Abdillah Maulana Farhan, Selly Hervianingsih Ramadhani, Kaysha Rahmadita Widyadana, Amalia Ayu Pratiwi from Biology and Nur Diana Holida from Mathematics. They were equipped and guided by Biology Lecturer Dr.rer.nat Fuad Bahrul Ulum, S.Si, M.Sc. “We have prepared this competition carefully with effort and hard work in order to achieve the desired achievement, winning a medal,” he continued. Continue reading


DOAJ indexed MIMS Journal of Mathematics Department followed by JID, CERiMRE and BST

“Congratulations and success to the management of the MIMS journal for being indexed in DOAJ or Directory Open Access Journal following the JID, CERiMRE and BST journals which were indexed first,” said Drs. Siswoyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Vice Dean I FMIPA UNEJ and Head of the Jember University OJS Team (27/4). MIMS, the acronym for the Scientific Mathematics and Statistics Magazine, is a journal published by the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember.

MIMS is one of the oldest journals at FMIPA UNEJ. “MIMS has been in print edition since 2000 and will have an electronic version in 2020, hopefully this achievement will add enthusiasm to new journals within FMIPA,” continued Siswoyo. DOAJ is one of the medium category reputable international indexing engines that contains a database of journals. Continue reading


Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNEJ held the 2022 MaGeStick National Seminar

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember held a National Seminar on Mathematics, Geometry, Statistics, and Computing (SeNa-MaGeStiK) in 2022 (16/7). SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 has the theme “Penguatan Riset Matematika dan Aplikasinya dalam Menjawab Tantangan Era Disrupsi“. Dr. Firdaus Ubaidillah in his speech at the plenary session said that SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 presented 3 resource persons, namely Prof. Agus Suryanto from Brawijaya University, Dr. Bambang Suprihatin from Sriwijaya University, Dr. Kiswara Agung Santoso from University of Jember.

“SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 is held to accommodate various interests and research expertise in the field of mathematics within the framework of innovation that generates various thoughts and ideas in responding to the challenges of the current era of disruption,” he explained. Firdaus also said that after the plenary session, a parallel session would be continued which was divided into 8 rooms with the distribution of fields, namely Geometry, Analysis, Algebra, Statistics, Computing, Graphs, Mathematics Education, and Applied Mathematics.

“Finally, I would like to say that the SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 will be attended by 85 presenters and also non-presenters from several universities throughout Indonesia,” he concluded. The implementation of SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 is carried out online considering the pandemic in Indonesia is still not over and the SeNa-MaGeStiK 2022 agenda is fully supported by Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika (HIMATIKA GEOKOMPSTAT). Continue reading


Initial Coordination Meeting for 2022 FMIPA UNEJ: Improving Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in Achieving IKU

“It is necessary to formulate so that the world of work can quickly absorb alumni, one of which is by making the institution known, such as participating in international accreditation. Besides that, it is also necessary to optimize the role of alumni, so that more alumni get decent jobs,” said Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D. Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember in the introduction to the Leadership Coordination Meeting within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with the theme of Improving Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi in Achieving IKU and technical services in the academic, general and financial fields as well as student affairs (10/1). In the coordination meeting held in the general lecture room of the Chemistry Department, the Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences hopes to seek international accreditation so that FMIPA can exist more. “Regarding the curriculum resume that has been submitted, we hope that the Department of Biology and Mathematics will continue with assistance from LP3M and involve the roles of UPM and GPM,” he hoped. Regarding Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU), in terms of writing scientific articles, it is possible to achieve if they are designed properly, the number of research results will be more and more distributed by the community. In front of the Heads of undergraduate and master study programs participating in the coordination meeting, the Dean also said that GPA of FMIPA students was still below university’s GPA of 3.30. This requires an increase in learning instruments so that the achievement of the minimum score can increase without having to reduce quality. At the end of his speech, the Dean of FMIPA again touched on international accreditation to attract prospective master’s students. “It is necessary to strive for international accreditation so that it becomes the target of students, one of which is through the LPDP scholarship, so that the interest will be even higher,” he concluded. Continue reading