Tag Archives: research


Implementation of Environmental Learning, FMIPA UNEJ Collaborates with the Jember Regional Forestry Service Branch

FMIPA UNEJ collaborated with the Jember Regional Forestry service branch (21/2). This collaboration was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., and the Head of the Jember Regional Forestry Service Branch, Sapto Yuwono, S.Hut., M.M. The Dean of FMIPA appreciated the collaboration as a step in implementing environmental learning. “Environmental-based learning requires the initiation of activities in the Jember forestry area, including education, research, and community service,” he said. It was also said that FMIPA has collaborated with fostered villages, so that collaboration initiation with forestry partners is needed.

FMIPA through the Mathematics Department with remote sensing can initiate collaboration with the forestry service. “Forestry issues that can be collaborated on with FMIPA, especially mathematics, require sharing sessions to find the right solutions to overcome problems in the Jember forestry area,” continued Prof. Dafik. It is hoped that collaboration will be implemented soon in the form of teaching practices, internships, or other activities that can be collaborated on. The Cooperation Agreement between FMIPA and the Jember Regional Forestry Service Branch has a duration of 2 (two) years since the PKS was signed. On the initial occasion, the Special Purpose Forest Area (KHDTK) was also introduced from the Jember Regional Forestry service branch. Continue reading


Dr. Artoto Arkundato, Physics Lecturer, FMIPA UNEJ, Wins Top Collaborator with BRIN

Dr. Artoto Arkundato, S.Si., M.Si., a lecturer from the Physics Department at FMIPA, received the “Top Collaborator” award for his work with BRIN (Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency). The award certificate was presented to BRIN’s Laksana Tri Handoko, who also gave a public lecture on November 18th. The theme of the lecture was “Building a Smart and Character-driven Research Collaboration Ecosystem for Indonesia’s Golden Future.” The lecture was attended by Iwan Taruna, the Rector of Universitas Jember (UNEJ), along with BRIN officials who also presented various topics, including the Director of Talent Management, the Deputy for Research and Innovation Facilitation, the Manager of the Collaboration Platform, and the Director of Research and Innovation Funding.

During the event, BRIN also awarded recognition to the Rector of UNEJ for being among the top 24 collaborators out of 147 BRIN partners. In addition, 123 authors from Universitas Jember and 75 scholarly outputs were also recognized. Iwan Taruna, in his speech, encouraged lecturers to keep innovating in research through research groups. “We share the same focus on research with BRIN, so let’s continue to improve this collaboration, even with other government institutions,” he said. He emphasized that, besides the equipment available, UNEJ researchers can continue to innovate and seek funding not only from ministries but also from other agencies like BRIN. Continue reading


Prof. Krishna Persaud from The University of Manchester visits FMIPA, University of Jember

FMIPA Universitas Jember received a visit from Prof. Krishna Persaud, Ph.D., from The University of Manchester (28/10). Accompanied by Prof. Drs. Bambang Kuswandi, M.Sc., Ph.D., Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Information Systems, UNEJ, they met with the Head of Deanship and Head of the FMIPA Department. “Prof. Krishna is present at UNEJ, especially FMIPA, to share his research experience, and we have the opportunity to join him,” began Prof. Bambang’s speech while officially opening the discussion event. The University of Manchester is a merger of Victoria University of Manchester and the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST).

“He has done a lot of research in several countries, both in Europe and Asia, and I hope UNEJ, in this case FMIPA, can join in his research,” continued Prof. Bambang. A similar thing was also conveyed by the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Prof. Drs. Dafik, M.Sc., Ph.D., who welcomed the arrival of Prof. Krishna to encourage FMIPA lecturers to do joint research. “Prof. Krishna has a very good track record, as can be seen from his Scopus, so I invite lecturers to join in his research,” invited Prof. Dafik, who is also an alumnus of UMIST. Continue reading


Physics Students of FMIPA UNEJ Attend ICANSE 2024 Nuclear Conference at ITB Bandung

Physics students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, Aroofi Candra Kartiko, M. Khanifuddin Zuhri, A’isyah Rizqi Amaliyah, and Nurul Kholifah got the opportunity to attend the International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering (ICANSE) 2024. Held in the East Hall of ITB, Ganesha Campus, Bandung, four Physics students attended a series of events and presented their research results during their time at Physics, FMIPA UNEJ, to be published in international journals and proceedings indexed by Scopus. The ICANSE event held on 2-4 September 2024 required physics students to follow the registration process, starting from submitting abstracts to submitting full papers.

“An extraordinary experience participating in ICANSE 2024 and will be a motivation for other Physics students to continue learning and be enthusiastic in research to increase their insight and contribution to science in the future,” said Aroofi Candra Kartiko. At ICANSE 2024, the Lomonosov academic was introduced by ROSATOM as the first floating nuclear power plant in the world. Also discussed was the knowledge of mapping safe areas to establish NPPs in Indonesia and plans to utilize nuclear as low-carbon energy in the future. The FMIPA envoy also had the opportunity to meet and discuss with Prof. Dr. Eng. Zaki Su’ud (ITB Physics Professor in the field of nuclear reactors) regarding further studies and research collaborations. Continue reading


FMIPA University of Jember Collaborates with FMIPA University of Mataram

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember (FMIPA UNEJ) collaborates with the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Mataram (FMIPA UNRAM). This collaboration was marked by the signing of Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) between the Plt. Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, Drs. Achmad Sjaifullah, M.Sc., Ph.D., and the Dean of FMIPA UNRAM, Dr. Rahadi Wirawan, S.Si., M.Si., online (7/3). The signing of the PKS manuscript was also attended by the Deputy Deans, Heads of Study Programs, and collaboration teams from both faculties. According to the Dean of FMIPA UNEJ, the implementation of cooperation with FMIPA UNRAM has begun even before the signing of the manuscript.

“Implementation of arrangements, or IA, in the field of publication is ready to be carried out even before signing the PKS manuscript; this will help with reporting or output from the collaboration that we will carry out,” began the Dean of FMIPA at UNEJ. It was also conveyed that at FMIPA UNEJ, there are several SINTA-accredited journals that are ready to collaborate to realize the scope of cooperation between the two faculties. We hope that in the future we can visit each other to see directly the infrastructure of the two faculties and strengthen friendship and cooperation. Continue reading


PKM-RE Team, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember Participates in the 36th PIMNAS 2023 at Padjadjaran University

The Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Riset Eksakta Team (PKM-RE) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember, took part in the 36th Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) at Padjadjaran University from November 26 to December 1, 2023. The PKM-RE team consisted of Moh. Nazib Abdulloh Yaqin as team leader, with members Qurrota A’yun, Willda Dian Alfiela, Inayatul Ilmiyah, and Helmy Adam Zakaria. Carrying the theme of Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Kopi sebagai Material Pendukung TiO2 untuk Aplikasi Reduksi Logam Berat Cr(VI), the PKM-RE FMIPA team competes with 525 PKM groups from 107 universities throughout Indonesia. The PKM teams that passed PIMNAS were the result of selection from 5102 PKM teams that passed funding in 2023.

Dr. Sutisna, S.Pd., M.Si. lecturer at Department of Physics, FMIPA UNEJ, as the supervisor, said that the PKM-RE FMIPA team had prepared themselves, including strengthening the presentation material. “PIMNAS will be divided into 25 classes with several different fields, and this year poster judging will be carried out first, followed by presentation judging,” he said. It’s just that in 2023, the PKM-RE FMIPA team has not succeeded in winning a medal. Sutisna also added that for the implementation of the PKM-RE research, funds from Belmawa amounted to 7.6 million, with matching funds from the University of Jember amounting to 2 million. Continue reading