Category Archives: News


Physics National Seminar 2015

banner_semfisTechnology independence is an important component toward independence. It is undeniable that technological development can not be separated from fundamental research such as research in the field of physics, the educational process and also the availability of sufficient energy resources and one of them is nuclear energy.

To reach this technological independence it needs more information digalakan and disseminated the results of the development of research, especially in physics. In order to support the dissemination and sharing of information research results in efforts to strengthen the nation’s technological independence, the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember held a Physics National Seminar 2015 (SENAFIS 2015) on August 28 to 29, 2015. with theme “Kontribusi Fisika dan IPTEK Nuklir dalam Mewujudkan Kemandirian Teknologi Bangsa”

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sbmptbr_02SBMPTBR University of Jember (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi se-Besuki Raya) athe entry mechanism of universities in ex-Karesidenan Besuki through a written exam including Independent Selection at University of Jember which was held simultaneously in 6 Kota/Kabupaten (Besuki Raya) : Jember, Bondowoso, Situbondo, Banyuwangi, Probolinggo and Lumajang. Online registration from 18 May – June 12, 2015 and written examination will be held on June 16, 2015. The announcement of the SBMPTBR on July 13, 2015. Announcement SBMPTBR Universitay of Jember

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hari_bumiApril, 22 2015 Mahasiswa Pecinta Alam, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember held a commemoration ceremony on the front lawn of Earth Day at FMIPA dean’s office. Previous to commemorate Earth Day, held daily activities without the smoke. All motor vehicles that will enter FMIPA are expected to turn off the engine. Not only students, all Faculty academic community participated in this event until 16:00 suitable working hours.

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The 3rd Yudisium 2014/2015

yudisium_III_21-600x400On 17 April 2015 in the “Ruang Serbaguna”  Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Jember held the 3rd yudisium Academic Year 2014/2015. The participants were not only 61 graduating students Bachelors and Masters which will in the finals the next day in the “Gedung Soetardjo”, but the alumni who have worked in several agencies both private and country.

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ON-MIPA Team University of Jember

on-mipa2015Rector of the University of Jember Drs. Mohammad Hasan, M.Sc., Ph.D release Tim ON-MIPA, University of Jember for the selection stage of MIPA Olympiad at the regional level, with the hope to penetrate the national level and achievement. ON MIPA, University of Jember team consisting of 28 students from FMIPA and FKIP Jember, 9 lecturers include Nurul Priyantari, S.Si., M.Si (Vice Dean III FMIPA), Drs. Rudju Winarsa, M.Kes. (Lecturer in Department of Biology), Ziaul Arif, S.Si., M.Sc. (Lecturer in Department of Mathematics) and several lecturers FKIP also 2 Jember University Student Affairs staff went to ITN Malang April 7, 2015.

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Healthy Communities University of Jember

DSCN3969Healthy Communities University of Jember was held at FMIPA on Friday, March 13, 2015, attended by more than 300 participants. The event started with the implementation of “Senam Tera” and “Poco – Poco” dance led by Mrs. Bagyo. Followed by semi-aerobic gymnastics and aerobics with instructor guided.

The cool weather to support this activity, the participants enthusiastically followed. Likewise, Rector of the University of Jember Drs. Moh. Hasan, M.Sc., Ph.D is pleased to present to enliven this healthy community events. Further remarks from The Dean of FMIPA Prof. Kusno, DEA., Ph.D., who said that a healthy community event this time took this theme “Healthy Life Quality Life”. Rector was also to give a speech while raffle to host a healthy community event in April 2015.

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